Monday, January 31, 2011

UN expert demographer projected in 2010 43,539 on pension list

Ivelaw Henry: I have noted certain arguments in recent reports in the press discussing the population of old age pensioners in Guyana.

Based on a study Mrs. Shiela Holder said she did, it has been posited by Mrs Holder, AFC Member of Parliament that there can only be 26, 360 persons older than 65 years old receiving pensions in Guyana.

Mr. Sonkarley T. Beaie M.Phil , a United Nations expert Demographer did a population projection for the period 2005-2025 for Guyana. This UN expert’s projections are contained in a paper that has been posted on the worldwide web on the website of the Guyana’s Bureau of Statistics. In the absence of a census data this study is useful.
It must be noted that Mr. Beaie used the 2002 census figures as a basis for projections. He based his projections on the cohort-component model which involves the use of a known five-year age group in conjunction with various assumptions regarding age-specific mortality, fertility and net migration rates.

The UN expert demographer projects on page nine of his Population Projections study that in 2010 Guyana would most likely have 43,539 persons older than 65 years old.
I would like to compare his projection of the over 65 age groups for the projected period and compare those figures with actual number of old age pension recipients.
Male Female age 65 +

High Variant Medium Variant Low Variant Actual No.OAP Recipients
2005 36,455 36,667 36,667 33,438
2010 43,539 44,262 44,262 41,167
Please note that 41,167 persons are on record as having secured old age pensions as at June 2010. A summary figure as at the end of 2010 is still being processed.

Trotman prepares to leave AFC

AFC leader Raphael Trotman today during his presentation at the 2011 Budget debate in parliament hinted at bowing out of politics thus leaving the AFC and its leadership in a limbo. In a rather somber sounding speech Trotman described his presentation as 'being my last budget debate', since the time is now ripe for 'me to take my leave'. He added that he no longer has the energy to contribute to a meaningless process.

This comes at a time when there's plenty disagreement within the hierarchy of the party over the Ramjattan/Holder candidacy with some including Trotman himself expressing the view that Ramjattan will cause the AFC to loose more votes.

WPA snubbed by Opposition

We could assume that Walter Rodney must be turning in his grave as one witnesses the depths his party has sunken to.

Described as a 'defunct and sterile party with a handful of members' by PNCR leader Robert Corbin the party's latest attempt to weave their way into an opportunistic political partnership has been rejected by the two main opposition parties.

Corbin bluntly told David Hinds how he felt about any coalition with the party and the AFC has already made its intentions known.

Raphael Trotman's two card trick.

It has always been apparent that in refusing to be the AFC's 2011 Prime Ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman decided that he will not share the blame for the party's poor showing come August.

However, we have learnt that Trotman based his decision on an analysis done by several of his underlings which indicated that the AFC will attract less votes in 2011 over the dissatisfaction with the Ramjattan candidacy.
A survey of AFC supporters found that Ramjattan is the least favoured but Trotman had not other choice but to allow the Ramjattan candidacy owing to the rotation principle and fears that it may be used to highlight his poor treatment of Indos in the party hierarchy

Budget debate winds down today

-Finance Minister to re-butt points raised by Opposition

The 2011 Budget debate winds down today in Parliament and as is the norm the Minister of Finance will respond to points raised by Opposition members of Parliament as well as clarify existing doubts on certain issues.

Haags Bosch landfill to be opened tomorrow

The access road to the Haags Bosch landfill

Solid waste in the city, the disposal of which has posed several challenges, will be accepted at the new landfill sanitary facility at Haags Bosch, East Bank Demerara, from tomorrow, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development said at the weekend. This will greatly enhance the city’s ability to cope with solid waste management and bring much needed relief to residents.
No disposal will be done at the Mandela dumpsite, Le Repentir from tomorrow, as this will be completely closed in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
The ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Nigel Dharamlall, told the media that stern action will be taken against persons found dumping garbage at the Mandela site.
All drivers of vehicles transporting garbage to this new site are asked to do so in such a manner as to avoid littering the streets along the route, the ministry advised.
Access to the facility is through the new access road leading to the site which is at the boundary between Eccles and Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara.

Kaieteur News reporter caught performing "oral" act on Seawalls.

Kaieteur News reporter Gary Eleazar was recently caught by a police patrol on the Georgetown Seawalls performing oral sex on an unidentified male passenger of a vehicle bearing registration number PKK 2*0*.

This information was supplied to us by a police source under the condition of anonymity who related that Eleazar and his male friend were in the car when the patrol of which he was a part decided to carry out a random search of the vehicle and its occupants. It was during this that the two were caught. Eleazar made several frantic phone calls and an undisclosed sum of money was paid to shelve the matter.

Eleazar came to prominence after he and Kaieteur News owner Glen Lall were involved in a fist fight last year at the Kaieteur News Christmas party.

Woman alleges years of abuse at the hands of Lincoln Lewis.

-Lewis paid to have her doused with acid

Lincoln Lewis

A woman (whom we shall not name since it created a stir when we released the CN Sharma documents), has recounted to us the harrowing tales of abuse she suffered for years at the hands of trade unionist, Lincoln Lewis. According to the 35 year old, the two were having a relationship over the past 5 years and at first Lewis seemed like a nice person until one day she paid a visit to her sister who lives in Belladrum on the West Coast of Berbice.
She claimed that when she returned home she was confronted by an intoxicated Lewis who cuffed and kicked her about her body whilst accusing her of infidelity.
She said for years it went on like that and became worse whenever he was intoxicated.
However, through the support and insistence of her family she finally managed to end the relationship but not before being threatened with physical harm by Lewis.

The woman who now lives at an undisclosed location said that she was forced to move from the home of a relative after she learnt from a very reliable source that Lewis had paid someone to douse her with a corrosive substance. She also received several threatening phone calls and was one time trailed by some strange men in a white car.
When asked if she had made police reports of these incidents she related that one time she did and was chased out of ********* police station by a senior police officer who is a close friend of Lewis.

Similar accusations throughout the years have been made against Lewis. A few years ago a popular TV news anchor migrated after experiencing the same at the hands of Lewis.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Local drug lords attend AFC 2011 campaign launch.

Reginald Rodrigues

Bramma brother greeting Cathy Hughes

Several prominent drug figures and AFC financiers were in attendance at the party's 2011 campaign launch held at the Ocean View Hotel yesterday. Among those were Reginald Rodrigues, famous after he was fingered when a large quantity of cocaine was discovered between a shipment of pepper-sauce and Shiv Nandalall, brother and front man of local drug lord Bramanand Nandalall. Both played huge roles financially in the AFC's 2006 elections campaign.

Despite the party's repeated denials the two were yesterday seen shaking hands and conversating with senior party members, including Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan.

Poor turn out at AFC 2011 campaign launch

After being in existence for 5 years the AFC was only able to attract 120 persons at the party 2011 campaign official launch yesterday at the Ocean View Hotel.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chinese to invest US$1 billion in Guyana – Ambassador Yu

Chinese Ambassador Yu Wenzhe

Chinese companies are getting ready to invest some US$1 billion in various projects in Guyana, Chinese Ambassador, Yu Wenzhe has said.
To date, the total investment from China is over US$100 million in the field of mining and forestry, Ambassador Yu said, and other investment projects currently in the pipe line are worth more than US$1 billion.
The Ambassador was the featured speaker at a luncheon organized by the Guyana Manufacturers and Services Association and held at the Regency Suites Hotel in Georgetown.
He said that trade between Guyana and China continues to deepen and two-way investment is growing steadily. For the first 10 months of last year, this bilateral trade amounted to US$80 million, the Ambassador said.
Ambassador Yu said over the years the scale of Guyana/China trade as well as investment cooperation has been deepening and expanding with ever increasing sectors and varied approaches in cooperation.
Though the trade volume decreased by 20.9% in the year of 2009 as affected by the international financial crisis, the Ambassador said economic and trade cooperation showed strong resilience against the slow recovery of world economy and has recorded a fast rebound, out stepping the pre-crisis level.
According to statistics, Yu said bilateral trade in the first 10 months of 2010 registered a 14% increase. According to the Ambassador, business exchange and contact between the two countries has gained a steady rising momentum.
He cited attendance at the Guangzhou Trade Fair as an example. In 2010, a Guyanese delegation of 34 entrepreneurs attended the fair — a 180 per cent increase in comparison with the previous year.
In addition, there has been growth in investment between the two countries.
Ambassador Yu said that in recent years, Chinese companies have demonstrated increasing interest in making investment in Guyana.
“I am confident that with China-Guyana friendships and our concerted efforts, our business cooperation will reach a new height,” he declared.
“The Chinese Government will continue to encourage and support Chinese entrepreneurs to come to Guyana looking for business and investment opportunities.”
He said China has, to the best of its ability, helped and assisted Guyana in social and economic development.
Over the past 40 years, China has provided about 40 aid funds in the form of grants, interest- free loans and concessional loans to Guyana and written off nine mature debts.
He said, too, that China is grateful to the Government and people of Guyana for the valuable support rendered to us in many areas.
The Ambassador said China-Guyana economic and trade cooperation are based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, seeking win-win cooperation and common development.
He noted that the friendship between Guyana and China provide a solid foundation for closer economic and trade cooperation.

Friday, January 28, 2011

PNCR misleads parliament in budget debate

PNCR is being sanctioned by the Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran for deliberately misleading parliament during yesterday's budget debate in which Aubrey Norton
claimed that the President sold his home before the required ten year ownership in accordance to the laws.

The PNCR is to respond to the Speaker given reasons why its member should not be disciplined for misleading the National Assembly. Norton has been sanctioned before by his party for similar indiscipline.

He has been relegated to back row of the seating arrangements on the PNCR side of the house along with Mervyn Williams who is the latest victim of Robert Corbin's revenge and victimization campaign against those who challenged his poor leadership of the party.

The PNC failed the black community for 28 years and more-Harry Gill

Harry Gill: May I remind all Guyanese of African descent that prior to 1992, the PNC had been in power for 28 years and at one time, thanks to PNCR Presidential Candidate David Granger who, in his capacity as the Political Liaison Officer to President Forbes Burnham, the GDF secured a two-thirds majority in Parliament for the then ruling PNC. Why then did Corbin and other PNC stalwarts not persuade Burnham to appoint a National Commission to finally settle the issue of African Ancestral Lands, or did they believe that “the Party” would have been in power forever? The PNC’s failure to adequately serve the Black communities in Guyana is the main reason they are losing base-support; the truth hurts… doesn’t it Mr. Robinson?

Sex Teacher charged.

Ronald Forde, the 25-year-old teacher of the Fort Wellington Secondary School on the West Coast of Berbice, was charged yesterday with having carnal knowledge of one of his students, aged 14, fully knowing that she was under the age of 18.
The charge, to which he was not required to plead, was read to the trained teacher at the Weldaad Magistrate’s court. He was subsequently refused bail by Magistrate Roby Benn who set the next court appearance for March 2, at the Weldaad Magistrate’s Court.

Forde had complained of losing his cell phone about two weeks ago. The phone was eventually found and after it was perused, images of him having sex with the female student were reportedly seen on the device.
It was rumoured that the teacher and student were having an affair.

Ronald Forde

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guyana-Suriname bridge closer to becoming a reality.

Parrot Island, from the Suriname side

Parrot Island, from the Suriname side

Suriname is moving ahead with plans to bridge the Corentyne River. Technical and political officials on Wednesday visited South Drain in Suriname where the bridge would likely begin.

Guyanese technical personnel are due to visit the Suirnamese and Guyanese sides early next month.

Currently, the proposed location is from South Drain in Suriname to Parrot Island in the Corentyne River and then to mainland Guyana.

Ahead of that joint visit, the Public Works Minister, Ramon Abraham on Wednesday led a team of officials including representatives of the Dutch engineering firm, Ballast Nedam, which has been contracted to build the bridge, visited the possible location of the bridge.

Starnieuws reported that Suriname wants to sign agreements in 2011, with a view to finishing construction in 2014.

Ballast Nedam will conduct a study on the design, construction and financing of the bridge.

The Dutch company has previously bridged the Coppename and Suriname Rivers.

Stagnation, violence, corruption, arch-sectarianism, and unfettered crime is what Jagdeo and the PPP inherited.

The COHA article on Guyana, which is being given huge prominence by the Stabroek News purports to be an independent analysis of Bharrat Jagdeo's Presidency. But, relying on mendacious, disingenuous Opposition media reports, it gives an erroneous and inaccurate account of politically instigated crime and Guyana's development. On the basis of that failure its authors then offers tendentious moral-political judgments in line with the standard US State Department themes taken up constantly by the internally discredited opposition, namely corruption, democracy and good governance.

And it is shameful to say the least, that the opinion of COHA is given prominence and legitimacy by Stabroek News when others aren't.
Stabroek News is treading on dangerous footing by pandering to the PNC's baseless accusations and mudslinging.
Stagnation, violence, corruption, arch-sectarianism, and unfettered crime is what Jagdeo and the PPP inherited. The original authors of that mayhem are still plying their trade today. But in-spite of it, the PPP has recorded significant economic growth during the current world economic downturn when 95% of other countries of the world did not.

What about the role of the Opposition in executing criminality in Guyana?

Peeping Tom: Buxton is not the only community that needs answers to the crime wave of 2001-2006. No doubt Buxton also suffered as a result of that wave but let it be remembered that it was within that village that some of the criminals found safe haven and it was from that village that they let loose their fury on other parts of the country.
For those acts and for the terror that emanated from that village, there has never been an apology on behalf of the village. But now Buxton is being told that answers will be provided for Buxton. It is not only Buxton that needs answers; the entire country needs answers to the terrible killings that took place during the crime wave that rocked the country.
The call for an inquiry into what took place is welcome. But why choose Buxton, the epicenter of that crime wave, to announce that answers will be provided. That message can be misinterpreted as meaning that only Buxton deserves answers, something that those making known their plans surely did not intend. In fact it was specifically mentioned that the inquiry would be into the violence that took place in Buxton and other areas.
These plans for an inquiry need to be supported, including by the people of Buxton, for as mentioned before, that community was also a victim of the violence that was unleashed from within it by criminals who found safe haven.

There were reports of young girls in the village being molested, young persons from the village were victims of the violence and in one case the home of an elderly pensioner was burnt to the ground. Buxtonians therefore deserve some answers about what happened including the actions of the so-called phantom.
But let it not be forgotten that the so-called phantoms was a reaction to the violence that was emanating from elements who had held that community under siege. While most of the villagers were helpless bystanders during that period when the permission had to be given for outsiders to enter the “Gulf”, the gunmen could not have existed for so long and enjoyed the cover that they did without the support of elements within that village.
It is therefore a welcome development that the opposition is committing to ensuring answers to what took place because the answers will not only be about the terrible actions of the so-called phantoms but also about those who aided and abetted the criminals and who are therefore just as guilty as the persons they were assisting.
Hopefully, if the opposition wins the elections and this inquiry is held, answers will be provided as to the deaths of persons both within and outside of Buxton, including Christine Sukrah, Tshaka Blair, “Sweetie Man” and Brian Hamilton who operated a gas station within the Friendship area.

Answers will have to be provided as to who went into the village to conduct political indoctrination classes for the criminals, who provided the gunmen with food and the identities of all the child soldiers who were involved.
The names of all those behind the phantoms will also be made known just as the names of those women who placed their bodies and that of their children between the advancing security ranks and the escaping criminals. All those who provided support in whatever form to the criminals hiding out in Buxton, all those who visited them, all those who allowed their girl children to consort with them, all will have to answer for what took place because the people of the village but more so those outside of the village suffered as never during the crime wave.
At the end of this process it is hoped that there can be reconciliation between the village and the wider society but this can only happen if there is justice.
The first step in the process of justice is to find the answers to what took place and for Guyana to learn from this terrible period in our country’s history which ought never to be repeated.
The promise by the opposition parties for an investigation is therefore welcome, but let there be no misunderstanding, there can be no inquiry simply into the unjust acts against the village, and there were many. There must equally be an inquiry that will expose what support was given to the gunmen, who gave that support and who were the intellectual authors behind the crime wave.
It must also cover the Lusignan, Bartica, Lindo Creek and Agricola massacres, for the people also need to know who were behind these acts.
The people need to know who were directing the phantoms but also who was Fine Man working for.

Stabroek news role in political opposition!

Stabroek news is becoming more open about its allegiance to the anti-government network of oppositionists.

Increasingly the newspaper's editors are slanting articles to favour the opposition campaign on several issues in an attempt to give the impression that everything in Guyana is about doom and gloom.

The most recent glaring example on Stabroek news' partnership with the anti-government network is the free release on its website of the article, titled, ' Jagdeo leaves tattered legacy'. It is no secret that anyone that needs to read the Stabroek news articles online are required to pay.
Surprisingly, this is listed amongst the items that can be accessed for free even though its a major news story on the Stabroek News website.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

AFC Executives dodge parliamentary heat

The AFC senior parliamentarians, Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael Trotman and David Patterson left the heat to their junior parliamentarian Latchmin Punilall as Minister Priya Manickchand exposed AFC mischief in their ''fictitious'' study on old age pensioners. The AFC is proposing the removal of 17, 000 old age pensioners from the national register on the basis of that party's outrageous mathematical concoction aimed at scoring political mileage.

Minutes before Minister Manickchand rise to debunked AFC Sheila Holder's liberally misguided presentation, Mrs Holder, Trotman and Ramjattan escaped through the walls of parliament.

The AFC senior parliamentarians mysteriously appeared late last night by which time the heat dissipated.

Sheila Holder may resign from parliament

Reports are circulating about the likelihood of AFC Sheila Holder resigning from Parliament over the revelation of her fictitious study about old age pensioners and the AFC attempt to mischievously remove 17, 000 old age pensioners from the national register.

Mrs. Holder is known for making outrageously ridiculous statements that puts the AFC to embarrassment. Last year Khemraj Ramjattan who is AFC's 2011 presidential candidate was forced to apologise to parliament for deliberately misleading the house about information about the contribution of another parliamentarian.

Poor turnout at AFC NYC fundraising Dinner

From the Image above we could clearly see how popular the AFC isn't. The majority of their supporters reside in New York yet their meeting was poorly attended. This is an indication of things to come since they AFC literally has a handful of supporters who are by the way on an in transit to the PPP/C.
It is no secret that the AFC is on its way of politics as a result of a lack of vision, poor leadership and corrupt officials.

Benschop should examine his own 'eating habits'-Observer

Benschop says that Jagdeo hops around from club to club picking up "whores". Well if this is true it pales significantly when one examines Benschop's own 'eating' habits.

Benschop drives around at nights, and even days, from rum shop to rum shop looking to 'suck dem lil girls pokey' according to one observer.

Pensioners denounce Sheila Holder's proposal to remove 17,000 pensioners from register.

Euclin Josiah

I think that it shameless and unconscionable for anyone to deny me my pension. Mrs Holder and her party needs to seriously rethink their position as any such more will affect the livelihood of thousands, myself included. Politics shouldn't be played by the AFC using the well being of the populace.

Indrawattie Seopaul

Holder and her party are trying their best to undo all the hard work done by the Government and PPP/C to make the lives of us, the citizens, better.

Clifton Davis

The AFC must be going berserk. Holder has got to be loosing it. How will i eek out an existence if my pension, being my only income, is removed? Could Sheila Holder answer that for me? How can Holder make such a claim without evidence?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sheila Holder's indecent proposal rejected by PPP Parliamentarians

-proposes the removal of 17000 pensioners from pensioners register

Sheila Holder

AFC MP Sheila Holder tonight during the 2011 Budget debate proposed that the names of 17000 old age pensioners be removed from the pensioners register since according to her these persons were either deceased or non-existent. When challenged by the speaker and PPP MPs to produce evidence Holder was unable to do so. She had earlier based her suggestion on the findings of a so-called survey done by her. Holder was forced to apologise for what was termed her "indecent proposal" by other members of the house. And up to this point was unable to supply other MPs with evidence of her survey/investigation.

PNCR should walk their way out of Guyana.

Empty PNCR benches

Corbin and the PNC should stop this laziness and make meaningful contributions to the budget debate currently taking place in parliament. Walking out prematurely will not hide the fact that so the far the party has come up short and apart from echoing Christopher Ram's outbursts we have seen nothing of substance from Corbin and his cabal of street protesters(ref. Joan Baveghems).

The thing that makes a mockery out of their actions is the fact that while they walk out of parliament they still return to have lunch.

Pot telling kettle he battam black

Volda Lawrence

Of all the people in this country, Volda Lawrence should be the last to pass judgement on any one's character given her unbecoming behaviour in parliament and during previous protest activities by the PNC.
Lawrence seems to have forgotten that it was her despicable, distasteful and dishonourable behaviour that saw protesters converging on her place of employment (American University) after she had a fall out with a female over her husband.

AFC Georgetown office relocated AGAIN over non-payment of rent.

For a party that aspires to manage an entire country the AFC seems incapable of managing its limited resources. The party was forced to relocate its head office to a Campbellville location after being evicted from the Hadfield street apartment it occupied over its inability to pay rent.
Trotman's law office is also located in the building and the AFC reportedly owed in excess of $700,000 in rent.

Christopher Ram's relationship with the PNCR continues to bolster

-tipped to become next shadow Finance Minister

Have you noticed how similar Christopher Ram and the PNCR's criticisms of the 2011 Budget are?
Winston Murray's untimely death has allowed Ram to become the PNC's point man on economics. This ties in with consultancy work Ram did in 2001 for the PNC's election manifesto.
Ram is also tipped to become the party's shadow finance minister, however, there are strong objections from within the party hierarchy

$3.6 billion allocated for further housing development-2011 Budget

-7,500 house lots to be created

Thw Ministry with the responsibility has received an allocation of $3.6 billion to further facilitate the development of housing schemes across the country.
The sum is expected to result in the allotment of 7,500 house lots and the processing and distribution of 4,000 land titles to Guyanese, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh said when he presented the 2011 National Budget last week Monday. He said government is cognisant of the value of home ownership and its nexus with reducing poverty and improving living standards.
“Our government is not satisfied to only provide access to affordable housing infrastructure but has also advanced initiatives to ensure that the process of home ownership is made more efficient and accessible,” Singh said.
He said the funds allocated this year will allow for the continuation of the progress witnessed in the housing sector last year, when $9.6 billion was credited for the purpose.
In addition, the ‘One Stop Shop’ outreach initiative, which started in 2009, will also be expanded to include Region Seven (Cuyuni/Mazaruni), in the programme which aims at making the allocation process more efficient.
“Of the total allocation to the housing sector, $700M will be spent on improving the roads network and water distribution systems in areas such as Plantations Zeelugt and Leonora in Region Three (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara), Mahdia in Region Eight (Potaro/Siparuni and from Providence to Eccles on East Bank Demerara, which will benefit approximately 1,500 households,” Singh added.
He said, under the Second Low Income Settlement Programme (LIS2), 148 core houses are to be built, 98 in the coastal regions and 50 for the Hinterland Housing Pilot Programme.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Government’s "One Laptop Per Family" project launched.

Senior Project Manager of the One Laptop per Family Project Sesh Sukhdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday rolled out his One Laptop per Family initiative to a packed Guyana International Conference Centre as hundreds came to hear how they could benefit from the initiative designed to be a part of Guyana’s thrust into the age of information technology on which much of the economy will be reliant. In his address to the gathering of mostly mothers and schoolchildren, President Jagdeo said the 90,000 laptop computers would go to the least fortunate families in Guyana.

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking at the launch of the project

“I don’t want other kids not to benefit too, but I am prepared to use a tax credit system or any other system to ensure that they too could have access at a cheaper rate. But we want the poor kids to have these instruments,” he said.

“[The laptop] has to be earned...not that you have to pay for it, but it has to be earned by effort and commitment. People who collect these laptops are not getting them free. You don’t have to pay for them but it requires commitment and effort and a promise to help others once you learn,” President Jagdeo explained.

Students of the Hinterland Scholarship Programme collecting their laptops from President Jagdeo

“This is a national project; this is a project that allows you to help others too, inasmuch as you help yourselves. This is the Guyanese family working together to help each other,” he said.

Explaining the rationale behind the project, the President said he decided it would be one laptop per family, rather than per child.
“First of all, it is cost consideration. However, we think that with this instrument placed in the family, with collective ownership of this instrument, that we can achieve a number of things. First, we can achieve greater connection between the classroom and the home. Secondly, we can get the parents much more involved in the work of the children in a very interactive way. Thirdly, it enhances educational access and information available to the entire family. They can access information and communicate with people across the world using this method,” he said

PPP announces prospective presidential candidates

The People’s Progressive Party has been advancing its discussions on the issue of choosing a Presidential Candidate for the 2011 General and Regional Elections.

According to the Party, at the last meeting of the Executive Committee, five persons were identified as having expressed
interest and have been nominated. These are Moses Nagamootoo, Ralph Ramkarran, Clement Rohee, Gail Teixeira and Donald Ramotar.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dirty Criminal Bastards

Basil Williams
Child Molester. He can't wait to get his paws on anything in a skirt.

James Bond- Fleeces all of his clients and seeks to coerce female clients into sexual acts.

AFC cited by IAC for seeking to incite Afro-Indo strife.

- makes complaint to ERC

The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) has taken issue on comments made by the Alliance For Change (AFC) during a political meeting held at Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice, on Saturday, January 15, 2011.

These comments were noted on the website, on Sunday, January 16, 2011. The matter was brought to the attention of the Ethnic Relations Commission by way of letter dated 17th of this month and addressed to the ERC Chairman, Bishop Juan Edghill.

In that letter the IAC states that it is appalled at the level of irresponsibility shown by the AFC, which reportedly appealed to Guyanese East Indians to stop being fearful of African Guyanese, which the IAC perceives as a deliberate attempt to incite and create strife between the two principal ethnic groups of this country, which can result in dire consequences in an election year.

The letter, which was signed by Coordinator/Secretary of the
IAC, Maria Rasheed, condemned what the organization termed, “…this gross and outrageous insult to people of Indo-Guyanese origin and views the comments as a deliberate attempt to unravel the harmony that exists among Guyanese of all ethnicities and which dates back as far as 1838.”
Urging the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) to immediately investigate what the organization considers dangerous messages of the AFC, Ms Rasheed further wrote that the IAC believes that the AFC has unwisely and inaccurately portrayed the entire ethnic group, to which its presidential candidate belongs, as being cowardly as it attempts to skewer ethnic relations with the hope of enhancing that Party’s political ambitions. According to the letter, the IAC sees “…these inflammatory comments by the AFC as deliberately making one ethnic group inferior to another. This is counter to the Constitution of Guyana, which guarantees freedom and equality to all.”
Continuing, the IAC noted that the AFC should be reminded that “…the pages of Guyana’s history are filled with the proliferation of stability that has existed, and continues to exist among Indo and Afro Guyanese”, further stating that history has shown that East Indian indentured labourers, very early during the history of Indentureship, strongly resisted the attempts of the white plantocracy to oppress them as they laboured in canefields, refuting the AFC inference of cowardice in Indo-Guyanese.
Stressing the historical cooperation between the two major races in Guyana, the IAC recalled that on several occasions in the struggle against the plantocracy, Indians were aided by African co-workers, and drew attention to the fact that the late Dr. Walter Rodney has written on the way East Indians and African workers confronted the colonial authorities in the strike in 1905, which resulted in many being killed, among other examples of a united front put up by the two races against oppressive forces, which resulted in the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan being elected to the National Assembly in 1947, based largely on the unity of East Indians and African Guyanese when he contested the East Coast constituency.

Private Sector Commission lauds 2011 Budget

The Private Sector Commission has lauded the 2011 National Budget presented on Monday, saying that the measures contained therein vindicate the representation that the body has been making for years with regard to taxes, and calling the lowering of corporation tax “a leap of faith in the private sector.”
Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on Monday presented the $161.4B 2011 National Budget in the National Assembly.
“We congratulate the Minister of Finance. We believe that he has made a good case for some of the reforms that have taken place in our country. We believe that, in fact, it is a watershed moment for Guyana, especially in the area of corporate tax reform,” said Chairman of the PSC, Ramesh Dookhoo, at a press conference, at the PSC’s office on Waterloo Street.

President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry Komal Ramnauth (left), Chairman of the Private Sector Commission Ramesh Dookhoo (centre) and Executive Director of the PSC Roubinder Rambarran at a press conference on the national budget yesterday

This year, the rate for corporation tax has been adjusted downwards from 45 to 40 percent, except for telephone companies. Further, the corporation tax for non-commercial companies has been revised from 40 to 35 percent.
“We believe that the reduction of corporation taxes is a leap of faith in the private sector by the Government of Guyana, and the PSC feels vindicated for its collaborative efforts with Government to bring various matters of the National Competitiveness Strategy to a head,” said the PSC Chairman. Read more.........

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Public Assistance, Old Age Pension increased.

The 2011 budget contains increases that will benefit approximately 50,000 people on Public Assistance or receiving Old Age pensions.
Yesterday, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, announced the increases in his 2011 budget speech in the National Assembly.
The more than 9,000 persons currently receiving Public Assistance at a rate of $4,900 per month, can now expect that amount to increase to $5,500 per month effective February 1, 2011. The Public Assistance programme targets cases of temporarily incapacitated individuals.
According to Minister Singh, a critical factor for the “reduction in the level of the vulnerability of the disadvantaged, is the establishment of mechanisms geared to support the provision of employment opportunities such as the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency launched in November 2010, an online vacancy registration service, which allows for automated registration and employment matching. This year will see the continuation of both programmes.”
In continued efforts by the state to assist the homeless, the Minister noted that “the construction of the 300-bed residential centre for rehabilitation and reintegration at Onverwagt has commenced and is expected to be completed later this year while the Night Shelter has extended its capacity by 60 persons to now cater for 250 persons providing them with meals, medical assistance and more importantly accommodation on a 24-hour basis.”
Meanwhile, the Old Age Pension programme which assists some 42,000 senior citizens will see an added increase in the monthly amounts released there as well. The Minister announced that the seniors can expect to get $7,500 a month as of February 1, 2011. This is a 14 per cent increase over the current sum of $6,600. Water payments are also subsidised for those pensioners who qualify giving the elderly some measure of independence and the ability to take care of themselves.
And for those seniors who are unable to do so for whatever reason the state has taken their wellbeing into consideration as well. Rehabilitation works are currently being undertaken on the Palms Geriatric Institution. Part of the completed work is a recreation facility which is now operational. The facility features a reading room, exercise room and canteen services.
The Minister said, “In 2011, efforts will be placed on providing more opportunities for improving the physical and social well being of our elderly in social services and health care in addition to the continued financial support in the form of old age pensions and water payment subsidies.”

Berbicians show less interest in AFC

AFC public meeting

The AFC held its first public meeting for 2011 recently at Bath Settlement, on the West Coast of Berbice and it was sparsely attended. When asked as to the reasons for this many Berbicians said that there's simply no interest in the party especially after the infighting between Ramjattan and Trotman.

Same old rhetoric from PNCR Presidential nominees

Thomas Cole: I attended a meeting organised by the PNCR at the Skeldon High School on Sunday January 16 and was surprised to see that only a few dozen people came out to hear what the party’s five presidential hopefuls had to say. With national elections just months away, and this being the main opposition party, this is definitely not encouraging.

Also disappointing was the fact that no innovative plan was put forward by any of the candidates to move Guyana further up the road of development. In addressing this issue, the response from the five was basically the same old rhetoric about job creation and inclusiveness, without mapping out how this can actually be achieved.

If the PNCR is to improve its performance at the upcoming elections, vision and innovativeness are needed in their approach to mapping out a national development plan. Sadly, from all indications, this seems to be unattainable. Same old story.

2011 Budget presented- Income tax threshold raised, Corporation tax lowered

Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh yesterday presented what he justifiably called the largest budget in Guyana’s history and persons can once again look forward to some sense of relieve in some areas.
The $161.4B budget was presented under the theme, “Together Building Tomorrow’s Guyana Today” and will feature no new taxes.
Dr Singh announced that with effect from year of income 2011, the personal income tax allowance, or threshold as it is popularly known, will be increased from the current level of $420,000 per annum to $480,000 per annum.
This means that the taxable income has now moved from $35, 000 per month to $40,000 per month.
Companies also have something to smile about.
As it relates to the Corporation tax, Dr Singh said that prior to the adjustment commercial companies would pay corporation tax at the rate of 45 per cent of chargeable profits. “Such companies shall with effect from year of income 2011 pay corporation tax at the rate of 40 percent of chargeable profits, except for telephone companies which shall continue to pay corporation tax at the rate of 45 per cent.”
He said, too, that whereas prior to the adjustment non-commercial companies would pay corporation tax at the rate of 35 per cent of chargeable profits, such companies shall with effect from year of income 2011 pay corporation tax at the rate of 30 percent of chargeable profits.
Dr Singh said that it is hoped that companies benefiting from the measures would be in a position to retain and reinvest a significantly higher share of their profits.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Corbin picks loyalist to replace Murray in Parliament

Joan Baveghems

The fact that Corbin chose, Joan Baveghems , a protester with very little academic qualifications (if any at all) to replace Winston Murray is testimony to the fact that a lot is wrong in terms of support the PNC is receiving. All Baveghems has to offer Parliament is her years of service in the area of protesting. However, Baveghems is a staunch supporter of Corbin and his preferred Presidential candidate, Basil Williams.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kissoon a dunce who's yet to publish an academic paper-Errol Arthur

Errol Arthur: My first response to Frederick Kissoon’s column, “The Man Who Disappeared in 2010”, was to dismiss it with the contempt that it deserves.
This is especially so since his piece was no more than a vacuous, scurrilous personal attack on those whom Kissoon disapproves. It is a disgrace to the institutions of academia and the media both of which Kissoon claims membership to. It should have no place in a reputable newspaper. However, to ignore it might give your readers reason to believe that there was some measure of truth to what he wrote. Dr. Persaud can deal with the lies told about him in whatever way he deems fit.
For my own part let me state categorically that Kissoon’s statement that there was a “huge quarrel” between Dr. Persaud and me is an outright lie.
It is also not true that Dr. Persaud “remonstrated” with me, telling me that it was foolish of me to mention that he was teaching at the American University in Washington DC.
Why it would be foolish to do so when Dr. Persaud’s teaching position at the American University is public knowledge only Kissoon can explain.
Kissoon also refers to the academic conference that was held at the Public Library last year in which both he and Dr. Persaud participated. When asked what was academic about the one page paper he presented he responded that it was merely a summary of a paper that he had prepared.
It has been nearly a year since the conference was held. Could the eminent academic state when the paper will be published?

Office of the President condems Freddie Kissoon's attack on Dr Randy Persaud.

-Freddie Kissoon never published a single academic paper in all his years at the University of Guyana.

Freddie Shit-soon

The Office of the President (OP) has categorically condemned the publication of an article titled, ‘The man who disappeared in 2010’ by Frederick Kissoon in Kaieteur News on January 13, 2011. According to a statement from OP, the article is riddled with outrageous inaccuracies and outright falsifications, and can serve no other purpose other than to injure the good reputation of Dr. Randy Persaud.

The following vicious falsifications by Kissoon in the said article have been established:– Dr. Persaud did not live on the West Coast of Demerara as stated in the article; he did not leave Guyana forty years ago, he did not have an argument with Errol Arthur, he was never robbed of personal property at his home. The statement by Kissoon that “thieves carted away all his stuff and those of his family” has absolutely no basis in reality whatsoever. No such incident ever occurred.

OP said the article must be read as a cheap political ploy intended to damage the public standing of Dr. Persaud who has been attached to the Political Affairs Division of the Office of the President.

“The Office of the President notes with dismay the fact that a major newspaper will allow its pages to be used for the prosecution of a personal vendetta and calls on the editors and the publisher of Kaieteur News to take immediate action on this matter,” the statement said.

The Office of the President also acknowledges that Dr. Persaud has made an invaluable contribution to Guyana through his services at OP, and elsewhere in the country. While here, he gave several public lectures, including one at the University of Guyana, and to date has donated more than $1,000,000 in books to the University of Guyana.

Dr. Persaud came to Guyana through a leave of absence from his university and returned to the United States as scheduled.

Dr. Persaud is a tenured faculty member in the United States. He holds a Ph.D in political science and is an established scholar in the field of international relations. Dr. Persaud’s previous appointments include Assistant Director of the Center for International and Security Studies; Interim Director – Council of the Americas; Director of Comparative and Regional Studies; Consultant to TransAfrica Forum, Program Chair of International Political Economy of the International Studies Association; Finance Committee of the International Studies Association; Consultant to the US State Department; Consultant to the United Nations University; and Consultant with the Council on Foreign Relations (US).

Persaud has published extensively in academic outlets and has given papers and lectures in twenty one countries. The records will show that Freddie Kissoon never published a single academic paper in all his years at the University of Guyana.