Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another US$30,000 for Corbin's Medical Expenses Submitted!

Further to this we have been reliably informed that another bill for U.S$30,000 has been submitted to the government as part of medical expenses for the leader of the opposition Robert Corbin!

On what a tangled web that we weave!

While Corbin's party are publicly voicing their disapproval of the Former President's Benefit Bill from all appearances these new found concerns were non-existent while the PNC earlier negotiated for Corbin's perks as Opposition leader.

These include:
1. Vacation Allowance for himself and wife;











The Prime Minister voices his disapproval of PNC/R's stance on Former President's Benefit Bill!

Prime Minister is extremely astonished at the paid advertisement placed in the name of the People’s National Congress/Reform, and appearing on Page 18 of the 2009-04-27 edition of the Kaieteur News (KN).

We should not blow ‘hot and cold’ about pension arrangements for our Former Presidents and their Spouses. Whoever placed that advertisement in the KN, is denuding the PNC/R of the dignity, decency and distinction to which it lays claims.

Bill No. 12 of 2009 does not say anything about the pay of a ‘sitting’ President. The pay of a ‘sitting’ President was settled in Act 4 of 2004, in which his pay was set equal to that of the Chancellor – a sitting President is not the highest paid official; he is receiving the same pay as the Chancellor and the Attorney General, and there were then no, nor have there been any, objections.

Bill No.12 of 2009 does not say anything about the quantum of the pension (superannuation) benefits in respect of service in the Office of the President. That has already been settled in Act 4 of 2004, with no dissenting voice discerned at that time. Indeed, there was much talk, then, that our Presidents and Former Presidents should be provided for, as generously as could be afforded by the Nation. And it is the same Act 4 of 2004 that was last week extended to Former President Hoyte, and which now cloaks his surviving spouse.

Bill No. 12 speaks to other benefits and facilities which former Presidents and Spouses, indeed our society, have expected, the granting or withholding of which, some argued, should not lie within the discretion of the HPS, but be based in Law. Whether there is a Law or not, who would want to deny the provision to Former Presidents and their Spouses a vehicle owned and maintained by the State? Or, tax exemptions previously enjoyed by a President? Or the payment of utility bills? medical expenses? Or personal security, provided by the Presidential Guard?

The PNC/R paid political advertisement presented these benefits in an extremely exaggerated away: if abuse was a real concern, the remedy would be to have proposed appropriate caps on these provisions: the paid advertisement indicates their real intent.

Whoever is inclined to consider His Excellency President Bharrat Jagdeo as selfish, shameless and presumptions for supporting this Bill, must count Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, too, as selfish and shameless for supporting it, and, for that matter, also count as such, all those who supported the President Hoyte’s Bill of last week!

Yes, Prime Minister is involved, and does have a vested interest as the Fourth Executive President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana who ‘saw’ the PPP/C’s first term of office to an end (March 6 to December 18, 1997).

For the record, Prime Minister has not been receiving the Former President’s Pension, but only his Prime Minister’s pay and benefits, and would rather put off that Pension Day as long as he could!

Bill No. 12 of 2009 is a Good Bill worthy of the support of each and every Guyanese who would want to put our Nation first.

Yours truly,

Hon. Samuel A. A. Hinds, M.P.

Prime Minister.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Things Nuh Regulah in De PNC Afta De AD!

Further to this we have been reliably informed that ailing PNC/R leader, Robert Corbin, is very much upset with a public advertisement in the media in which his party ridiculed Government's efforts to legalize the benefits to be enjoyed by former Presidents. According to our usually reliable sources at the Place of Kongress, the placement of the ad was a wicked act by acting party leader Basil Williams, in concert with Volda Lawrence and others in the hierarchy of the party to provoke a revelation by the government, after party insiders learnt that Corbin was granted many concessions he was not entitled to as a result of his current medical condition.
In fact, we have learnt that during a meeting that resulted in the placement of the ad, Volda Lawrence questioned the reason behind the sudden graciousness of the government towards Corbin!

In publishing the ad it was hoped that the government would've responded by revealing many of the facilities and benefits currently being enjoyed by Corbin. However, the failure as such, has resulted in a heated exchange via telephone between Corbin and Williams after reports of the ad surfaced in the U.S.
U.S medical authorities were forced to remind Corbin of his condition after he got into a rage upon learning about the ad!

State foots Corbin's medical expenses bill!

So far Corbin's medical expenses has cost tax payers $9M and that sum excludes the cost of his medical evacuation. This entailed the chartering of a private plane equipped with medical equipment and a staff of 3 medical practitioners. We were told that to be included also is the cost of treatment Corbin is set to receive while overseas and hotel and other accommodating measures for his family members and others who traveled with him.

We know that some will chastise us saying that it is part of his entitlement being the leader of the opposition, but we do find it comical that in the midst of all this Corbin's party is against legislation aimed at bringing within the legal framework benefits to be enjoyed by former Presidents.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The PNCR is obviously comfortable fighting loosing battles by jumping on frivolous, petty issues (such as condemning the Former Presidents Benefits and other Facilities Bill 2009) that can get them nowhere other than in the bad books of Guyanese, the majority of whom view them as time wasters.

Since the introduction of this legislation we have been examining the laws in several countries including the United States and Caribbean all of which have provisions very similar to the Bill Guyana is now proposing for benefits of Former Presidents.

It is hypocritical for the PNCR to criticise giving benefits to former Presidents when it did not object and actually voted for the Bill that took care of President Hoyte's spouse, Mrs. Joyce Hoyte.


By law, former Presidents are entitled to pension, staff and office expense, medical care or health insurance, and Secret Service protection.


The Secretary of Treasury administers a (taxable) pension. It is equal to Executive Level I rate of pay, an executive department head's salary (currently $191,300). The pension begins immediately after President's departure from office. A former president's widow may have a lifetime annual pension of $20,000, if she relinquishes any other statutory pension.[1]


Transition funding for the expenses of leaving office is available for seven months. It covers office space, staff compensation, communications services, and printing and postage associated with the transition.

Staff and office

Private office staff provided by the Administrator of General Services and funds. Persons employed under this subsection shall be selected by the former President and shall be responsible only to him for the performance of their duties. Each former President shall fix basic rates of compensation for persons employed for him which shall not exceed $96,000 annually.[1]


Former Presidents are entitled to treatment in military hospitals; they pay for this at interagency rates set by the Office of Management and Budget. Two term presidents may buy health insurance under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

Secret Service protection

Former Presidents are entitled to lifetime Secret Service protection, for themselves and spouses and minor children under 16.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The GPA is about to have a selection not an election!

Freddie Kissoon: Mr. Chabrol is vigorously campaigning for Mr. Moseley using the email-net work among media people. It doesn’t sound like the proper thing to do. But even if Mr. Chabrol’s efforts are within the moral realm, his defence of Mr. Moseley is overbearingly mediocre. I have opened my e-mails and all I read is Mr. Chabrol asking media people to vote for Moseley. Not a word about Moseley’s qualities and achievements. I told Mr. Chabrol as the President of the GPA, he should not use his office to campaign for Moseley. He denied this, saying he has a right as an individual to support who he wants to. I accept that. But he hasn’t penned a line so far publicly stating that.

I indicated that it would be of interest to me to know why he would like to see Mr. Moseley as the President of the GPA. His reply brings into focus how certain Guyanese journalists operate when it is their time to answer questions when they are the newsmakers. Remember Neil Marks refused to say why Guyana Times fired him. Mr. Chabrol asserted that he is not interested in offering his reasons. I wished he did. I could have better understood Mr. Moseley’s reason for running. I hope before the election date comes up, Mr. Chabrol can tell us why he is rooting for Moseley.

Mr. Moseley is currently bombarding your mailbox with slogans of “Vote for Gordon Moseley” but not a single line on why we must do so. Moseley tells us nothing about his achievements. Let me leave you with how the GPA operates.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Corbin suffers Heart attack!

MR. ROBERT Corbin, Leader of the Opposition and the main opposition People’s National Congress Reform, was yesterday admitted to the Woodlands Hospital in Georgetown after suffering a massive heart attack, party officials said.

A party statement said he was hospitalised after complaining of feeling unwell and his condition was being “evaluated to determine treatment option.”

It said General-Secretary, Mr. Oscar Clarke, will keep the public informed of any future developments.

Hospital and party sources confirmed that Corbin had a massive heart attack and was under intensive care in the hospital.

Longstanding member and Registrar of the University of Guyana, Mr. Vincent Alexander, reacting to Corbin’s illness, said “I hope he recovers.”

Corbin, a party stalwart, was elected PNC chairman in 2000 and retained the role in 2002. He was chosen to lead the party in 2003 following the death of former President Desmond Hoyte.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

OBSERVATION: Where did the AFC get $3M to $5M for Trinidad advertisements from?

For a political party that was born in 2006 the AFC is in possession of an enormous amount of cash!
Judging from the amount of money they spent on the elections campaign of 2006, which out-did the two long standing parties by quite some distance, it came as no surprise to us when we learnt that the cost of their Newspaper advertisements which was published in the Trinidad Express amounted to somewhere between $3 million and $5 million Guyana dollars!
Like Raphael and Khemraj are in possession of a sunken treasure chest?

Dog eats G-string, almost dies!

An Australian dog owner almost lost her pet after he ate her size 10 G-string.

The Northern Territory resident, who was too embarrassed to be named, said she rushed her cavalier King Charles spaniel, Baxter, to the vet over Easter weekend after he refused to eat and started vomiting, according to The Northern Territory News.

An X-ray revealed the 2-year-old dog’s bowels were blocked, and he would be lucky to survive the night if veterinarians did not operate immediately.

During the 3 a.m. procedure, University Avenue Veterinary Hospital doctors in Palmerston untangled a black, lacey G-string with approximately 8 inches of elastic from Baxter’s intestines.

After the dog’s serious brush with death, his owner said she no longer will be leaving her underwear around for Baxter to access.

Lucky the G-string wasn’t a size 16.

Monster Ape at large in Jamaica

Reports outta Jamaica indicate that there is a monster ape on the loose . A lot of people are living in fear as they don’t quite know what it’s up to yet.

One little girl who saw it, ended up being pulled away, but fortunately for her she had a friend there, who although not seeing it was able to drag her back.

According to a yardflex source the ape is there as a result of the constant trading of goods between Haiti and Jamaica…apparently investors sent the ape to watch the money and the goods. She said she got this info from a reader man in Haiti that she saw. Sometimes the ape returns to Haiti other times it kicks back in Jamaica. We understand that it likes posh surrounding. It is mostly seen in St Thomas, but some residents from upscale communities in Kingston are worried it could make its way there too.

New Law will ensure that Judge's decisions are given and written in a timely manner!

The National Assembly on Thursday unanimously agreed that the Time Limit for Judicial Decisions Bill was long overdue and was born out of a lack of diligence in the Judiciary.
The Bill was tabled in the House by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Senior Counsel Charles Ramson, who explained that the provisions, namely the time limits for the making of decisions by Judges in civil cases, was a break from tradition in the region in that none of the other Caribbean countries had such legislation.

According to Ramson, there was an overwhelming public outcry over the slothfulness on the part of some Judges after all of the evidence was presented.
Under the new legislation, a Judge who persistently does not make timely decisions would be removed from the bench.

It was pointed out that this was set out in the most recent Constitution reform in 2001 but at that time it had stipulated that it would be left up to the Parliament to assign a time limit for decisions to be made.
“There are many delays that plague the system,” Ramson told the House, explaining that the Bill was not complicated and just sets out to ensure that the Judiciary is brought within the regulatory process. Read more....

MAILBOX: Patrick Yarde cannot be President for life!

B. Darnley: I am appealing to fellow Guyanese to eradicate negative thinking and make way for the positive, especially when it comes to the leader of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU). I would like to recommend a term limit for the president of GPSU, which would clear the way for other leaders to prove their ability. (Patrick cannot be President for life.) I do hope those who care for justice embark on this campaign.

NBS's investment in the Berbice River Bridge represents a sound & attractive one!

Winston Brassington: NBS is one of the largest financial intermediaries in Guyana, with assets exceeding G$35 billion. NBS recently increased its investment in the Berbice Bridge from G$350M made in 2006 to G$1.87 B in 2009, following the acquisition of G$1.52B in bonds previously owned by CLICO.

The soundness of the investment by NBS can be looked at from the following perspectives: first, the Berbice Bridge project has been successfully completed, materially in line with its capital budget; second, the NBS has consistently had a large portion of its assets invested in cash and Government paper earning about 3% per annum—the Berbice Bridge bonds yield 9% and 10% per annum, with interest paid semi-annually; third, based on recent performance of the bridge since the removal of the ferry, the annualized income of the Bridge is surpassing its first year projections indicating that the revenue projections may be conservative.

When the Berbice Bridge was being considered, investments were sought from all of the major financial intermediaries in Guyana. The investment instruments, which are freely transferable, are tax free instruments that offer between 9% and 11% annual returns. Common shares have a higher return.

Most financial institutions have substantial liquidity and were receiving only 3-4% on cash deposits and Government paper. The investment returns from the Berbice Bridge are therefore attractive.

In April 2005, the NBS expressed an interest by writing to the Privatisation Unit/NICIL expressing a willingness to invest up to G$2B in the project at an interest rate of 9%. NICIL, on behalf of the BBCI, was responsible for structuring and arranging the financing for the project. The Berbice Bridge Act which was unanimously passed in Parliament at the end of 2005 provided that the NBS may invest in the Berbice Bridge project, subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister of Finance may set. All political parties in Parliament supported this Bill passed on December 29th 2005.

In 2005, over half of NBS assets were held in liquid form (cash and short term securities), which was consistent with previous years. At the end of 2005, investments held by NBS in Treasury Bills and Cash exceeded G$13B. At the end of 2008, this figure exceeded G$14B. This phenomenon in Guyana, seen in most financial intermediaries for the last 20 years, is as a result double digit annual growth of financial sectors assets, but credit growth not catching up.

In 2006, largely as a result of critics of the Berbice Bridge, the NBS declared at that time, that its investment will only be G$350M. Many of the same critics are now back again, against the investment. Notwithstanding the substantial reduction in 2006 of its earlier expressed interest, the financing for the Berbice Bridge project was secured by mid 2006, with the top 5 commercial banks, most of the major insurance companies, most of the pension funds, the NIS, and a number of major corporate investors participating. This level of participation was broad based and signaled confidence in the project structure and terms.

Now that the project has been successfully built, the acquisition of the NBS of additional Bonds already issued by the Berbice Bridge has much less risk. Except for its initial investment, NBS is not exposed, as was all the investors including CLICO, to the project completion risk. That the bonds were acquired after completion of construction, at face value, indicates a good deal for the NBS. Its total investment in the BBCI now stands at app 5% of its assets.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

why grant bail to these criminals?

How in heavens name did notorious criminal Omali Rodgers secure bail? These magistrates are contributing to the criminal enterprise. Omali has a record of criminal activities, including several robberies in 1990's along the Linden Highway. This is no secret.

Magistrates must do their job!

This could be described poor journalism, a story that fails to give the kind of information to allow readers to make sensible determination whether there is a real need for more Magistrates as against them pulling their weight. Many of these Magistrates finish working by 12Noon every day.

Schoolgirl kills stepfather

Schoolgirl kills stepfather

A relative (right) wipes tears from Esther Simon’s face at the Georgetown Public Hospital. By Dale Andrews Police arrested a 17-year-old girl, last evening, who allegedly stabbed... [...]

Was Magistrate Hawk attack done by bandits?

Where was the Executive of the Guyana Bar Association, lets say one week or one month or probably a year ago? It is absolutely clear they were all probably asleep or occupied at a BAR someway in the City. The Bar Association now realizes the need for Security for magistrates only after an incident.

It is absolutely clear that this body of eminent professional lawyers becomes alive only when there is an issue which gives them an opportunity to go public to remind Guyanese they exist.

But all together this is an interesting issue involving Magistrate Nigel Hawke who needs to tell the authorities the truth about his attack. If you are involved in shady deals then the likelihood of deals go sour is always possible.

The Bar Association needs to take up the matter with the Chief Magistrate who lives home with a deportee drug convict and harbours persons of unquestionable character. Is the BAR Association asleep or .....?

Obama invites Caricom heads to meet in U.S.

United States President Barack Obama has invited Caribbean Community leaders to meet him in Washington to bolster closer ties with the region advanced at the just-concluded Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago.

President Bharrat Jagdeo and other leaders of the 15-member grouping met Obama during the fifth Americas summit and agreed to strengthen current arrangements for official contact between the two parties, the Caricom Secretariat reported yesterday.

Mr. Jagdeo was picked by his colleagues to present Caricom’s position on a wide range of issues to Obama at a late night meeting Friday in Port-of-Spain.

The Guyana-based secretariat said discussions with President Obama and members of his Cabinet centred on issues of the global crisis, the offshore financial services sector, trade, energy (including renewable energy), security and climate change.

“In response to the Caricom concerns that the interests of small developing nations were not being fully addressed in the efforts to revive the global economy, President Obama indicated that the recapitalisation of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) was one of his administration’s regional priorities”, the secretariat said.

It added that Obama will appoint senior officials to facilitate better official interface between the U.S. and Caricom.

Fineman harbourer fails to attend court after being granted bail!

Omali Rogers

In similar fashion to what was alluded to here, the Police yesterday, were forced to issue a wanted bulletin for Linden resident, Omali Rogers who was charged with harbouring Rondell `Fineman’ Rawlins and his gang and being an accessory to murder.

Rogers has continuously failed to attend court and it is suspected that he fled the country after being granted his pre-trial liberty by the court. It is unclear when the man stopped attending court.

The police, according to sources, have made several searches for him but he has not been located.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wha sweet in Goat mouth ah sour in he bam bam!

I know that my view on this particular one will offend some........but what the heck! Somebody has gotta say it!

In light of the robbery by armed bandits on the home of Magistrate Nigel Hawke maybe he and his colleges in the Magistracy ought to take the opportunity to reflect on the level of callousness demonstrated by members of that fraternity during their dispensation of judgment in matters that would have required a more rigid approach.

The attack should be seen as an off-shoot of particular leniency shown by Magistrates when dealing with criminal acts that would've required a different approach, such as the granting of bail to repeated robbery offenders and persons found to be in possession of fire arms.

It is my firm belief that should the persons that perpetrated the robbery on Magistrate Hawke's home be captured it would reveal that somewhere along his criminal life span he had attracted the attention of the court in matters of a similar nature and was probably released on bail too!

A failed attempt to prostitute NBS for political purposes!

Yesterday's meeting of the so-called 'Committee of Concerned NBS Members' turned out to be a failure after all the media hype and publicity it received. With an audience of around 15 that was inclusive of the 3 blind mice at the head table and the media representatives that were present, yesterday's event was identical to the usual ramblings that we come to expect from certain quarters.

"Short on substance , long on rhetoric" was how it was described by one commentator.
One contributor even urged his fellow committee members not to remain silent and implored upon them to launch a vociferous campaign against the injustices being perpetrated. We are yet to learn about these alleged injustices!

More positives for Guyana

-Guyana tourism gets another boost in UK magazine

Guyana tourism has received yet another boost with the publication of an article in the April/May issue of the leading United Kingdom (UK) magazine ‘Wanderlust’.

Written by travel writer, Mr. John Gimlette, it said, in part: “Everything seemed abundant and even the birds seemed to jangle like fresh-minted money’ - ‘A cattle roundup is like an extraordinary violent sport in which no one miraculously gets hurt.”

It was how he described ‘Destination Guyana’ under the caption ‘In God’s garden’, after visiting this country earlier this year and spending 40 days, during which he travelled extensively in his quest to write a book on the peoples of the Guianas, while experiencing the natural beauty and wonders of Guyana and its diverse population and culture.

Apart from writing for publications such as ‘Wanderlust’ and ‘The Guardian’, among other top travel magazines in the UK, Gimlette is the author of ‘At the Tomb of the Inflatable Pig – Travels through Paraguay, Theatre of Fish and Panther Soup.’

Security for Magistrates strengthened!

In light of this acting Chief Magistrate, Melissa Robertson-Ogle, yesterday confirmed that the Magistrates’ Association of Guyana met with Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Clement Rohee and Commissioner of Police Mr. Henry Greene last Monday evening, as was requested by the Association in an effort to avert any hiccups in the administration of justice. She further stated that the Magistrates’ Association had called for the meeting following the recent criminal attacks on Magistrate Nigel Hawke and his wife.

The Acting Chief Magistrate said the results of that meeting with Rohee and Greene, which was held about 18:00 hrs Monday evening with a number of Magistrates, yielded “favourable” results. “It was very amicable and very hopeful,” she said.

According to Robertson-Ogle, the Minister as well as the Commissioner undertook to provide Magistrate Hawke with additional security, and after speaking with Hawke yesterday, she said he confirmed that these were indeed provided.

Robertson-Ogle said she did not wish to disclose further details of the meeting she had with the Minister and Commissioner but may do so after she meet with her colleagues in the near future.

She added that various magistrates would be present at their monthly meeting this Saturday and the Association would thereafter determine whether or not they would release another press statement on the issue.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Criminals taking crime to new heights!

AK-47 bandit invades Magistrate’s home

The magistrate’s house with the open verandah
door through which the bandit gained entry.

Magistrate Nigel Hawke

The police have intensified their hunt for a suspect who is well known to them following the daring early morning robbery at the Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara home of Magistrate Nigel Hawke, early yesterday morning.
The man who was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle entered the home of the Magistrate, tied him up and after a scuffle with Hawke’s wife, attorney at law Donette Hawke, escaped with a laptop computer, a digital camera, two cell phones and about $400,000 in cash and jewellery.
This newspaper understands that the man who has eluded capture on several occasions, gained entry into the Magistrate’s home by climbing up an antenna pole into the verandah from where he walked into the living room through an open door.
At that time, around 00:30 hours, the Magistrate was in his bathroom, while his wife was awake doing some legal studies. The bandit walked through the living room unseen and proceeded downstairs apparently to open the door for who police initially believed were his accomplices.
However, he could not get the door open and went back upstairs where he confronted the Magistrate’s wife, who had heard strange sounds coming from the downstairs apartment. Read more.....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Troops end Jamaica airliner hostage siege

Troops in Jamaica captured an armed man Monday who had barged onto a Canadian airliner, robbed passengers and held six crew members hostage, Jamaica Information Minister Daryl Vaz said.

The crew members were not harmed, Vaz said.

The hijacking suspect, described as a "mentally challenged" man in his 20s, had demanded that the Boeing 737 be flown to Cuba. The military captured him around 7 a.m. local time.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, meanwhile, told reporters that he planned to travel to Jamaica on Monday to meet with Prime Minister Bruce Golding. Harper has been following the airplane security breach and may meet with the plane's crew later today.

The CanJet flight from Halifax, Canada, had made a scheduled landing at Sangster International Airport in the Jamaican resort city of Montego Bay and was scheduled to continue to Santa Clara, Cuba. Read More

Destabilizing forces at work against Liveinguyana!

We wish to inform viewers and contributors to this blog that forces that have aligned themselves to certain political circles have, after numerous attempts, successfully managed to hack into our site via the theft of our password. Up until this was discovered, they had commenced deleting some of our posts and also posted stuff with content that was not appropriate for public consumption.

We do however, wish to inform you, our viewers and contributors that after contacting the authorities at we have managed to get the situation under control and we have also employed security measures that would prevent the reoccurance of such an incident.

Hammie..............compulsive Liar!

Hammie went on Sharma programme just now telling people dat is GPL fault that Georgetown flood de odda day after severe overnight rain. Den on de odda hand he tell de Chronicle dat is de citizens' indiscriminate dumping of rubbish dat caused de flood.
What a mout full ah skunt!

GPL seh dat de black-out only lasted for half an hour while de rain fall and subsequent flooding lasted for many hours. De Power people seh " the Demerara Interconnected System suffered a complete shutdown at 7.34 am during the heavy rains yesterday. Power was restored to the Kitty pump at 8.02 am and to the Liliendaal pump at 8.09 am"

According to dem, de pumps did idle fa half an hour which would have affected operations. And further, de non-functioning ah de pumps could not have caused de flooding as that lieing S.O.B Hammie claimed . GPL seh “did the power outage affect pumping operations, yes it did, did this idle time result in the flooding in Georgetown, the conclusion is obvious”.

Hammie Bai you lie suh till it become a habit!
When ya get corna is de poor Georgetown people ya lieing pon!

Is GT&T embracing the Rum Concept?

Is it coincidental that GT&T's newest line of phones share a similar name with a popular brand of Guyanese Rum?

Summit ends, signals dawn of ‘better days ahead’ for Region

-- Consensus reached but still ‘no unanimity’ among leaders on signing of contentious Summit Declaration

President Barack Obama is surrounded by leaders
of the Americas during the official photo at the
Summit of the Americas on Saturday, April 18, 2009
in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago President
Bharrat Jagdeo is at left.

President Bharrat Jagdeo enjoys a hearty laugh
in the company of Guyanese and other media
persons at the Fifth Summit of the Americas
in Port of Spain.

U.K Tour operators in Guyana on familiarisation tour!

AS efforts continue to promote and market ‘Destination Guyana’, a group of United Kingdom (UK) tour operators is currently in Guyana to conduct a familiarisation (FAM) tour.

The group comprising representatives from Journey Latin America, the Adventure Company, Last Frontiers, Swiss and Suriname Travel, Andean Trails, Trips Worldwide, Wilderness UK and Wilderness Australia will be here until April 29 and they will have an opportunity to explore and experience, what Guyana has to offer including its rich and unique biodiversity and wildlife.

The trip is organised by Wilderness Explorers, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) and other local tour operators.

Hammie blames poor garbage disposal for City Flooding!

GEORGETOWN Major Hamilton Green, yesterday again, appealed to citizens to stop disposing of their garbage in the city waterways, calling the practice no better than “cultural barbarism.”

He issued the appeal at a media conference on the municipality’s preparation for the current rainy season.

Speaking at City Hall, Regent Street and Avenue of the Republic, Green said the heavy water accumulation in the capital would not occur, if people dispose of their refuse in an environmentally friendly manner.

He said, while the fine for litterbugs is $10,000 and at least 10 defaulters appear in Court weekly, the City Council prefers to educate the public on the consequences rather than levy the penalty.

Freedom Of Information Bill to be Tabled Soon!

In a bid to demonstrate his government and Party's commitment to transparency, President Bharrat Jagdeo has announced that freedom of information legislation will be introduced in another two months.

His statement came in response to a question from a regional journalist during a news conference in Trinidad on Saturday night at the Fifth Summit of the Americas.

He told reporters that the legislation is currently being drafted and that it is expected in Parliament shortly, noting that “it is going to happen”.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jagdeo leads regional heads talks with Obama

Jagdeo leads Regional heads talks with Obama- Guyanese head-of-state chosen by colleagues to lead region in discussions on several wide-ranging issues PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo led a team of Regional leaders late last night in discussions on several crucial issues, including the global financial crisis and the issue of climate change, during a high profile meeting with United States President Barack Obama.The decision to have the charismatic Guyanese head-of-state lead the group of Regional Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean Community (CACOM) in last night’s discussions with Obama was taken during a CARICOM Heads of Government. more
Chavez steals the spotlight
Michelle Loubon 10:40 pm
“Hail, Presidente!” The cry emitted from the lips of the Venezuelan contingent of media personnel who had gathered at the entrance to the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. The excitement at Chavez sharply contrasted with the disappointment felt when US President Barack Obama didn’t walk through the said huge doors. When Chavez and his contingent arrived, reporters mobbed him. They closed upon him and cameras clicked like wildfire. Chavez chatted animatedly in Spanish before joining the other 33 heads of the Americas.

suspect held in Maria Van Beek shooting

PNCR Parliamentarian Aubrey Norton questioned by police about meeting with rastas in Leopold Street
Suspect held in Mrs. Maria van Beek shootingA suspect has been held by police in connection with the shooting of Commissioner of Insurance and Judicial Manager of CLICO Life and General Insurance Limited (S.A.), Mrs. Maria van Beek, and is assisting with investigations. more

Obama pledges new partnership at Summit

Obama seeks 'new beginning' with Cuba
United States President Barack Obama greets President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez
President Bharrat Jagdeo on board the Caribbean PrincessPORT OF SPAIN (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said last evening the United States wants a "new beginning" with communist Cuba and was willing to work with its government on issues ranging from human rights to migration and the economy. more

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Guyanses paryer for redemption!

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance.

We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.

We have rewarded laziness and called it the Single Parent Assistance Programme.

We have killed our unborn and called it choice.

We keep killing each other calling it justifiable.

We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem

We have abused power and called it politics.

We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity, pornography, lies and propaganda and called it freedom of expression.

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and those who struggled for our independence and called it enlightenment .

Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen !

10M City Council grant to create 125 more jobs!

The Government's 10M monthly grant to the Georgetown City Council will see the creation of 125 more jobs for residents of Georgetown. It is also expected that 2/3 of the grant will be spent on salaries whilst a third will be spent on equipment and other necessities. Further, the Ministry of Public Works along with the Local Government Ministry will work along with the Council to ensure that the M.O.U is carried through.

Van Beek's Security Beefed Up!

Maria Van Beek

In light of the attempt on the life of CLICO Guyana's Court appointed Judicial Manager and Guyana's Commissioner of Insurance, Mrs Maria Van Beek, security measures have been beefed up via the presence of police officers at her home and place of work. She is also expected to receive police escort during her daily travels to and fro and elsewhere.

Actions of the Proprietor in the GECOM rent dispute viewed as an attempt to further delay the holding of Local Gov't Elections!

The GECOM building at the center of the

The imbroglio that saw one of the offices of G.E.C.O.M being blocked by the owner of the property which is being rented seems more than it meets the eye.

According to our sources it is being felt in some quarters that the blocking of the entrance and subsequent chaining of the entrance door by the proprietor was yet another subtle attempt to further delay the holding of local gov't elections.
We have learnt that the move by the proprietor came as a shock to many since G.E.C.O.M is a government funded entity and the proprietor currently owes the government quite a substantial sum of rent for a property located at the old train station on the railway embankment and both parties were engaged in negotiations to have both debts settled when this latest action was taken.

More water accumulation(flooding) pictures!

Taking a 'shit' in Georgetown!

There's no need for Public Conveniences when you could 'shit' anywhere!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Debbie Running Helta-Skelta! Transferring Here, There & Everywhere!

Being our usual resourceful self, we have learnt that a sizable sum of money was transferred from a Swiss Bank Account by PNC/R M.P. Deborah Backer. Apparently, Deborah's concerns stemmed from efforts by the U.S Authorities to crack down on Offshore Banking and Money Laundering which saw their attentions focused on those financial institutions in remote countries described as 'Tax Heavens'.

Statement on Van Beek

Government of Guyana

April 16, 2009


The Government of Guyana notes with the greatest concern the dastardly attempt on the life of Mrs. Maria van Beek, the Commissioner of Insurance, which was made this morning in Lombard Street, Georgetown.

The Administration finds it incomprehensible that any sane mind would stoop to such an act that would seem to have an intention of frustrating the work she is doing as the Commissioner of Insurance.

The Guyana Police Force has already commenced its investigation into this incident.

The Commissioner of Police has indicated that no stone will be left unturned during these investigations.

Mrs. van Beek is receiving medical attention, and her condition is regarded as stable.

The Administration condemns this act in the severest manner possible and wishes Mrs. van Beek a speedy recovery.

Regarding the work that she is doing as Judicial Manager of CLICO (Guyana), the Government of Guyana continues to stand firmly by its commitment to protect the interest of policyholders of the company.


Maria Van Beek

Further to this and this we have learnt that while circumstances surrounding the shooting of van Beek are still unclear the police say they are following some leads since they were able to get a description of the shooter/shooters from eye witnesses.

Picking up the pieces on Van Beek's shooting!

In news just coming to hand, a reliable source revealed that PNCR Parliamentarian and Activist Aubrey Norton and a mid-40's brown-skin woman was in the Leopold/Lombard Street area last evening around 10:30hrs with two rasta men. It is believed the men who attacked Maria Van Beek described as having dreadlocks are from the Leopold Street, Werk-en-rust area.

The opposition target!

The opposition PNCR and AFC have both expressed their dislike for Maria Van Beek ever since she was appointed CLICO Guyana Judicial Manager. She has had many frustrations and threats in the process of carrying out her job as a professional. We would not like to believe there is a direct relationship between the utterances of the opposition and the outrageous act perpetrated against Van Beek. However, there is enough history to show whenever the PNCR in particular target public officers for redicule, villification there is always subsequent attacks on their lives as we have seen in the case of many of our public officers, including police men.

Wall in Trinidad sparks poverty debate ahead of Americas summit

The residents of Beetham Gardens, a drab area of rundown government housing and relentless gang warfare, have been cut off from the rest of this sprawling Trinidadian capital.

The government has erected a wall along the neighborhood's frayed edges, blocking the view into a long troubled community that shares space with the murky waters of industrial waste, overgrown weeds and the constant stench of the nearby landfill.

The 5-foot-tall wall is simply a beautifying touch, say government officials, who have spent months prepping for the arrival this week of 33 leaders including President Barack Obama at the largest and most important gathering of hemispheric leaders.

But to those who live behind the wall, the structure means something else: It's a symbol of years of broken promises, government neglect and the widening gap between the haves and have-nots.

''They can talk prosperity. They can talk about development. But there can be no development in a country if you continue to leave behind any community or any of your people,'' said Sherma Wilson, 42, a mother of four and community activist who has taken on the plight of this long-suffering east Port of Spain community. ``The peace we seek? We can only do that if we develop community by community.''

Questions about motive for Van Beek's shooting!

As the news about Maria Vanbeek's shooting spread around the City many discussions ensued about the motive for this outrageous and dastardly act by two men who escaped southward in the City.

1. Is it that Van Beek's role as Judicial Manager of CLICO Guyana cause her to be privy to certain information that may have serious consequences for others?

2. Is it that someone or group of persons feel the need to vent their anger at the moves being made at CLICO Guyana?

Update on Van Beek

The latest information coming to hand on Maria Van Beek's shooters are suggesting the men sporting dreadlocks escaped through Leopold Street, Werk-en-rust and probably headed further southward in the City. Van Beek who is CLICO Guyana Judicial Manager is resting in a stable condition at Woodlands Hospital.

Contingent of media limers at Summit of Americas

Guyanese journalists flock the Summit Secretariat for their accreditation as confusion galore features in Trinidad and Tobago mad rush. Kaieteur News alone got three people, Adam Harris, Glen Lall and Tusika Martin. Ian Seales is representing Stabroek News, Julia Johnson, Prime News, Gordon Mosely Capitol News, Radha Ali and Shawn Mohamned Mtv, Mark Ramotar, Guyana Chronicle, Kwesi Isles, Guyana Times and Michael Gordon, NCN.

The list represents a large contingent of skunt-holes for most part as they will all take to liming, mischief- making and gossip. The discussions are at a level beyond the head of these shit journalists especially from Kaiete
Publish Post
ur news.

BREAKING NEWS: CLICO's Judicial Manager Shot this morning!

Maria Van Beek

CLICO Guyana's Court Appointed Judicial Manager and Commissioner of Insurance, Maria Van Beek, was shot this morning outside her home. According to reports received Mrs Van Beek sustained multiple gunshot wounds and is currently receiving treatment at the GPHC.
We will bring you details as they emerge!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Christopher Ram De Dunce!

In light of annoda skundle of bunt by Christopher Ram in the Kaieteur News today we are left with no other option but to offer our views on Christopher's inability to read and comprehend!

Now how in heaven can "5,404 depositors would have each received up to $100,000" be interpreted to mean that all 5,404 depositors would've each received $100,000? Didn't Christopher see the words "up to"? Or was he too busy getting Rammed? Even my 9 yr old nephew could have made such a differentiation!

While it is Christopher's belief that when the President "made his promise on August 3, 2001 he hoped to neutralise popular opposition to an unlawful and politics-driven decision that had already been made but not yet announced – to liquidate Globe Trust. The liquidation announcement came seven weeks later. In the end he got both his wishes, i.e. the liquidation of Globe Trust and preempting any opposition", the list of 20 potential investors currently in our possession that were engaged by the government for Globe Trust's take over during 2003-2007 period tells a different story.

It's a pity Christopher's beliefs are only 'His' beliefs!

We here at Liveinguyana do however, have a question for Christopher that we'd like to answer ourselves:
In light of your current comments and those of the other learned Professor Clive Thomas, in relation to CLICO Guyana's current financial dilemma; where were you guys when Globe Trust was robbed, raped and buggered ?

Oh lemme guess! Clive Thomas was on its directorship and your firm was retained by the institution to advise on and prepare a restructuring plan to clean up the mess!