Sunday, May 30, 2010

The reality Vs criticisms

LAST WEDNESDAY when Guyana celebrated its 44th Independence anniversary, the encouraging news was that of a national economy in a generally good shape. And, except for natural disasters, continuing tragedies resulting from gun crimes, and lingering political misrepresentations, established democratic norms remain the way of life here.
There are, of course, challenges to be overcome, among these a felt need for new initiatives for more effective services from our security forces in dealing with criminality, while at the same time respecting the basic rights of individuals in their custody, or being investigated, consistent with the rule of law.
The political opposition have their own agendas in the kind of criticisms they continue to make against the disciplined forces, at times quite provocative. They should consider how to be fair to the security forces in the allegations they feed to the media, with the apparent intention of undermining the integrity of both the police and army.
Some surprising misrepresentations have also surfaced of late from representatives of foreign governments with which Guyana has long established good relations, and from which governments better understanding is expected of the realities of our social, political and security environment.
By the time Guyana celebrates its 45th Independence anniversary, the country would be very much in a general election mode, with incumbent and opposition parties competing for control of the parliament and reins of government.
The big difference for elections 2011 would be, as widely expected, not just who will be the new presidential candidate for the ruling People's Progressive Party (PPP), but also for the main opposition People's National Congress Reform (PNCR). Current manoeuvres are reported to be underway for a coalition arrangement of the Alliance for Change (AFC) with the PNCR, the latter likely by then under a new leader.
Whatever the status of such a opposition political arrangement of convenience, the Guyanese people would expect that free and fair elections, as restored in 1992, will be the way to rightly sustain multi-party parliamentary democracy at the 2011polls.
For now, with 44 years of British colonialism behind us, and with defence of its sovereignty a non-negotiable factor in its governance system, Guyana has much to be pleased about in overcoming the odds to improve the general welfare of the citizens of this proud nation.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Miasmic substance – fact and fiction

NO civilised person would condone what happened to Freddie Kissoon. No one should. I doubt anyone would in the future. This much we know.The Government of Guyana and NCN have unreservedly condemned the violation of Kissoon. The Kaieteur News columnist however will have none of it. He continues to make wild statements about what happened. Without any evidence whatsoever, Kissoon is on the record stating that he was violated because of an article he wrote concerning the Ramsaroop taping case. Nothing could be further from the truth. Freddie Kissoon has been criticizing the PPP government three hundred and sixty five days a year for close to a decade now without any hint of retribution. The suggestion that he was violated because of an article is, therefore, sheer bunk.
Freddie Kissoon is also accusing NCN of various things, including knowing the attacker, and having advanced knowledge of the incident. This is also sheer bunk. The fact of the matter is that Kaieteur News reporters, along with the publisher, were also on the scene at about the same time as NCN. If you follow Kisson’s logic, one can therefore suggest that Glen Lall may also have had advanced knowledge of the incident. How preposterous can this thing get?
Many people are saying that Freddie Kissoon desperately wants to be a Guyanese hero and that he would go to any extent to make that happen.
The ‘miasmic substance’ incident seems to bolster that argument. The proof lies in the fact that the Kaieteur News headline the day after the incident was all about Freddie Kissoon. The historic general election in Trinidad and Tobago was considered third class news compared to the miasmic substance matter. The said headline screamed out that Freddie had been attacked for the second time. This was meant to give the impression that Freddie is a target of political machinations.
But those who know this game are not convinced. The first time Freddie was attacked was a matter of robbery. He was simply robbed. He tried to make it out to be something else, something political. Sheer bunk again. His account of the first incident has changed a few times.
Freddie Kissoon should pursue the miasmic substance matter through the right channels, in this case the police. This is not the time or occasion to become a hero. No one buys it Freddie. Many feel sorry for what happened but they won’t be duped by your efforts to politicise the substance of the case. Facts, not fiction, should bring this matter to a resolution. The attacker must be found and dealt with according to law.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Contrary to what Prime News predicted Independence anniversary celebrations attracted massive turnout.

 A section of the large crowd that attended the 44th Independence Celebrations at the National Park

A section of the large crowd that attended the 44th Independence Celebrations at the National Park

Thousands of Guyanese of all ages filled the National Park beyond capacity. Throngs were forced to just listen to the sounds emanating from the venue as Guyana observed its 44th Independence Anniversary.
The event which was coordinated by Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport saw the audience being treated to songs, joint services displays, and the traditional fireworks extravaganza among others.
Some of Guyana’s leading artistes titillated the huge gathering. There were performances from Road March Queen Vanilla, Soca monarch Bonesman, the Mighty Rebel, Creation Express.
There were also splendid performances by an Indigenous Group, Classique Dance Troupe and Nrityageet among others.
The sound of steel pan music also thrilled the crowd. There were medleys by the National Steel Orchestra as well as the National Schools Steelband.
The men and women of the Guyana Police and Defence Forces who formed a truly spectacular Guard of Honour staged a particularly pleasing event for the crowd. They captivated with their precision and were well received by the thousands who had packed the stands of the National park.
Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo arrived some time after 21:30hrs and was well received by the crowd. The people greeted him with a resounding applause as he arrived on the tarmac of the National Park.
Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony; Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Commodore Gary Best welcomed Jagdeo among others.
He was invited to inspect the Guard of Honour. This preceded the traditional salute.
After the Guard of Honour marched off the gathering, which included members of, the National Steel Orchestra treated the Diplomatic Corps and Cabinet Members to a folk medley.
Guyanese icon Dave Martins further thrilled the gathering with a medley of his songs.
Also in a cultural presentation some 650 children depicted various aspects of Guyanese customs and traditions.
Their combined performance was stunning.
The Golden Arrowhead was hoisted at midnight followed by the singing of the patriotic song ‘Guyana the Free’ and the four stanzas of the National Anthem.
Seconds after the National Anthem was sung there was the climax of the evening for many which was a brilliant fireworks display that could be seen for miles around.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Christopher Ram manipulated Hotel Tower tender process in favour of local drug lord.

-Cara Investments Ltd. wanted to purchase Hotel Tower

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Paul Stephenson, of the Cara Hotels, yesterday told Chief Justice Mr. Ian Chang, S.C., that while his company was attempting to purchase the Tower Hotel which was up for sale, the Receiver/Manager, Christopher
Ram, prevented him from doing so by refusing to open the tenders at the eventual closing date.
Mr. Stephenson, who has a string of hotels in the Caribbean, was still giving evidence in support of the writ brought against Christopher Ram personally and in his capacity as receiver-manager, Hotel Tower, Limited.
Stephenson is also seeking damages in excess of $1M for the aforesaid and breach of contract. Also damages in excess of $1M for misrepresentation generally and to shareholders of Hotel Tower Limited, as to the said bid of the Plaintiffs not taking into account their interests or as to no bid by them at all.
The plaintiffs are also seeking an injunction restraining the Defendant by himself, his servants and or agents, from awarding and or allocating the purchase of Hotel Tower Limited to any one other than the Plaintiffs without proceeding in accordance with due tender requirements and without giving due consideration to the Plaintiffs bid.
Attorney-at-Law, Mr. Sanjeev Datadin, was yesterday leading a team of lawyers representing the Plaintiffs.
Up to the end of the session, no one had entered appearance for Mr. Christopher Ram, who was in Court.
The Plaintiffs are a body corporate registered under the Companies Act.
The Defendant was duly appointed by Nova Scotia as Receiver/Manager of Hotel Tower Limited to the aforesaid Bank.
The Plaintiffs have wide experience in catering hotel management as well as access to the necessary credit. They were at the time of the appointment of the Receiver/Manager negotiating arrangements with the hotel to take care of their debt to the aforesaid Bank and for their future operartions.
The Defendant in November, 1999, publicly published a Request for Proposals for Hotel Tower and invited bids for the said hotel. The plaintiffs complied with the Tender requirements.
The Defendant, on more than one occasion, changed the closing date for tenders to the prejudice of the Plaintiffs and acted in an unfair and uncommercial manner in respect of the Tender process.
Further hearing continues on June 1, 2010.

It should be noted that Hotel Tower was later sold to suspected drug dealer Salim Juman Azeez of New Line Aqua Farm who also is the Father-in-law of Barry Dataram

SHIT thrown on Freddie Kissoon !

-attack reportedly stemmed from an incident between Kissoon and the attacker’s daughter.

Kaieteur News columnist Frederick Kissoon was last night doused with fecal matters.
Kissoon had just emerged from Nigel’s Supermarket on Robb Street around 19:00 hours, and had already entered his vehicle when the man walked up to him and threw the substance on him.

Although momentarily stunned by the attack, Kissoon managed to drive behind the perpetrator who ran north along Light Street then west into North Road before jumping into a waiting white AT 192 Toyota Carina motorcar and escaped.
A soiled Kissoon tried to intercept the car but backed off to avoid a collision.

And late last night, the National Communications Network reported that the attack stemmed from an incident between Kissoon and the man’s daughter.
NCN reported that Kissoon had made sexual advances to the man’s daughter.
This, according to the television station, angered the man who then attacked Kissoon.

Son claims Ramsaroop has history of infidelity, other quirks

Fresh allegations surfaced yesterday against embattled former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Alliance for Change (AFC) party, Peter Ramsaroop with claims by his eldest son, Shawn, that his father has a history of infidelity.
The younger Ramsaroop, in a statement to the press yesterday, is urging the police not to believe a word his father says as he has over the years been involved in incidents where he’s been accused of luring young girls into his bed for money.
In an email seen by this newspaper, Shawn says that though his father neglected him at the age of six, he has always regarded him as a well-respected and wealthy man, but soon came to realise who he truly was over the years.
According to the statement made by the youngster, his father was forced to return to Guyana from the US after tarnishing his reputation there. Shawn says that in addition to being married but divorced three times because of his adulterous behaviour.
According to Shawn, though Ramsaroop has four children, including a daughter, he’s never once mentioned them in any of the many books and speeches he’s written about putting family first. Two of them, he says, live in near penury in the US, struggling to survive on their own.
He said he came to Guyana for the first time last year, and that was how he was able to witness firsthand how his father would lavish his money on unsuspecting young girls, only to bring them home and seduce them into his bed every night.
Shawn says that it was while spending time with his father that he learnt of his plan to set fire to his own business, which was insured, because it was not yielding significant profits.
He’d even threatened him once to file claims against his fiancée’s visa, the younger Ramsaroop said, adding that while he is not sure whether the recent allegations against his father are true, he knows for sure that he cannot be trusted.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ramsaroop leaves Guyana for U. S.

AFC C.E.O Peter Ramsaroop left Guyana for Florida on Thursday, although he is being investigated for allegations that he might have video- recorded a former tenant of his Forshaw Street property in Georgetown. Up to press time, there was no word from the police on whether they had found anything incriminating on the hard drives seized from Ramsaroop.

Discontent brewing within the AFC over Trotman's leadership.

Our inside sources have revealed that huge cracks are developing in the hierarchy of the AFC as a result of discontent among some members with the leadership style of Raphael Trotman.
Peter Ramsaroop is a casualty of this fall-out and we have learnt that current Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan might be the next one to go.

The discontent stems from what members describe as Trotman's 'arrogance and selfishness'. It was reported that at a recent meeting of the party executives Ramsaroop stormed out charging that 'this is one coolie Trotman nah gon use'. Recent reports by insiders also reveal that Ramjattan alleges being sidelined and not given enough 'say' in party decisions and feels Trotman is positioning himself to be the party's 2011 Presidential candidate despite promising Ramjattan the position in 2006.

Incestuous politics under the “Big Tent”

Observer: The imbroglio in which Alliance For Change (AFC) Chief Executive Officer, Peter Ramsaroop is caught, is casting daylight on a lot of clandestine activities, and the fraternity supporting each other under “Big Tent” politics are inexorably being identified, because, despite vehement denials, truth has an uncanny (and unpleasant for some) way of emerging into the full glare of daylight – and public scrutiny, and the nexus between the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and its affiliates is emerging – one could safely say with a vengeance.
Both AFC Presidential candidate, Raphael Trotman, and its currently embattled Chief Executive Officer, Peter Ramsaroop, are former members of the People’s National Congress, and there have been continuous speculations and suggestions that the AFC, which draws its support from its parent body, the PNCR, would return to the fold to contest the next General Elections under a “big tent” sheltering all the opposition factions; but AFC leader, Raphael Trotman, has consistently scoffed at this.
However, the actions of the AFC seem to prove otherwise, because every action taken by the PNC is faithfully emulated by what seems its satellite, which hovers around its every move and echoes every position of it. It is being speculated that the AFC breakaway from the PNC is a ploy to win traditional PPP supporters, but that the two bodies share a fraternal relationship which embraces the same policies and strategies, which seems to be evident, especially when the actions of the two parties synchronize with precision and perfection – signaling two halves of a unit.
And nowhere is this more obvious than the choice of lawyer that Peter Ramsaroop made. With two highly competent lawyers heading the AFC Ramsaroop chose to have leader of the PNC, Robert Corbin, to represent his interests and defend; and therein lies the nexus between the two political parties, whose leaders disclaim any kind of coalition politics; but this latest development causes one to wonder at the level of collusion, given the fact that Ramsaroop, in a statement, said that he knew that the teenager whom he is accused of spying on has a “relationship with a prominent Government official.” There is speculation of a collusion between two parties and media houses hostile to the Government, which are currently waging a campaign to destabilize Government officials, to film Ming and the “prominent Government official” of Ramsaroop’s description and use the material for purposes of either blackmail or character assassination, if not for purposes of titillation.
At one point Ramsaroop says that the cameras were installed when the apartment was being used as an office and that not all were removed when Ming took occupancy, and at another point he is claiming political motivation and victimization, claiming that the cameras were ‘planted’. The only thing he is consistent with are his inconsistent statements.
However, as Home Affairs Minister Rohee says, “No-one is above the law.” The act of which Ramsaroop is being accused is a serious violation of privacy and breach of the laws of the land and the law will take its course and the truth will prevail – hopefully.

With so many Lawyers in the AFC why is its CEO being represented by the PNC/R leader?

With a plethora of Lawyers in the AFC and himself being the party's C.E.O one would've expected that Peter Ramsaroop would've been afforded legal representation from amongst this lot, instead, he is being represented by attorney-at-law and PNC/R leader, Robert Corbin who is also a very close friend of CN Sharma.

This takes place at a time when reports of a fall-out between Ramsaroop and the AFC leadership are circulating. It is being said in some circles that Ramsaroop left the AFC citing Raphael Trotman's arrogance and thirst for power as some of the reasons behind such a move. At a recent meeting of the AFC executives Ramsaroop abruptly left but not before blurting out, "i is one Coolie Trotman nah gon use".

Others have however pointed to the close relationship between the PNC/R and AFC and since Trotman, Ramjattan and the others are busy with their legal work while Corbin usually has lots of time on his hand Trotman suggested that he use the opportunity to occupy himself meaningfully.

Saga of the perverted presidential hopefuls

They attempt to project themselves as the guardians of society, upright and moral, but the underlying decay seeps out like effluent from a breached sewer. They sit for hours and pontificate on issues, citing corruption by public officials and weaving their spider’s webs of lies and half-truths, hoping to catch the unwary voters. They are the presidential hopefuls of Guyana, and one by one they are being exposed as pedophiles, as psychopaths, as thieves and fraudsters, as liars of no mean order, and latterly, as voyeurs, if not pornographic merchants.
And when they are caught in the act they scream their innocence, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but they have money and they can buy their way out of trouble, which they do, but there is a Guyanese proverb that says “ every day bucket a go a well and one day the bottom will drop out.” And the day has eventually caught up with several of those who are convinced that their clever rhetoric and semantics will get them out of trouble and keep their reputations intact.
One pedophile, who purports to help vulnerable women offers monetary and material help, then helps himself to their girl-children, some of them little more than babies.
Prakash Persaud recently exposed two fraudsters who, being lawyers, subverted the law to rob him of millions of dollars.
On Monday there was another expose when Police, acting on information received, obtained and executed a search warrant on a building owned by Mr. Peter Ramsaroop at Lot 261 Forshaw and New Garden Streets, Queenstown, Georgetown.
The building houses several apartments, but the police were only able to access one occupied by a female named Nicole Ming, 19, the sole occupant. The search revealed the existence of three covert cameras. One was hidden in a clock on the wall that obtains a panoramic view of the apartment, another was hidden in a radio in the bathroom, and a third focused on her bed.

Guyana's Human Righst Record Stands up to Scrutiny

Teixeira defends Guyana’s human rights record, slams media reports
Written by Johann Earle
Wednesday, 19 May 2010 02:41
Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira, slammed media reports on the just completed United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR), saying that Guyana did well on many fronts – including human rights – and that many of the recommendations are in the process of being implemented. Teixeira, a former Government Minister, had been part of a three-person delegation which visited Geneva for the review. She spoke to members of the media from her office at the Office of the President yesterday.
Head of the delegation was Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, who will host a press conference on the UPR on Friday.
Teixeira said that Guyana did well at this review, despite what she referred to as distortions and opportunism in certain sections of the media. She said that the very day that Guyana had to report to Geneva, there were anti-nationalist statements made about Guyana’s human rights record. Reports in other sections of the media highlighted recommendations made that Guyana should launch an official investigation into the claims of extra-judicial killings and phantom squads.
“We had 32 countries present who had presented questions to the floor; it was a very formal process that had to be done by all the countries...I just want [for the purpose] to answer some of these distortions in the press because the Guyanese public was fed with a diet of negativism,” she said.
Teixeira said that many countries had very positive things to say about Guyana’s efforts, particularly its inclusive model of governance, its participatory democracy and its poverty reduction efforts, including reduction of infant child and maternal mortality, all the interventions in health, education, water and also the Low Carbon Development Strategy. She said that the countries that gave commendations on Guyana’s efforts were Algeria, Brazil, Cuba, China, Norway, Libya, Chile, Slovenia, Spain, France, Pakistan, Bolivia, Mexico, Germany, Argentina, The Maldives, Uruguay, Australia, Latvia, Italy, the United States of America, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Slovenia, and Haiti. Teixeira said that even Canada, which had made certain recommendations about Guyana, had to admit to advances that Guyana had made. She said that the negative comments came from the United Kingdom and Sweden.
Teixeira said that 57 of the recommendations that were made Guyana has accepted, and is implementing the majority of them. She said that in relation to the 55 that Guyana has to report on, 27 of these recommendations are in three main areas. These are the call for Guyana to establish a moratorium on the death penalty, the call to decriminalise gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered activities in Guyana’s criminal offences, and the removal of corporal punishment. She said that these are the three areas that made up 50 percent of what Guyana had to report on. She said that the others, of which only three relate to security issues in terms of investigation, were tabled by Canada and the United Kingdom.
The Presidential Advisor encouraged the media and the public to “do some homework” and look up the progress that Guyana has made as mentioned in the UPR, the recommendations and Guyana’s response. She said that in comparison to other countries “Guyana did well and I think that we should be proud as a nation that a relatively new democratic nation has made such advances when you look at other countries in the hemisphere.”
Teixeira said that Canada was found to have issues of discrimination in terms of its indigenous peoples and their land rights, violence against them, as well as racial profiling of persons of Muslim persuasion and of African descent. She said that the United Kingdom was also found to have cases of violence, torture and long detentions. The Advisor pointed out that the recommendations of the United States on Guyana were mild compared to those of the United Kingdom. She said too that the United States had complimentary comments to make on Guyana, contrary to what was reported in another section of the media.
“We have to get a perspective in Guyana of how we have fared, and we have fared relatively well” Teixeira said. She said that the assessment is meant to be ongoing to encourage countries to keep moving forward. She said that the recommendations that Guyana have accepted are saying that the country should continue to reduce poverty and to reduce domestic violence.
“So I think that we, as a country, should be proud of our track record as a country that is only 18 years [as a democracy] in which we have brought legislation that makes torture prohibited in our Constitution. “Many countries have not done that,” she said, adding that Guyana has also passed legislation against domestic violence and human trafficking, something that many countries have not done.
“When we look at Guyana, we feel that the process is fair, we were given a fair hearing, and we were able to present the case of Guyana, the challenges we face as a developing country, and the progress that we have made, and we will continue towards working to advance our country and the quality of life for our people,” Teixeira said.
“We will be having a press conference with Minister [Rodrigues-Birkett] when she returns, but we thought it was important to give the Guyanese public a quick overview, and also to say to the media, ‘do your homework and stop being opportunistic to show Guyana in a bad light’,” she said.
“All we’re asking for is balance. We want a balanced report, as we had in the international [arena]. Why should we not expect that [at home]?” she said.
The former Health and Home Affairs minister said that the delegation was the only one headed by a woman, the only one that comprised a female majority and the only one headed by a person of Indigenous origins in the person of Minister Rodrigues-Birkett. She said that the media should have researched and reported on these tidbits.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More persons come forward with harrowing tales of being video-taped by Peter Ramsaroop.

Another female today came forward with tales of being video taped and watched by AFC CEO Peter Ramsaroop. The former tenant who has asked not to be identified told this blog site harrowing tales of her experience at the hands of Ramsaroop. She alleged that Ramsaroop recorded all her activities inside the apartment, including her sexual encounters with her boy friend's friend and demanded sex in return for his silence. He often threatened to show her boy friend the tape.

Police yesterday raided several properties belonging to the politician after similar allegations were leveled against him by a 19 year old tenant. According to a Police statement issued today the police, acting on information received, obtained and executed a search warrant on a building owned by Ramsaroop at 261 Forshaw and New Garden Streets, Queenstown, Georgetown, yesterday.

The building houses several apartments and the police were only able to access one occupied by Nicole Ming, female, 19 years, the sole occupant. The search revealed the existence of three covert cameras. One hidden in a clock on the wall that obtains a panoramic view of the apartment, another hidden in a radio in the bathroom and a third focusing on her bed.

Nicole Ming indicated that she rented the apartment about two months ago from Mr. Peter Ramsaroop and about a week ago he requested that she leave her keys as he had to fix an electrical problem and on her return she observed an instrument on the wall with a light flashing.

She also stated that about two weeks ago she had replaced a battery in the clock in which one of the cameras was found and the camera was not affixed at that time and complained that Mr. Peter Ramsaroop may have been recording her.

The police became suspicious that Ramsaroop may be in possession of pornography and may be distributing pornography and consequently obtained warrants to search his apartment as well as his office at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara. At the time he was overseas and upon his return on May 17, 2010, the warrants were executed in his presence by the police who seized two computer hard drives and a digital video recorder from his apartment and two computer hard drives from his office.

Police issues statement on search of Peter Ramsaroop's properties

In light of the search carried out on properties belonging to CEO of AFC, Peter Ramsaroop and allegations of political instigation subsequently levelled, the Guyana Police Force today issued the following statement:

Acting on information received the police obtained and executed a search warrant on a building owned by Mr. Peter Ramsaroop at 261 Forshaw and New Garden Streets, Queenstown, Georgetown, yesterday.

The building houses several apartments and the police were only able to access one occupied by Nicole Ming, female, 19 years, the sole occupant. The search revealed the existence of three covert cameras. One hidden in a clock on the wall that obtains a panoramic view of the apartment, another hidden in a radio in the bathroom and a third focusing on her bed.

Nicole Ming indicated that she rented the apartment about two months ago from Mr. Peter Ramsaroop and about a week ago he requested that she leave her keys as he had to fix an electrical problem and on her return she observed an instrument on the wall with a light flashing.

She also stated that about two weeks ago she had replaced a battery in the clock in which one of the cameras was found and the camera was not affixed at that time and complained that Mr. Peter Ramsaroop may have been recording her.

The police became suspicious that Mr. Ramsaroop may be in possession of pornography and may be distributing pornography and consequently obtained warrants to search his apartment as well as his office at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara. At the time he was overseas and upon his return on May 17, 2010, the warrants were executed in his presence by the police who seized two computer hard drives and a digital video recorder from his apartment and two computer hard drives from his office.

Mr. Peter Ramsaroop has denied the allegations of possession and distribution of pornography and indicated in a written statement that he once used the apartment to house an office for his employees when he installed cameras and did not remove all of the cameras when he rented it to Nicole Ming.

He is currently on $20,000.00 cash bail pending investigations.

People wan know!

People wan know how come Stabroek News nah give extensive coverage to the US$3M mortgage fraud in New York? I hear dat di Editor, Anand Persaud, brother-in-law is one of de crooks!

Police raid AFC CEO's home- Computers seized.

Police ranks yesterday raided a Queenstown building owned by businessman and Alliance For Change CEO, Peter Ramsaroop around noon, shortly after he had returned from Barbados.
According to information reaching us the ranks seized several computers from the building, located at Forshaw and New Garden Streets, Queenstown.
A similar search was also conducted at Ramsaroop’s Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara home.
The AFC official was questioned at CID headquarters for about six hours before being released on $20,000 station bail.

The raid comes after reports had surfaced that a man fingered in a shipment of cocaine in pepper sauce that was seized by Canadian authorities some time last year was a leading contributor to the AFC 2006 elections campaign.
Of recent relations between Guyanese and their US, UK and Canadian anti-narcotics counterparts have improved significantly with the sharing of information being at the forefront.

Peetah was a fisherman sailing in di river!

We heard that Peter "The man of Vision" Ramsaroop, has left the AFC after falling out with Trotman!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Champion is Honoured

Guyana could earn more from forests than all its exports, says President Jagdeo
Written by Johann Earle
Saturday, 15 May 2010 03:35
At an appreciation ceremony in honour of his UNEP Champions of the Earth Award
President Bharrat Jagdeo says the green economy could be the biggest sector in Guyana and should carbon prices continue their trend and the externalities of fossil fuels valued at the right price, Guyana could earn in the neighbourhood of US$500 million a year. He said that this is more than Guyana earns annually on a net basis from exports of rice, sugar, gold, diamond and bauxite combined.

The President was yesterday speaking at the Guyana National Conference Centre at Liliendaal,on the East Coast of Demerara, at a reception in his honour for his being one of the recipients of the 2010 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Champions of the Earth Award. The President received the award in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on April 22 last. Jagdeo has announced that he will donate the US$40,000 as part of the prize to the Amerindian peoples.
President Jagdeo said that from all the assessments done by almost every academy of science have recognised that the world is moving to disaster caused by anthropogenic action.
He said that the current economic model which has contributed to the development of the first world is unsustainable.
He made the point that the focus Guyana is placing on the protection of the forest has to do with the kind of world that the country wants to leave for the generations to come and the quality of life that people would want to have in that future.
“Clearly, everyone needs to act,” he said. Jagdeo said that with climate change, a country cannot build borders or walls to isolate itself from the consequences. “You cannot enact tough immigration policies or stringent health standards to avoid being impacted by climate change,” he said. He explained that a ton of carbon emitted in one of the developed countries of the world has the same impact as a ton of carbon emitted by a neighbouring country.

Jagdeo said that the consequences of climate change are so great that many countries like Guyana will not be able to deal with them. He said that it has been recognised already from an economic perspective that if Guyana were to assess the challenges climate change poses from an economic perspective, it will be clear that there will no other choice but to get involved. “This is not out of the whims of Jagdeo or the PPP Government that we want to be involved. This is out of necessity. People shouldn’t be praised for that…for doing what is necessary,” he said.
“If we don’t fix this problem and the planet continues to warm up, the forest that we so cherish will die,” he said, explaining that the forest will not be able to survive in the warmer climate, adding that the ecosystem will change. He said that ecosystem services such as the [regulation of] rainfall patterns will be altered. He said that crops that are cultivated in Guyana will not be able to grow in climate that is significantly warmer.
Explaining that the economy loses 10 percent to flooding every year, Jagdeo said that the effects of climate change could increase these losses many times over. He said that because of flooding, Guyana has for the past ten years been losing about US$250 million because of floods, according to a study done by McKinsey and Company, a consultancy firm. He said that a climate change resultant loss in the economy will mean fewer jobs for Guyanese, more health risks due to additional vectors and increased spending to protect the coast from a rising sea. This, he said, would mean diversion from the planned spending on social sectors like health and education. He said that should all the impacts be assessed, one will realise that climate change can present a nightmare scenario in Guyana should efforts not be made to mitigate it.
He said that no development strategy could be crafted without taking note of the effects of climate change. “So this is out of necessity that we are doing this,” he said. “Secondly we recognise that the model of development that many of the rich countries of the world used to get where they are, that that model of development would lead even faster to a disastrous situation if it were to continue.”

He said that if China and India and many of the countries that are now emerging on the world stage, growing, expanding and creating more wealth, were to use the same development model that the current industrialized world used, “then we will never, ever be able to achieve the targets set by the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change to limit greenhouse gas [concentrations] to two degrees Celsius. In fact, we could reach…a tipping point, where the situation becomes catastrophic,” he said. “Clearly, we can’t use that model and that model is still being used now by many countries.”
He said that no one has suggested any economic model that costs the carbon put out into the atmosphere, and he noted that these greenhouse gases have huge costs both current and future.
On the current considerations for mitigation action, Jagdeo said that the developed countries pay much political and technical attention to renewable resources, retrofitting of buildings to make them more energy efficient and a number of other options all geared to cut emissions. But he said that scant attention is paid to the option of reducing deforestation and forest degradation, which combined contribute about 20 percent of carbon emissions.
He said that if the world does not find the money to fix climate change, the world itself is threatened, unlike the financial crisis, which resulted in the loss of welfare and investments for some persons.
Jagdeo said that many people have seen the wisdom of the argument made in favour of using the forest as a carbon abatement solution. But he noted that the will to commit financially to the concept is just not as strong. He said that the developed countries are still unwilling to change the model of development or pay for an abatement solution that entails preservation of standing forests, which are mostly in developing countries.
Speaking at the ceremony, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme, Kiari Liman-Tinguiri, said that it was his privilege to be present to pay tribute to President Jagdeo on his award. He spoke of the Low Carbon Development Strategy and said that the UN is optimistic that there will eventually be the buy in from those who might still be sceptical of it. He said that important for this buy in is the completion of the validation system that the Government has commenced work on.
Noting that climate change has the potential to constrict developing countries ability to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), he said that in three months there will be a meeting to access progress being made on the achievement of the goals, targeted to be reached by the year 2015.
Also speaking at the event was Marco Nicola, Resident Inter-American Development Representative. He said that the fact that President Jagdeo was conferred with the award came as no surprise to him. He said that even as the President was being honoured for the award, he continues to think of practical ways of resolving the conflict between the preservation of natural resources and finding ways to provide jobs for a country’s population. “Guyana aims to show to the world that environmentally sustainable development can and will happen.”
At the end of the event, Jagdeo urged the members of the audience to become involved in their communities in the fight against climate change and also encouraged the naysayers to get on board in the efforts.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Leave Di Young Girls Dem Alone

Video on Youtube targets C.N Sharma and calls on the government to enact legislation to protect Guyana's children from sexual predators.

Stabroek News Descends Further

Odinga Lumumba says Stabroek News will not get away with its conspiracy to malign and defame him
Written by
Friday, 14 May 2010 04:47
- accuses that newspaper of practicing ‘gutter journalism’
THE Office of Member of Parliament, Odinga Lumumba, has issued a statement responding to a front page article in yesterday’s Stabroek News, carried under the headline: “Who approved Lumumba’s Land”?

The SN article also had a caption with emphasis on PNCR former Minister of Agriculture, Patrick Mc Kenzie, disputing claims of the allocation of land to Lumumba during the PNCR regime.

The following statement was issued by Lumumba’s Office yesterday:

It is my view that Stabroek News has two objectives:
** to label the PPP/C Government as corrupt.
** use the land related matters of Mc Neal Enterprise as a slogan for their obvious anti -government crusade. The article was clearly written to pinpoint the land issue as fiction.

What is interesting here is the fact that Stabroek News took a very vague letter from someone claiming to be PNCR former Agriculture Minister, Mr. Patrick Mc Kenzie, who indicated that he has no recollection of that issue, and developed that letter to a major front page story.

The gutter journalism of the Stabroek News is also clear by the fact that it published my story, on the same page with a story captioned as “Man forged agreement of sale land owned by brother”. I want any rational person to determine what is the editor’s interest, if not to defame and slander.

The facts that I will provide will speak for themselves, and will provide the public and the other relative agencies in Guyana the opportunity to (1) determine the truth, (2) draw their own conclusion as to whether Stabroek News is malicious, vindictive and racist, and (3) or whether Stabroek News can justify accessing taxpayer’s funds to support their slanderous, unethical and immoral attacks on the Government.

First of all, I said that I was given access in writing to 10,000 acres of lands in 1991 or 1992 for the Pomeroon. I also stated that subsequently I withdrew from the process. During that period Mr. Ivor Allen and another Allen were also given lands in the same area.

It might be worthwhile for Stabroek News to speak to Mr. Ivor Allen and others who acquired lands during that period and the media house might find a contradiction as it relates to the assumed statement of former Minister of Agriculture Mr. Patrick Mc Kenzie and the recipient of 3000 acres in the Akawani area in terms of the criteria used to release such a large amount.
Lands and Survey has records that would show that Mc Neal Enterprise followed the legal and administrative process from the region to central government and that ex Minister Patrick Mc Kenzie gave written permission in his own hand writing, and sent recommendation from the region to the commission of Lands and Survey.

I am rather surprised at the assumed position of Mr. Mc Kenzie and will forgive him because of his age which can cause periodical amnesia and occasional occurrences of Alzheimers disease.
As to the statement made by PNCR General Secretary, Oscar Clarke, I would only say that if you have a glass house you shouldn’t throw stones as it relates to lands and building, because stones can be redirected.

In closing, the records will show that I am one of the few persons in Guyana that released lands when the government requested this. This issue cannot be about lands; it has to be about a perception that a certain race must be driven back to the realms of slavery.
I don’t except Stabroek News to carry this article on their front page because of the editor’s determination to spill nonsense and untruths and cover up his inability to investigate the new rich of Guyana and their inability to identify their source of funding, since they might reveal his physical short comings.

I also call on the government to investigate all large areas of land in all sectors, as it relates to the process towards acquisition.

However, for this to be transparent, others such as, Toolsie Persaud must agree to the process.
It is also important that the media use this opportunity to call on the government to institute an independent probe of lands and buildings that were released by the former regime, in particular when large acres were involved.

I also notice that our press in Guyana seems to be unable or unwilling to investigate lands holding of Toolsie Persaud and Puri of Continental agency, and others who are holders of thousands of acres of agriculture and forestry of lands. The press seems to be confined to writing about lands owned by one singular Afro-Guyanese.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Toolsie Persaud Quarry

People wan know why Stabroek News nah focus deh attention on dem coolie PNC supporters dat get nuff land from di PNC............Why is only Odinga alone dem ah focus pan?

Well...........Stabroek News's Editor Anand Persaud.........he uncle is Toolsie Persaud. And Toolsie get nuff land from Burnham and Uncle Dessie. He buy land fa $2.5 Million and di govament had to pay he $380 Million fa get it back................

People seh Toolsie get close to 40,000 acres of land in total from di Pee Hen Cee........yet Anand ah focus his attention to Odinga measily few.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is a flier that is plastered on walls all over Georgetown

Wakenaam Welcomes Dr. Jagdeo

President meets with members of Wakenaam community
Written by
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 04:51
At Maria’s Pleasure Primary School
-Promises community continued developmental works, computers and playground for school
President Bharrat Jagdeo last Monday met with residents of the Wakenaam community at the Maria’s Pleasure Primary School. The pleasure of the residents at this visit by the President was evident as successive speakers lauded his leadership and his various accomplishments, especially his receiving the Champion of the Earth award from UNEP and his being conferred with a doctorate from the Patrice Lumumba University in Russia.
A senior mistress outlined the history of the school, which was founded by Canadian Missionaries on November 3, 1925. However, after the school was nationalized in 1963, the conditions deteriorated to the extent that it became inhabitable, causing the building to be abandoned, with classes being held in two churches and a private home.
After the PPP assumed office some repairs were done in 1996, but these were inadequate and, after several unsuccessful representations were made to various bodies by members of staff, President Jagdeo visited the island and, instead of heeding the residents’ requests for repairs to be done on the building, he instructed that a new school be built, which resulted in classes resuming in the new structure in January of 2008.
The speakers promised the President to always care for and cherish the school, which they described as their “pride and joy.” They thanked the President profusely for his generous gesture.
They requested a re-structuring of the building to provide adequate space to facilitate activities that necessitate expanded accommodation, as well as a child-friendly environment in the school compound.
The President expressed his pleasure at the welcome he received from the residents and spoke also of his wish to provide the best facilities for the children in the country, except that the economy, while constantly improving, is still constrained, because this Government started out from a very low base.
Saying that the nation’s children need and deserve a better life than obtained previously, the President informed the gathering that Government has a very aggressive programme in education to ensure that there is a steep growth, not only in the quality of the education provided Guyana’s children, but also in the facilities that they enjoy.
He said that the crusher-run that was put in from Sara to Caledonia had improved travel somewhat, but that Government has approved roadworks that will cost an approximate $50 million. He also mentioned that, despite criticisms, the airstrip, which cost an initial $14 million for the land, with additional sums to be expended in the actual construction, is a necessity which could save lives in the event of a medical emergency where an airlift would be required.
Speaking of interventions in D & I and other areas that the Government has made in the farming community, the President said that he is aware of the suffering farmers endure when erratic weather patterns cause them to lose their crops. He promised residents that a long-boom Hymac will soon be deployed on a permanent basis to help with D & I and other necessary activities.
Making reference to the vulnerability of Guyana to the effects of climate change, President Jagdeo said that approximately one billion dollars have been allocated to coastal zone management, including the mangrove project.
Speaking of the criticisms of his trips abroad to heighten awareness and to bring focus on the need for money in exchange for forest preservation, the President alluded to the snide comments about ‘Jagdeo making another trip to look at saving the world’ and explained the necessity to use our resources – in this instance our rainforests, to benefit our country, which lies below sea level and has many great needs to mitigate the effects and adapt to climate change.
He explained the urgent imperative of harnessing the affordability to be able to withstand the deleterious impacts of climate change and to sustain Guyana’s upward developmental trajectory through the LCDS, because the world needs to be kept healthy so that all the children could grow up and be ensured of a better life.
The President said that climate change is related in a direct way to our livelihood, so there is no choice but that our country should focus on it, because there is such a strong concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
He promised the school in excess of $500,000 to create a child-friendly playground, as well as four computers, which he said should also be made available to the adults on the island, because it is his intention that everyone becomes computer-literate. To facilitate electricity at the school during daylight hours, the President also promised to look into the possibility of providing a solar panel so that the schoolchildren can be able to use the computers. He also agreed to the school’s request for a re-structuring of a wall to facilitate more spacial requirements.
He subsequently engaged members of the community, who expressed concerns that he promised to have the relevant agencies address.
The warm and affectionate welcome with which people the length and breadth of Guyana greets President Jagdeo is indicative of the iconic stature that he has attained, both here at home and abroad. In Wakenaam he was showered with flowers, with petals forming a carpet for him to walk on, a traditionally auspicious act brought to this country by immigrants and sustained until today.
He is respectful to his elders and in return they shower him with an abundance of love and blessings. Schoolchildren and young adults idolize him. One only has to witness the response to his presence in the rural areas to be able to accurately gauge the extent of his popularity.
His trip to Wakenaam accomplished much in minimal time, not least reinforcing the trust reposed in the President by the people of the land.

QUOTE: The warm and affectionate welcome with which people the length and breadth of Guyana greets President Jagdeo is indicative of the iconic stature that he has attained, both here at home and abroad. In Wakenaam he was showered with flowers, with petals forming a carpet for him to walk on, a traditionally auspicious act brought to this country by immigrants and sustained until today…One only has to witness the response to his presence in the rural areas to be able to accurately gauge the extent of his popularity. His trip to Wakenaam accomplished much in minimal time, not least reinforcing the trust reposed in the President by the people of the land.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Marriot Hotel closer to becoming a reality in Guyana.

Grenada Broadcast: Zublin Grenada Limited has just concluded successful discussions with the Government of Guyana over the development and construction of a Marriot Resort and Casino on a prime location in the heart of the historic centre of Georgetown. The Government of Guyana invited Zublin Grenada to undertake this development and has given the Zublin team three weeks to consider the offer. They have asked for a follow up meeting on June 1.

While in Guyana, the Zublin team met with Minister of Legal Affairs Charles Ramson and Head of the Privatisation Unit in the Ministry of Finance Dr. Winston Brassington. Zublin Chief Executive Officer Dick Van Dijk said himself and fellow Director Winston Whyte were very well received in Guyana. He noted that the Government of Guyana has placed a very attractive offer to Zublin which is being seriously considered.

Thief never love fi see thief with long bag.

Freddie Kissoon: I encountered an ugly incident at the fire site that symbolises the enmeshed tragedy of this nation.
Talking about fires with a group of policemen who were there to secure the perimeters of the hospital, it was mentioned to me that of all places that you would expect Guyanese to behave themselves was at St, Joseph Mercy Hospital.
But according to these ranks, some of the staff used the inferno to help themselves.
The police ranks told me that in secure sections of the large building, staff went about rummaging through offices stealing valuables. I went to speak to about fifteen of the employees. I put the direct statement of the police ranks to them and they were livid.
They were accusing the police of doing the stealing. They intoned that they were locked out of the estate by the police while the fire raged and therefore their colleagues were not around to commit the acts the police have orally indicted them for.
One male employee contended that the doors of many offices were kicked in and from the damage you could have seen it was done by trained men wearing boots. I went back and forth with the mutual accusations talking to both police officials and employees.
Whatever is the truth, stealing takes place when buildings are on fire. That is Guyana for you!

This reminds me of a verse in Buju Banton's song titled "Untold Stories" where it states: thief never love fi see thief with long bag.
Just imagine Freddie Kissoon, a convicted book thief chastising other alleged thieves................hmm. That is Guyana for you!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fire destroys St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital's admin building.

WELL ALIT: St. Joseph's Mercy admin building

Health-care workers were Monday completing the relocation of more than 30 patients to other hospitals in Guyana's capital, Georgetown, following an early morning fire at the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital that destroyed the administrative building.
The fire of unknown origin, which started shortly before 7 AM (Guyana Time) quickly engulfed the colonial wooden structure, destroying medical records and the history of the 65-year old medical institution.
"We have lost records, our whole medical records department is gone and that is going to tell heavily on us," said Marjorie Park , the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital, which is located on Parade Street, Kingston. Private doctors who operated from the hospital have also lost their records.
She told Demerara Waves that all of the patients including four new-born babies were evacuated safely by nurses, other hospital staff, residents in the area and members of the Guyana Police Force.

CEO Marjorie Park


The patients, including several bed-ridden, were shuttled across to the police sports pavilion and the Guyana Red Cross headquarters, where doctors and nurses were making arrangements to transfer critically ill persons to other private hospitals and the state-owned Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Ambulances and taxis were streaming in and out of the Red Cross yard, shuttling patients to the other health-care institutions.
Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy told Demerara Waves that government has requested all privately-owned hospitals to which patients have been relocated to allow doctors and nurses from the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital to provide treatment and care.
"We have asked all the private hospitals to extend privilege to the Mercy Hospital staff so that they can go in there; that privilege has already been extended by the public sector so Georgetown hospital facilities are available," he said.
The St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital Nursing School as well as a concrete building, which houses the several wards, have been saved.
Police and nurses were seen wheeling and lifting patients along Parade and Barrack streets to the two holding areas as firemen battled the blaze and contained it to the administrative building.
At the Red Cross Headquarters, nurses and volunteers were busy assembling emergency cots as others comforted patients, some of whom were receiving intravenous liquids.
Dr. Jabour watched the blaze as it consumed the building in which his medical practice was also housed but he declined to speak in detail with the media.


The laboratory at the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital is accredited by the American embassy here to conduct tests on would-be permanent residents of the United States.
Hospital authorities and government officials said one of the major challenges ahead would be providing treatment to out-patients of the St.Joseph's Mercy Hospital.
The CEO of the hospital said that given the fact that the ward-building has not suffered any major damage, she expected that the patients would soon be relocated there.
(Story stolen from Demerara Waves)

Friday, May 7, 2010

'Bandit' Pandits Flee!

This self proclaimed “astrologer” from India was exposed last week after demanding US$225 from  an undercover reporter. He is one of several persons engaged in similar operations across Guyana.

This self proclaimed “astrologer” from India was exposed last week after demanding US$225 from an undercover reporter. He is one of several persons engaged in similar operations across Guyana.

Several Indian nationals, posing as ‘pandits’ with mystical powers capable of solving domestic problems and healing sicknesses, have disappeared into thin air and it is believed that they have fled to neighboring Suriname.

It is now estimated that the men, now said to be numbering more than 10, came into the country via three-month visas almost two months ago, and raked in over $10M from unsuspecting Guyanese who came to them for help.
Police have reportedly alerted its ports and border points to be on the lookout for the men who hurriedly left Saturday night and there has been no sign of them since.
On Friday, reporters from a local media house went undercover to the David Street, Kitty operations of one of the alleged scam artists. This was following several complaints last week by Guyanese who claimed that they paid thousands of dollars for the ‘pandits’ to heal sickness, fix domestic problems and host of other issues.
A male reporter and a female co-worker, posing as his wife, were told that someone had worked black magic on them and this was the reason the “wife” was not getting pregnant.
He demanded US$225 to fix the problem.
It is believed that at least five of the Indians arrived here about seven weeks ago and immediately split up, with one heading to Ruimzeight, West Coast Demerara, another to Vreed-en-Hoop, another to Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara, one to Georgetown and another to Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. It is also believed that there are quite a few more, with some of them stationed in Berbice and on the Essequibo Coast.
The same media house had earlier refused to carry any advertisements from the men after suspicions arose that it was all a scam.
The elaborate scheme began to unravel last week when reports by several complainants suggested that they were made to pay thousands of dollars to the ‘pandits’ but did not receive what they were promised.
In one case, a woman said she paid $96,000 to remove a sore from her foot. Three weeks later it was still there.
A Mahaica contractor said that he paid US$225 to heal his sick daughter.
“Three weeks pass and she still feel sick. I went back to him (the astrologer) and he seh that we gun have to do a bigger puja. I know then that something fishy.”
Yet another alleged victim earlier this week claimed that he visited the Bagotstown ‘pandit’ after his wife left him and went overseas.
“I tell he I want her back. He tell me to pay $35,000 and he will do a puja and she will come back in three days. I tell he to do the puja, get her back and I will pay him $100,000.”
From all indications, the Indian nationals decided to flee on Saturday after reporters went back to the David Street operations and took a number of pictures, including a few of the ‘pandit’ there.

Conservatives win British elections.

The Conservatives captured the largest number of seats and the ruling Labour Party suffered substantial losses Thursday in Britain's national election, according to television projections based on exit polls.

The projected result did not bode well for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister since 2007, and triggered widespread uncertainty over who will form the next government. The country's top three parties — the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats — immediately began jockeying for position in possible coalition.

Frustrated voters, meanwhile, said they were turned away from polling stations and some stations appeared overwhelmed by late voter turnout — a sign of the intense interest in this election.

An analysis by Britain's main television networks suggested David Cameron's Conservative party will win 305 House of Commons seats, short of the 326 seats needed for a majority.

The projections also showed a substantial drop for Brown's ruling Labor Party, giving it 255 seats — its smallest number since 1987. Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats were seen as winning 61 seats — far less than had been expected. Smaller parties got 29 other seats.

The projection suggests that the Conservatives will gain 95 seats, Labour will lose 94 and the Liberal Democrats will lose one.

If the vote does not give any party a majority, that could produce a destabilizing period of political wrangling and uncertainty. Brown could resign if he feels the results have signaled he has lost his mandate to rule, or he could try to stay on as leader and seek a deal in which smaller parties would support him.

to win

Predicted seats Seats
Liberal Democrat