Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mark Benschop among protesting prisoners at Camp Street Jail.

Ah wonda if Benschop is willing to re-live those days?

Deborah Backer and Co still dodging Globe Trust Liquidator.

Stabroek News:The liquidators for Globe Trust and Investment Company Limited (GTICL) will likely have to request an extension on required court filings which are approaching owing to the continued poor response from debtors.

The majority of Globe Trust debtors have ignored repeated calls to repay by liquidators Nizam Ali, and only a tiny fraction of the funds have been recovered. Ali told Stabroek News yesterday that the funds collected so far are nowhere near what they should be, but he remains optimistic. The long-running appeal to debtors of the bankrupt company, which includes several directors, still stands according to Ali. Since taking over as liquidator, Ali has consistently appealed to those who owe Globe Trust to repay the organization.

The liquidator is required to make an important filing during the process and when questioned about this, Ali said a request for an extension is likely to be made. He said the slow pace at which debtors are responding to the process has affected it, particularly as it relates to moving forward.

Well! Mr Ali could start here! He could start by taking actions to have PNC/R MP Deborah Backer's $44M Range Rover forfeited as according to our investigations, the money owed by Deborah and her husband, who was a director at Globe Trust, is enough to reimburse 2000 depositors.

Corbin received $8M retirement package!

Earlier this year we had reported this:

We have learnt through our usually reliable sources that a deal has been brokered within the PNC/R that would see its incumbent leader, Robert Corbin, stepping down and making way for either Aubrey Armstrong or Van West Charles to become the leader sometime before the holding of Presidential elections in 2011.

According to our source, the deal was brokered after days of intense discussions at a popular city hotel that allows for Corbin to receive $8M dollars as part of what they termed his 'retirement package'. He has reportedly received $5M already and is poised to receive the remainder as long as he comes through with his end of the deal.

There are also reports that Winston Murray is very skeptical of the whole arrangement as according to him Corbin is known to renege on his promises. Murray cited one such case as being Corbin's earlier promise to step down from the PNC/R's leadership made in the run-up to the elections of 2006, should he(Corbin) loose, which he later did and also failed to step down.

The recent announcement that Robert Corbin will not be the PNC's 2011 Presidential Candidate confirms what we had written then.

What the people say on Corbin's announcement!

Satish(U.S.A): Having spoken to PNCR leader Robert Corbin previously, I am of the opinion that he is an amiable man who tried to do the best job he could with tools that were ill–suited to the matter in hand.

The truth of the matter is that the PNC has never really buried its disgraceful dead and far too many of the PNC’s individual voters see the founding father of the PNC (Dictator Burnham) as some sort of national hero. Because of this sad fact, the king-makers of the PNC can replace Mr Corbin with Murray, Alexander, Charles, Ramjattan or Benschop and IT WILL NOT MAKE A BLIND BIT OF DIFFERENCE.

The only way for things to change for the PNC would be for each of their voters to acknowledge that the PNC originated from the most ghastly mistakes but having acknowledged those mistakes, that it is time for a change in direction.
That in future, the PNC will hold sacred the concept of ONE-MAN-ONE-VOTE and that they will embrace above all else, FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE ESPECIALLY IN THE FIELD OF EXPORTS.

Maybe change is coming because missing from Chairman Cammie Ramsaroop’s pathetic rant was the standard accusation that the Guyana government is guilty of human rights abuses!
The PNC sadly therefore HAS YET TO EVOLVE its philosophies and ideologies before the wavering voters can move to embrace them.

Mr Robert Corbin has served Guyana well and he did the best job he could and he can rest in the knowledge that there was no disgrace during his stewardship of the PNC.

Soldier(U.S.A): Robert Corbin must be credited for bringing the PNCR from a renegade party that was involved in Street protests , looting and beating innocent people on the streets to one which can contest any election in Guyana and attract votes from all races…

John(Guyana): Great News. I suggest he leaves now and make way for the new candidate. We heard that years before now

Corbin will not run in 2011

PNCR leader Robert Corbin has announced that he is not going to be the main opposition’s presidential candidate at next year’s general elections.

Robert Corbin

The PNCR last evening confirmed that Corbin told a high-level party meeting on Saturday that he was “not going to be the presidential candidate for the 2011 general and regional elections” and that “a major challenge for the party was to find a consensus presidential candidate who could win the confidence of the majority of Guyanese” at the polls. “This, he felt, would have stimulated all to work together and recognise that it was necessary to demonstrate, by hard work and example, that they were capable of undertaking the onerous responsibilities ahead,” the party said in a statement last evening. “He also explained that his decision was motivated by his appreciation of the need to have all available persons working together for the greater task of building a better country for all Guyanese,” it added.

The decision, made at the PNCR’s first General Council meeting for the year, was framed as part of Corbin’s attempt to honour his “commitment to reconciliation” within the party. Under Corbin’s stewardship, the party has had to contend with the departure of a number of high-profile members and supporters, including almost all of the founders of its Reform component. Among those no longer within its ranks are former vice-chairman Vincent Alexander and supporters of his aborted campaign for leadership. Last year, Corbin withstood a strong leadership challenge by former PNCR Chairman Winston Murray, whose bid to lead the party attracted support from many former supporters, including Alexander.

Corbin has faced calls from within and without the party for him to step down since the 2006 general elections, where the PNCR recorded its worst election defeat. His critics have frequently questioned the effectiveness of his leadership.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

One overseas trip for Corbin when he was medevaced to the U.S is equivalent to three years overseas travel by Jagdeo.

Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo is insisting that the annual cost of the travelling for the entire Government is on average $200M. He said that it is not accounted for at the Office of the President but rather with the Accountant General at the Ministry of Finance.
According to Jagdeo, there is one travel vote for the entire government.
The President also responded to Leader of the Alliance for Change, Raphael Trotman, who had told media operatives that the cost of the President’s overseas travel over the past 2 ½ years was nearing $1B.

He said that as the issue of his trips was the source of queries, he would reluctantly let it be known that the one trip for the Leader of the Opposition, Robert Corbin, when he was medevaced to the US, “is equivalent to three years of my travel.”
The President added also that when he travels overseas he travels with the smallest delegation, namely his Aide de Camp, Ambassador Elizabeth Harper and the Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett.
This is nothing like the previous administration where routine trips would see a delegation of some 15 persons.
Jagdeo said that when he travels overseas he does not use expensive hotels. “I could because am eligible.” And he has made this clear to his staff that they should not either.

Amalia Falls Hydro Project closer to becoming a reality with the awarding of contract to build access roads.

U.S. company Synergy Holdings has been awarded a US$15 million project to build roads and bridges necessary for the start-up of the Amalia Falls Hydro project, Head of the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington, confirmed last evening.
President Bharrat Jagdeo announced the award of the contract at his office yesterday, noting that efforts are being made to conclude the financial arrangements for the Hydro project.
The Inter-American Development Bank and the China Development Bank have agreed to finance the US$450 million project.
Jagdeo said that the financing from the IDB and the China Development is not a loan to the government but to the project. However, because of the importance of the project, the government is engaged in the arrangements to finalise the financing.
Synergy Holdings contract is for the upgrade of approximately 85 kilometers of existing roadway and the design and construction of approximately 110 kilometers of new road. The works also include building bridges across the Essequibo and Kuribrong rivers, Jagdeo said.
In addition, the contract takes into account clearing the way for the installation of a 65-kilometre transmission line.
The Amalia Falls hydro-project is expected to supply 150-megawatts of electricity to the country and this will significantly free up resources used to buy fuel to generate electricity.
Guyana’s annual fuel import bill is US$350M. Five bids were received from interested parties to construct the hydropower plant in November 2008, and these bids were forwarded to the project developers and the equity partner, Sithe Global Power.
Sithe Global Power, LLC, based in New York, is an international development company involved in the construction, acquisition and operation of electric power generation facilities.
The Amalia Falls Hydropower Project is just part of a larger effort to revolutionise Guyana’s power generation infrastructure.
Also ongoing is a US$39.6M project to upgrade the transmission and distribution (T&D) system, establishing a continuous network from Skeldon, Berbice to Parika, Essequibo, including the East and West Bank Demerara networks.
It will also see the construction of a state-of-the-art control centre at Sophia and will be capable of connecting to the Amalia Falls project once it is completed.
The Amalia storage dam site would be located near the top of Amalia Falls and would impound the waters of both the Kuribrong and Amalia Rivers.
The Amalia site is located on the Kuribrong River, a tributary of the Potaro River in west central Guyana (see map). The nearest point of access is the airstrip at Kaieteur Falls on the Potaro River, approximately 15 miles to the south.
An overland trail exists from Kaieteur to Amalia. Access is also provided over land by an all-weather road through Tumatumari on the Potaro River and on to Mahdia and Kangaruma.
River access along the Potaro-Kuribrong Rivers to the foot of Amalia Falls involves several portages around rapids and waterfalls. The road from Tumatumari was recently extended to Mahdia/Kangaruma that brings you closer to the site but approximately 30 miles of additional roads will need to be built to the top of Amalia Falls.

Brickdam lock-up rehabilitation completed

- regarded as one of the best in the Caribbean

A Commission of Inquiry some years ago had regarded it as a ‘dungeon horrible’. A visiting British jurist proclaimed that it should be locked up. A Herculean effort has transformed it into a stupendous holding area for those who are criminally inclined.
It has cost the government some $14.4 M to completely overhaul the once smelly and unsightly Brickdam Police Station lockups which, according to Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, “has been at the forefront of several debates and the subject of treatment of persons held in detention for 72 hours or less.”
He is of the belief that the lockups can now be ranked as one of the better in the Caribbean.

Minister Rohee examines a cell

Minister Rohee examines a cell

The Minister’s disclosure was forthcoming yesterday when he addressed a simple ceremony to mark the commissioning of the lockups.
He underscored that the lockups have always been a focal point of attention for several reasons, a state of affairs that is mostly due to its Central Georgetown location. And attention to the lockups over the years, the Minister highlighted, had sometimes even reached a frenzy involving human rights advocate, attorneys-at-law and even the detainees themselves, calling for the lockups to be closed down permanently.
“These lockups have over the years been the temporary home for many petty and hardcore criminals, social activists, trade unionists and politicians like me who was detained here on two occasions on July 4, 1969 and April 7, 1989 respectively.”
And there is also the tale of those who were wrongfully held within the repulsive walls of the lockups. Minister Rohee said that there were many who were arrested for matters in which they were never involved.
However, there is one saving grace, according to the Minister, who sought to highlight that the condition of the Brickdam lockups over the years was never the reflection of other police stations lockups across the country.
“This reality was never accepted…as the saying goes one horrible lockups makes all lockups horrible. The challenge has always been and will always be the perception…After all a lockup is a lockup and no one, from the wrongfully arrested to the recidivist, wants to have his freedom taken away.”
However, Minister Rohee asserted that police lockups are an integral part of the law enforcement arrangements locally as they play a key role in assisting the police in maintaining the peace and good order in the society.
In recognition of the importance of lockups, Minister Rohee noted that the Brickdam Police Station has over the years benefited from both external and local funding which was further catapult to new heights with the overhauling of the holding area.
“This is a good example of government’s commitment to the institutional and infrastructural modernisation of the Guyana Police Force,” the Minister asserted.
Overwhelmed with satisfaction at the works undertaken, the Minister observed that the lockup is now a marked improvement compared to what obtained before. His sentiments were comparable to that of Commissioner of Police, Mr Henry Greene, who recounted that the state of the lockups back in the 1980s was even then ‘no bed of roses.’
An officer being ordered to work in that area back then was regarded as a penalty. He recalled that significant efforts were made in 1995, following a commission of inquiry, to rehabilitate the lockups to bring it to a much habitable form.
Another attempt was made in 1998 which saw the inclusion of the holding area and cells among other features. However, overtime, it has been observed that “the age old problem continues to be the regular prisoners who try to do as much damage to the lockups as possible because their only thought is that at some stage they would want to get out and escape from the lockups.”

Commander George Vyphuis ensures that this urinal is operational

Commander George Vyphuis ensures that this urinal is operational

“Those who come for one day or two days don’t damage the lockups. It is the regular prisoners who come out of the jails…” Greene speculated.
As such, he regarded the recent restoration of the facility as a significant and herculean effort which has allowed for major improvement from what has taken place in the pass. He is of the opinion that the current facility will be better maintained and sanitised and is now an environment in which the prisoners can feel comfortable.
According to Mr Noel James, Project Consultant of N. James Consultancy, the rehabilitation of the lockups was designed with 100 percent input from the senior officials of the Home Affairs Ministry and Senior Police officials.
Phase one of the rehabilitation was signed on July 24 last year at a cost of $5.9M. However, the physical works commenced on August 7, last, and continued for a period of 10 weeks.
And the scope of works, according to James, entailed fumigating the lockups environment, demolition and alteration to metal doors, rehabilitation of the existing steel grills and door framings, rehabilitation of the enquiries area and redoing of defective concrete works which were followed by a process of plastering.
There was also the demolition of exiting plumbing works and restoration of plumbing to each of the 15 cells that were rehabilitated. This phase of the project also included the constructing of a concrete reservoir and concrete trestle, which now support six new water tanks and tiling of the floors and walls of the lockups.
Subsequently, an additional $8.5M was secured and saw the completion of the project in its entirety. And this phase, he said, included the installation of 15 penal style toilets for each cell at a cost of US$700 each. There was also the fabrication and installation of 42 metal bunks and rehabilitation of the holding area grill and construction of seating accommodation.
Further, the project entailed the tiling and painting of the enquiries staff area including toilet and bath and painting of the general facility. The entire project lasted for just about four months.
Following the commissioning ceremony, Minister of Home Affairs, senior police officials, among other officials and the media were treated to a tour of the overhauled facility.

Gov’t agrees to one more attempt to resolve outstanding Local Gov’t reform legislation

The ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) has agreed to one last attempt at bringing closure to the outstanding pieces of reform legislation in the Parliament for the hosting of Local Government Elections. President Bharrat Jagdeo made this disclosure while speaking to the media Thursday about the hosting of local government elections, but noted that the agreement was met with a high degree of reluctance by his party members since the elections are long overdue.
“We want to set a climate where we go to elections in 2011 with very little controversy,” President Jagdeo said.
In a recent meeting with the President, the Opposition People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) party members made known their unwillingness to participate in the upcoming elections without the successful conclusion of the pieces of reform legislation.
The Head of State said he however highlighted to the opposition the long absence of these elections in Guyana and the fervent but unsuccessful efforts of the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform (JTFLGR), co-chaired by People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) member Clinton Collymore, to arrive at a consensus.
“That’s why we had to take this necessary step to move to the parliament to pass the legislation that was necessary to conduct the local government elections whilst we are working on the other bits of legislation. We don’t want further delay,” President Jagdeo said.
Local government elections were last held in Guyana in 1994, and following calls for reform of the local government structure, a taskforce comprising members of the Government and Opposition was established, to examine the changes needed and make recommendations for the necessary reforms.
The taskforce was able to reach agreement on two of the four areas identified for reform. However, a halt was called to the talks by Co-Chairman Collymore after it was found that agreement on the other two areas was not in sight.
The task force was terminated in April 2009, and was followed by talks between the President and Leader of the Opposition, Robert Corbin, to settle the stalemate before the Bills were tabled in the National Assembly.
The Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Bill, the Local Government Commission Bill and the Local Government (Amendment) Bill, the Fiscal Transfer Bill and the Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill were tabled. Three were passed: Local Authorities (Elections Amendment) Bill, the Local Government Commissions Bill, and the Local Government (Amendment) Bill
Most of the preparatory works by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) for the hosting of the elections have been completed, including National Identification Cards, the National Register of Registrants and the finger print cross-matching exercise.

AFC should focus on improving their mathematical skills.

Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo is insisting that the annual cost of the travelling for the entire Government is on average $200M. He said that it is not accounted for at the Office of the President but rather with the Accountant General at the Ministry of Finance.
According to Jagdeo, there is one travel vote for the entire government.
The President also responded to Leader of the Alliance for Change, Raphael Trotman, who had told media operatives that the cost of the President’s overseas travel over the past 2 ½ years was nearing $1B.
“If the entire Government is $200M, I worry for this country if they (AFC) get into power…Mathematics is important.”
The President insists that his allowances are the same as a Minister or a regular staff or a Permanent Secretary.
He added that official visits such as his recent trip to Iran are paid for by the host country.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Brazilian investors meet Linden business community

Linden, Region Ten is recognised as a potential hub for trade and exploitation of Guyana’s immense natural wealth, made possible through the Lethem road linking Guyana and Brazil.
Brazilian investors from the SEBRAE Group-Brazil met with the Linden business community today at a business conference to foster areas of cooperation, partnership and business development.

Justify Full
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds interacting with President of SEBRAE, Almir Morais Sa at the new Christianburg Transshipment Terminal site in the Region Ten. In the photo are Chief Executive Officer, Go-Invest, Geoffrey Da Silva and other representatives of the region and institutions.

The forum which was organised by the Regional Democratic Council through the Linden Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Development, Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) and the Mayor and Town Council was held at the Egbert Benjamin Exhibition and Conference Centre, Linden to cultivate opportunities for collaboration with businesses in Brazil.
“We are at the beginning of great things, we are at the beginning of a great increase in trade and comers as well as cultural mix between Guyana and Brazil, in particular Linden, Region Ten and Roraima,” Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said during remarks at the session.

Grenade hurled at C.N Sharma son's house.

Acting C.E.O of G.E.A & son of C.N Sharma, Mahender Sharma

The home of Mahender Sharma, head of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) and his wife, Marcia Nadir-Sharma came under a grenade attack Tuesday night. Fortunately the grenade did not explode.
The attack has left many unanswered questions.
Sharma bought the home, located in Prashad Nagar, from David Narine who served a drug induced sentence in New York. He is out of prison having been sentenced to time served but he must undergo five years of supervised release.
Sharma moved there in 2006. Sharma is the son of Channel Six’s owner, C.N. Sharma.
According to a press statement issued yesterday, the live grenade was thrown at the home around 23:30 hrs on Tuesday night while the official was at home with his family.
The statement said that at the time of the incident, the couple and a guest were in the residence when they heard a thud against the building.
Upon investigating, they saw that the shade of the emergency light had broken off the building and on the ground. Later, around 01:30 hrs yesterday morning, when Sharma was letting his guest out, he discovered what appeared to be a grenade in the yard.
According to the statement, it would appear that the grenade may have been aimed at the bedroom of the couple but missed its intended target, landing just below the window.

Police, Army mount searches for criminal elements

-Residents welcome effort by security forces

ARMY, Police search in East Ruimveldt

Heavily armed members of the Joint Services descended on several communities in the city, Linden and Berbice with the aim of ferreting out wanted persons and unearthing illegal arms and ammunition as well as drugs.
A total of 47 apartments and 15 buildings were searched in the areas of East Ruimveldt, Campbellville, New Amsterdam, Canje, Rainbow City, Kara Kara Housing Scheme, Amelia’s Ward, Fairs Rust and Coomacka Mines.
As a result of the searches, 32 persons, including one woman, were taken into custody.
According to a Joint Services statement, the arrested persons were detained pending enquiries into various offences including robbery under arms, unlawful possession, possession of narcotics and smoking utensils, threatening behaviour.
According to one resident of East Ruimveldt who requested anonymity, the officers began searching shortly after 04:00hrs yesterday morning.
The resident expressed happiness that members of the Joint Services carried out the search.
“We glad that these soldiers carried out this search because a lot of rogue elements have been in the area and we want to rid the area of them,” the resident said.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Guyana Tops Most Improved List

- Global Competitiveness Index

Almost unnoticed, Guyana turned in the best 2 year improvement of the 133 countries in the Global Competitiveness Index produced by the World Economic Forum.
From its lowly position at 126, Guyana scaled +22 spots to come in at 104
in the just released 2009/2010 report. At the same time Switzerland displaced the USA in the top spot and Singapore moved up +4 spots to take the number three position.
In the CARICOM reference group only 4 of the other 14 countries made it on the survey. In comparison to Guyana’s +22 place improvement, Jamaica declined -13 places and Trinidad declined -2 places while Barbados and Suriname improved +6 and +11 places respectively.

The other big gainer on the South American continent was Brazil (+16) which the report characterized as the Latin America and Caribbean regional giant. Uruguay gained +10 and Peru gained +8 while Columbia and Argentina were unchanged. Venezuela and Bolivia each lost -15 places, Chile was down -4, Paraguay was down -3, and Ecuador was down -2.
The rankings are established on 12 pillars of competitiveness in the table below and their sub- indices.
Guyana made good progress in Institutions, Infrastructure, Health and Primary Education, and Higher Education and Training, while Financial Market Sophistication and Market Size dragged on the improvement according to the report.
The improvement in Institutions was fostered by a reduction in burdensome government regulations, more transparency in government policy making and improved efficacy of corporate boards. But issues clustered under the security sub-index had a significant negative impact on this category as reflected in the business costs of crime and violence.
Infrastructure improvements were driven by improvements in roads and in the quality of air transport infrastructure. The availability of seat kilometres was the weak point.

In Health and Primary Education Guyana’s standout performance in Primary Education is partially masked by the prevalence of AIDS/HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. Quality of Primary Education ranked at 55 up +16 places. Primary enrolment is at 26 and education expenditures at 3 (7.8% of GDP).
Higher Education and Training is another standout area. The global survey ranked Guyana 12th in secondary enrolment. The country also made significant strides in the Quality of the Education System (62), the Quality in Math and Science Education (79), Quality of Management Schools (88), and Extent of Staff Training (69). The detracting factors were the lack of Local Availability of Research and Training Service and the need for internet access in schools. The cost for broadband service in Guyana is prohibitive at this time and there are reliability issues.Read more..........

Boyo's death being milked for political mileage by AFC .

It is a shame that the AFC has stooped so low as is demonstrated in its resort to prostituting the death of Boyo Ramsaroop in an attempt to win over traditional PPP supporters. Boyo's own son Gerhard is leading the prostitution.

It is illusionary. The whole concept of the AFC being “a third , above the fray saviour” for the nation has no basis in a sober, objective understanding of Guyanese political culture which is centered on working people of all races backing the PPP.

AFC continues to float ideas without a word about how they will become a reality.

Randy Persaud: The AFC top economic man continues to float lofty ideas without a word about how those ideas will become reality.
To add insult to injury Peter Ramsaroop of the AFC wants his party to get credit for the economic development that is evident in Guyana.
Imagine that Ramsaroop is proposing a closer link with Brazil while a 50-member delegation from that country is actually here in Guyana. The Brazilian team met with economic and political leaders in Linden on Monday (22-03-10) while Ramsaroop was penning his article! Talk about a political party that is out of touch. Get with it Peter.
I wonder if Peter knows that Prime Minister Hinds and GoInvest CEO Geoff Da Silva were in Linden at those discussions. I wonder if he knows that the visiting team is having extensive meetings with the business community in Guyana.
The AFC should attend some of these. It may learn something.
Ramsaroop’s “Not developed here – slow pace economics’ (SN, 2.23.10) article provides fresh insight into why the AFC cannot make any real contribution to this country. As the Brazil story shows, the AFC is always behind the curve.
Trust me there are even more egregious claims in the AFC “Economic Corner”. Ramsaroop wants Guyana to be a Green Anchor. He claims that this is an AFC idea. I am not sure where the AFC people are living, but anyone living in Guyana will know about the commitment of the PPP administration to agriculture.
I also wonder if the AFC ever heard of something called the LCDS. They almost voted against it.
Finally, in a desperate attempt to gain some recognition the “Not developed here” article looked around and found Con***ius relevant. Of all the things Con***ius said, Mr. Ramsaroop found the defence of stealing books worthy of quoting. One individual in Guyana may be happy with this revelation but the Guyanese masses won’t be impressed. Of that, I am sure.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Testimony of the rising level of real income for all strata of people in Guyana since 1992.

Over 32,000 cars were registered by the Licence Revenue Office (LRO) over the last 14 months and legitimate vehicle importers are calling on the authorities to rein in private vehicle importers who bring in cars for resale.

According to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) as of March 2009, a total of 81,473 vehicles were registered with the agency, 40% of this number being cars. According to the statistics within the same period, 17,181 motorcycles were registered along with 5,935 minibuses and 6,353 lorries.

On August 10 last year, the ‘MM’ series of vehicles was introduced to the road network as the ‘LL’ series expired after reaching the 10,000 mark. The GRA stated recently that there are some 1,638 vehicles not on its database to which licences were sold in 2009. The popular auto dealers declined to give statistics on vehicles sold by them over the past year for marketing reasons. However, according to the dealers there are specific types of vehicles which are in demand.

The vehicles in demand include the 1997/98 Toyota Raum and according to the vehicle importers, the demand for the car rose over the past several months. An official at Fazeela Auto Sales on the West Coast Demerara told this newspaper that demands for the vehicle may have to do with its style; the space and comfort it possesses as well as its price, which according to him, is in the vicinity of $2 million. While Fazeela Auto is new to the business when compared with the more established dealers, the official stated that the company sold several dozen vehicles over the past year. He estimated that the more established companies would sell an average of 300 vehicles over a six- month period.

Other dealers listed the Raum as the vehicle in demand. However other makes of Toyotas are also popular. These include the Toyota Allion. According to an official of Caricom Auto Sales at Lusignan on the East Coast Demerara, many customers have been requesting that specific model. She said that the request may be related to the “style and space” the vehicle offers.

The majority of the vehicles on the roads of Guyana have been imported from Japan and most of them are reconditioned cars. However, according to one auto dealer , there has been a change in the “trend” of traditional sources. The dealer stated that Japan had been the market of choice over the years for importers. However, vehicles are now being sourced from Singapore, neighbouring Suriname and the UK. As such models of brands such as Fiat, Daihatsu, BMW, Saab as well as Mercedes Benz have become the vehicles of choice of many. He noted that these brands are usually requested by “more well off” customers, since they are usually expensive.

Another dealer stated that over the years, persons bought vehicles according to the availability of spares. However this has changed and according to him, vehicles are now being sold with warranties, which include the provision of spare parts. The dealer noted that parts for the newer models of vehicles, such as the Honda Jazz, may be difficult to source as parts are usually made available when the model becomes defunct.

250 single parents from government training programme get economic assistance grants to start businesses.

Single parents in a government training programme on Friday received grants and the Ministry of Human Services says it will soon launch its micro-credit programme which will offer loans at low interest rates to persons in this category who desire to start a small business.

The Government Informa-tion Agency (GINA) said in a release that over 250 single parents congregated at the Umana Yana, Kingston where they were presented with their economic assistance grants to start their businesses.

The graduates who were trained through the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) are entitled to $60,000 worth of equipment in their respective areas of training, GINA stated.

Meanwhile, Minister Priya Manickchand took time out to recognise the lone male, Rudra Chinapen, who was trained under the single parent programme and she said he should be celebrated as the perfect example of a good, responsible father.

And during brief remarks, Kamlawattie Rampersaud, who received training in cosmetology, expressed profound appreciation to the Ministry of Human Services for such a thoughtful programme which she said fulfilled her life-long dream.

“I became a cosmetologist because of the Ministry of Human Services’ single parent programme. It was always my dream but it could not have come through because of circumstances.”

Proprietor of Nayelli’s Cosmetology School, Bibi Rahim, who facilitated the training of some of the women, said she was quite pleased to be given the opportunity to be part of the programme.

Minister Manickchand noted that her ministry is tasked with looking after persons from vulnerable groups, including senior citizens, children and single parents who are weakened due to various circumstances.

She said government has recognised that single parents are persons who can make meaningful contributions to the country.

“We give daycare assistance to working mothers and we have trained those who need work…Now this grant will allow you to utilise your training meaningfully.”

She added that government’s dream is to empower women to lead lives that are significantly enhanced for them and their children.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Proof of AFC/PNC relations..........

PNC/R & Opposition Chief Whip Lance Carberry sits in AFC chair in Guyana's national assembly.

Guyana doing well in attracting siginficant investments

A trade delegation of 50 Brazilian businesses is expected in the country next week to explore business relations with Guyana, says Head of the Guyana Office for Investment, Geoff DaSilva.
This will be the biggest trade delegation to date, and the group will be looking to explore areas of investment in tourism and purchasing of building materials like cement and steel.
Speaking at a press conference hosted by the Private Sector Commission yesterday, DaSilva was of the view that Guyana is doing well in attracting investments, especially when taking into account that countries’ average investments dropped 60% last year in light of the global economic climate.
Some 457 projects were facilitated for investments by GoInvest last year to the tune of US$111M. This represents a steep drop from the previous year which saw investors filing proposals for US$168M.
On the international scene, Guyana’s rankings according to the Competitive Index jumped 22 places, a positive sign, the official said.
The 457 projects was the largest ever in one year, he stressed.
By far, the largest number of investments went into the agriculture sector - 152 projects. While there is still a way to go, DaSilva opined that things are looking good. Two new, modern supermarkets were opened recently in the Essequibo area and another major one is slated to be completed shortly.
Along with DaSilva at the press conference were Executive Director of PSC, Kenrick Rambarran, and Dr. Cecil Rajana, Head of the National Competitive Strategy.
According to GoInvest figures, there are increasing signs that the investments are being made across the country, especially in the Lethem area. Regions 6, 9 and 10 have seen significant growth. This year, working with the PSC, GoInvest is hoping to increase trade within the CARICOM region. Additionally, the office is working to launch its much-anticipated Guyana Trade Point, a data system that will disclose trading information for businesses, which want ready access for possible markets.
So far, with the majority of investors being overseas-based Guyanese, DaSilva said that his office will be working to attract other investors. GoInvest will also be collaborating with handicraft businesses and the trawlers association to increase exports.
Recently, the delegation from Mexico and Trinidad visited Essequibo to explore the possibility of opening call centres.
According to DaSilva, while call centres in Guyana employ 2,000 plus persons currently, it is the hope that this could be increased to over 9,000 individuals. It is a fast way to provide employment, he said.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mike Mc Cormack

  • Bascal Johnson of 420 East Ruimveldt died one day after he was shot in the head while on Laing Avenue on January 4-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On January 8th, waitress Kulmattie Singh was shot dead when gunmen invaded Safraz Bar located at Lamaha Street, Kitty-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • Also on January 8thVibert Weekes 28, of North/East La Penitence Georgetown, was approached by a lone gunman around midnight outside a business place and riddled with bullets-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On January 10th the body of Luciana Bhagwandin, was found on a dam in Harlem, West Coast Demerara it bore multiple stab wounds-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • Nicolas Hoyte was shot dead at Sixth and Light streets, Alberttown on Tuesday January 12th-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • Sunita August was beaten to death by her husband before her body was dumped in a koker at Nismes, West Bank Demerara on January 13-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On January 18th passersby stumbled upon the dead body of Llewelyn Fitzgerald Campbell called Elton, who was left on the Kingston Seawall with his throat slashed-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On January 27 while resisting armed robbers at his Ezee Runnings taxi service, Davenda Bholanauth was shot. He died 2 days later-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On January 29, Dhanpaul was shot dead by a teenager on a Corentyne poultry farm where he was employed as a security guard-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On January 31, Sophia resident Kwesi D’Andre a suspected thief was shot dead by a MMC security guard who has since been charged-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On February 5, the Georgetown Prisons was the scene of a deadly brawl during which, Solomon Blackman a mentally ill inmate was battered to death by infuriated prisoners in the capital offences dorm moments after he fatally stabbed fellow inmate Dewan Singh-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On February 14th Gregory `Micey’ Stuart, a 24-year-old Sophia man was fatally stabbed during a confrontation over a missing cellular phone-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • On February 24th 64 year old hearing impaired remigrant Ishwar Mithu was found bound in his Peter’s Hall home. He had been smothered to death with a pillow and the perpetrators had carted off several household items after ransacking the house-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT

  • Rawle Harding was shot and killed by bandits on Wednesday March 4th-THE G.H.R.A WAS SILENT
For an organisation that supposedly "makes available documentation about human rights violations, especially violations against the integrity of the person and due process of law" and one which is never shy in protracting itself as a guardian of the 'people's rights', the G.H.R.A's silence in the midst of all the atrocities perpetrated against citizens that we have listed above is amazing. Even more so, it is strange that this prolonged silence was only recently broken in defense of A.F.C front group, the Amerindian People's Association, after the latter was severely criticized following their erroneous claim that the LCDS consultations were a sham.

Ms. Jocelyn Dow, one of two independent monitors for the London-based International Institute for Environmental Development (IIED) for the widespread national consultations last year, said she does not share the view that the LCDS process was a farce or that it failed to take account of FPIC (Free Prior and Informed Consent) as claimed by the APA.
The criticisms of the LCDS consultations and related aspects of the strategy came in a statement from a workshop for select indigenous leaders held in Georgetown last week and organised mainly by the APA, which stayed away from the consultations process.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Guianas and Conservation International (CI) Guyana, in a joint statement Tuesday, noted the “substantial and unprecedented effort put in to garner support and input into the LCDS from hinterland communities in particular”.
They added, “we have been encouraged by the depth and range of responses received to date. We share the principle of free, prior and informed consent in decision-making that has been stated in the LCDS.”

The G.HR..A is often accused of being a one man entity which has as its agenda the furthering of Opposition cause and is also noted for its support for criminals. So it comes as no surprise that they have jumped on the bandwagon of an Alliance For Change front group which by its small membership cannot speak on behalf of the Amerindian people of Guyana as was alluded to by Toshao Hildebrand James of Aishalton, Region Nine.

Financial irregularities unearthed in 20 co-ops-Gov't takes control!

Government has seized control of more than 20 cooperative societies across the country as evidence of irregularities and mismanagement surfaces.
In the Essequibo region alone, investigations have been ordered into the operations of four of them, including housing co-operatives.
Yesterday, Minister of Labour, Manzoor Nadir, who holds the portfolio for credit unions and co-operatives, confirmed that several investigations are underway, including one at Port Mourant, Berbice, where more than $500M passed through the hands of a co-operative of sugarcane farmers but profits were not shared in agreed manner with farmers.
Investigations into the books of the co-operatives found tardy record keeping, irregular meetings, and an almost non-existent members’ list.
Explaining, the Minister yesterday disclosed that under the laws of Guyana, co-operatives are mandated to keep meticulous records. Failing to do so, the law allows the authorities, in this case the Chief Co-operative Officer of the Ministry, to initiate proceedings to step in and take remedial actions.
The records include audited financial statements of the co-operative and detailed minutes of meetings.
In the Port Mourant society, it was discovered that financial records were in a mess and many of the members out of the country.
According to Nadir, based on irregularities unearthed from the investigation, the Ministry decided to step in.
For a four-year period ending 2008, it was found that GuySuCo almost paid $500M for sugarcane sold by the co-operative. However, only a few members received profit payments. The co-operative had been leased over 900 acres and the members were expected to plant the cane and sell to GuySuCo.
The Minister disclosed that over $9M in fertilizers was given to the Port Mourant co-operative is unaccounted for since there were no records to reveal where it went.
Works to the tune of $15M were supposed to be carried out but again there was no evidence to suggest actual work was done.

APA draws more fire on LCDS claims

The Amerindian People’s Association (APA) is under more criticism for its recent claims that the public consultations on the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) were cosmetic and the strategy should be put on hold until some issues are clarified.
Ms. Jocelyn Dow, one of two independent monitors for the

Jocelyn Dow

London-based International Institute for Environmental Development (IIED) for the widespread national consultations last year, said she does not share the view that the LCDS process was a farce or that it failed to take account of FPIC (Free Prior and Informed Consent) as claimed by the APA.
In a letter published in the Stabroek News yesterday, she said the limitations of this initial consultation period were anticipated, many were addressed and improved over time and there is still work to be done.
Dow added: “The LCDS is not a harbour; it is a voyage as are all current initiatives at national scale to maintain low carbon emissions and to be compensated for same at national and or global levels. Our forests are cleaning the greenhouse gases even as we speak. Should we not ensure that we receive payment as negotiated for this global good while we work to sort out our issues?”
The criticisms of the LCDS consultations and related aspects of the strategy came in a statement from a workshop for select indigenous leaders held in Georgetown last week and organised mainly by the APA, which stayed away from the consultations process.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Guianas and Conservation International (CI) Guyana, in a joint statement Tuesday, noted the “substantial and unprecedented effort put in to garner support and input into the LCDS from hinterland communities in particular”.
They added, “we have been encouraged by the depth and range of responses received to date. We share the principle of free, prior and informed consent in decision-making that has been stated in the LCDS.”
The LCDS is based on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) and REDD+ is REDD as well as sustainable forest management, forest conservation and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks.
Dow noted that the preliminary consultations engaged village council representatives and other leaders of 222 communities in the period since the launch of the first draft of the LCDS in June 2009.
She said these initial consultations were chaired by Toshaos and/or local representatives and led by government ministers, including on occasion the Prime Minister and the President and each included members of the Multi Stakeholder Steering Committee (MSSC) and at least one of the monitors. (The other independent monitor was Ms. Vanda Radzik.) Read more..........

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aishalton Toshao deems APA claims on LDCS a lie.

The claim of ‘Indigenous leaders calling for hold on LCDS, REDD+ projects’ circulating in the media has been rejected by Toshao Hildebrand James of Aishalton, Region 9.
James told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that he was not part of the workshop, “Indigenous Peoples Rights”, recently conducted by the Amerindian People’s Association (APA) with some indigenous leaders.
And so the organisation cannot make the generalisation indicating that all indigenous leaders were consulted on the matter.
He noted that he would have gladly participated in the workshop and highlighted that his non-participation was as a result of not being invited. James stated that only certain Toshaos were invited to the workshop.
This he noted was not a consultation and definitely not democracy. Had it been a democratic process, James argued, he would have been invited and given the opportunity to make contributions during the one-week workshop.
He further argued that he was mandated by the people of his community to represent them on certain issues and not the APA. James sees the APA’s move as a “slap in the face” of the National Toshaos Council (NTC), since no one from the NTC was invited to the workshop.
“The NTC is the legal body to deal with issues concerning Amerindians in Guyana and I think they should have at least informed the NTC,” James said.
The Toshao noted that his community was consulted on the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) and observed that even though the strategy may have technical jargon, after the consultation many of the villagers understood the document. James said he also conducted other meetings with his community on the LCDS so as to further clear up any matters of concern.
“Last year, when we were at the National Toshaos Council meeting, the President clearly told the indigenous leaders that we are free to make our decisions if we want to opt in or not to opt in the system,” James noted.
In addition, James informed GINA that he has in his possession a copy of the second draft of the LCDS and will soon review it and consult his people on its contents.
James contended that the APA is not working for the benefit of Amerindians in Guyana.

Glen Lall obtained his wealth through illegal means which often resulted in the deaths of many Guyanese.

Kwame Mc Coy:
From the beginning there were insipid, harebrained characters in Guyana whose proliferation into every realm of society saw the majority gravitating towards the Kaieteur News, with Glen Lall as the head of the household.

I am concerned about the Kaieteur News, using the name Kwame Mc Coy as value-added marketing to recover from the diminishing sales of its newspaper. Dem boys seh I must pursue this matter vigorously as it is a legitimate way of bringing in some cash.
There could be no legitimisation of anyone who is unable, especially with full access to a newspaper, to articulate and illustrate their acquisition of wealth. The Kaieteur News should therefore focus in-house and highlight to the public those in its midst who have been involved in the multiplicity of wrongdoings in our society.
I, Kwame Mc Coy, have no problem with me, my hands are clean, free from the stain of murder, bribery, corruption, drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, backtracking and money laundering. I cannot speak for Glen Lall, his inclinations, his predilections and level of involvement in any activity regardless the brand.
I respect the principle of freedom of choice and its protection by the constitution and would not be tempted into summarizing the eventual joy Glen Lall associated with the ‘backstreet boys’ and their invasion of his ‘’HOME.’’

Amerindian People’s Association an AFC front!

ALLIANCE For Change Leader Mr. Raphael Trotman lost little time in rushing to the defence of the Amerindian People’s Association (APA), the key player in organising a gathering of Indigenous leaders in Georgetown earlier this month from which was issued a statement deriding the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).
In his letter published by the Kaieteur News Monday, March 15, he carefully did not mention the APA, which declined formal invitations to be part of the extensive countrywide consultations on the LCDS and then proceeded to convene a gathering of some leaders almost a year after to try to discredit the strategy.
And he too joins the sniping, conveniently ignoring all the public commendations of support for the LCDS consultation process from the World Bank, the International Institute for Environment Development (which officially helped to oversee the process) and other stakeholders.
Trotman’s excursion is par for the course for politicians trying to score political points by trying to shoot down a strategy which patently holds so much potential for the development of Guyana for generations to come.
His reference to bungled implementation of the LCDS is baffling when the strategy has not yet been implemented.
But like the APA which claims it supports the LCDS in principle but derides it, Trotman seeks political mileage and publicity without specifically saying what his party opposes in the LCDS.
The AFC had its opportunity in the National Assembly when the LCDS was up for debate and the APA stayed out of the national consultation process.
How then do they expect to be taken seriously and not to be seen as playing the kind of politics that does not do much for the national cause?

Kwame Mc Coy assaulted by PNC/R Region 4 councilor.

PPP/C R.D.C councilor Kwame Mc Coy was today assaulted by PNC/R councilor, Mureen Philidelphia. According to reports received by us Mc Coy was in the process of exiting the Region 4 R.D.C building following a deferral of the days proceedings when he was confronted by a group of PNC councillors, including the chairman, Clemente Corlette. It resulted in a verbal altercation during which time Mc Coy was pushed and almost lost his footing. A report of the incident was made and police are said to be investigating.

This is not the first incident involving the supporters as well as activists of the PNC and Mc Coy, who is often targeted by the main opposition for his outspokenness.

Monday, March 15, 2010

1,750 young people empowered by Government training programme.

More than 300 single parents who over the past year have undergone training in various areas will soon benefit from government assistance to start up micro businesses to economically empower themselves, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) Alana Brassington said.

Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Industrial Training, Alana Brassington exams an item of infant clothing made by single parents at a recent graduation.

Having gone through training in the areas of cosmetology, sewing, catering, Office Procedures and Information Technology among others, the 377 single parents are expected to receive vouchers for $65,000 each to assist them in their business ventures.

Meanwhile, some 1,750 young people between the ages of 15 and 25 have been trained under the National Training Programme for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE) in over 70 skills, causing Brassington to deem the work of the institute a success. But there is no data to support this conclusion as BIT has no way of tracking the young people who were trained to ascertain whether they have gained employment and if their lives have improved. However, it is expected that this will be remedied soon as the institute is in the process to establishing a database precisely for this reason.

The NTPYE project was launched by President Bharrat Jagdeo in 2005 and he had hoped that some 5,000 out of school youths would have been trained during that period. It is funded by government subvention and has been described as an initiative that is part of administration’s strategy to reduce the level of unemployment and improve the living standards of citizens.

According to Brassington, the NTPYE prepares young people to enter the job market with on-the-job training. And it does not train persons in abstract; the institute keeps abreast with the needs of the job market and trains persons to fill vacancies around the country.

Minister of Labour Manzoor Nadir poses with a recent batch of graduates under the NYTP training programme.

The programme recently commenced training youths as driver-salesmen/women and heavy-duty operators as of last year, before there was a great demand for such persons.

500 more

According to Brassington, the single parent programme, which has received a $25 million government subvention, aims to train another 500 persons this year.

She said last year 412 persons were placed in training with 375 persons completing the programme.

The CEO said her office is now currently working on preparing the $65,000 vouchers for the single parents, which they would use to purchase basic tools to start their businesses.

“Once they have completed the programme they will get the assistance,” she told Stabroek News in a recent interview.

The institute only trains single parents from the single parent database since it would have had a verification process – all those who would have registered.

While the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security was preparing the national single parent database the parents were given choices on what sort of assistance they wanted. Some asked for day care assistance, others asked for small business grants and yet others for training. Those who asked for grants are the ones being trained even though there is another programme through public assistance which facilitates giving some start up funds to small businesses.

The database was created in an effort to assist single parents who are unable to provide for their children owing to various circumstances.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Christopher Ram, like his colleagues in the AFC, is a dunce for a Lawyer.

Kellawan Lall: Mr. Christopher Ram is dead wrong in his contention that I have “general direction and supervision over the registration and voters, and over the administrative conduct of elections” in his March 11 letter to Kaieteur News. What Ram is ignorant about is the nature and scope of my work. I have a lot of it, but a little comic relief from him does no harm.
Similarly, he is dead wrong in a previous letter in which he asserts that the request by me to the Auditor General to investigate alleged irregularities in Region Four is tantamount to instructions to the Auditor General, thereby violating the constitution.
This one is childish and needs no response. The March 11 one is even worse but needs to be answered given its wicked intention to fool the electorate and the general public.

Under the PNC there was such a law giving the Minister such powers and one can understand the reason, elections being what they were under that regime. When elections were in the air in 1990, however, and when it was clear that the old systems were not going to work in an era of democratic elections, President Desmond Hoyte passed the Local Democratic Organs (Elections) Act (22 of 1990).
That Act, Section 3(1) states: “Elections shall be independently supervised by the Elections Commission and for this purpose the Commission shall have, and exercise and discharge, all incidental functions.
(2)Without prejudice and to the provisions of subsection (1), the Commission shall — (a) exercise general direction and supervision over registration of voters and the conduct of all elections”.
Now Section 34(1) of that Act refers to a Second Schedule. That Second Schedule amends the Local Authorities (Elections) Act (Cap. 28:03) the one referred to by Mr. Ram, in the following way:
Section 3(1) of the Local Authorities Act which reads “The Minister shall — (a) exercise general direction and supervision over the registration of voters and over administrative conduct of elections:” has been deleted.
And subsection 3(2) of that Act has been amended and provided that wherever the word “Minister” appears, it should be substituted by the words “Elections Commission.”
Further, the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Act of 2009, making way for new electoral arrangements at Neighbourhood and Municipals levels, passed by the PPP/C administration, consolidates that position.
Indeed, very complicated! Laws and the making of laws are complicated matters and need extremely close study before pronouncing on same. Good lawyers, I have observed, do just that. Ram’s dogmatic view of his infallibility, however, precludes such effort on his part.
I hope that Ram, in his reply, would not, like the Overseer and Chairman of the Eccles/Ramsburg NDC, claim that “I did not know the law.” I urge Ram to stick to comedy: it is less complicated.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

PNC Parliamentarian had links to militants in Iran and Venezuela-U.S State Attorney

Abdul Kadir

An anonymous jury is being sought by the US Government in the case involving former Guyanese parliamentarian Abdul Kadir and three others “because of the defendants’ terrorist activities” and their “contact with violent organisations”. The US Government said at least one of the four defendants, Russell Defreitas, had threatened to harm witness against him and this, coupled with substantial media attention has caused State Attorney Benton Campbell to apply to presiding Judge Dora Irizarry for an anonymous jury to ensure a fair trial. The prosecution hopes to have the jurors semi-sequestered — meaning they would take lunch together and would be kept together during recesses. Their names and addresses would not be revealed once the government gets its way.

In his 24-page submission to Judge Irizarry, Campbell recalled that Defreitas, who once worked at the JFK airport that sees over 1,000 flights departing and arriving, and others began plotting to blow up the fuel tanks and connecting pipeline in early 2006. He reportedly said he was planning an attack for several years “from the time I worked in the airport before terrorism started in this country.”

Later Defreitas met the confidential source and the two travelled to Guyana that same year and met several other persons to discuss the plot; they discussed meeting Yasin Abu Bakr, “the leader of the Trinidadian militant group Jamaat Al Muslimeen which controlled the ‘underground’ in Trinidad.” When they did meet with Bakr at a later stage–with the help of Ibrahim–the Trinidadian had expressed an interest but they had no further meetings.

Benton spoke about how Defreitas went to lengths to get photographs and video footage of the tanks and how he and the source later met Nur in Guyana and they spoke about the type of explosives they could use to blow up the fuel tanks and pipelines.

Singling out Kadir, Campbell described the former PNC parliamentarian as someone who had “connections with militants in Iran and Venezuela” and who was shown the footage of the airport and expressed interest in furthering the plot but “needed a few weeks to contact some associates who would probably help them.

“Kadir informed Defreitas and the source that his associates had their own rules of engagement and wanted to reduce the killing of innocents, such as women and children,” Campbell wrote adding that Kadir suggested that the explosions take place in the morning hours so that the damage would primarily be economic in nature. He also instructed that the information be placed on a thumb drive and that the plot should be code-named ‘the chicken hatchery” or “chicken farm” for future communications.

He also advised that video was not sufficiently detailed for operational purposes that Google Earth software should be used to get more detailed pictures of the airport. Weeks later this was done and Campbell revealed that Kadir, who is an engineer by education and training, asked many questions about the maps, including the distance between the street and the fuel tanks. He was asked by Defreitas about the composition of the tanks and he explained “in sum and substance, that they were probably double tanks, [that is] a tank within a tank.

“Kadir said that two explosions would be necessary to ignite the fuel inside the inner tank, and explained that fuel needs oxygen to explode,” Campbell wrote.