Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blatant display of unpatriotic actions

Were it not for the blatant display of unpatriotic actions and by extension, the deficiency in the willingness to see our country advance, the demonstration of bitterness and resentment by Janet Bulkan, Christopher Ram, Khemraj Ramjattan and others with insatiable appetites for attention would have been almost laughable. However, it is impossible for one to laugh in the face of such a disgraceful attempt by this group to involve Norway in their mediocre political scheme to stymie Government’s development efforts to the extent of being destructive.
How does Ramjattan hope to gain political mileage from trying to influence the Norwegians to withdraw funding from Guyana which was already sealed in the agreement between the two countries?
Apparently Ramjattan has never heard of the ‘ricochet’ concept, which I will now point out to him.
If I were an AFC supporter and had read about Mr. Ramjattan’s involvement in this preposterous scheme, I would immediately review my political beliefs and loyalty, which I am sure would be very different from his, although he is supposed to be leading that party as its presidential candidate.
It is crystal clear that Ramjattan’s political agenda and beliefs do not include the development of Guyana.
Does the country need such petulant leaders? No!
What about the Amerindians; what do they have to say about this spiteful and vindictive scheme to deprive them of much needed resources from the Norway funds that would provide a firm economic base for their communities’ development?

I hope they will not take this action by Ramjattan and his fellow cronies lightly, but that they will speak out firmly against this destructive intervention.

Provisions for relocation being made for squatters on sea dams

-Settlement Regularization Director

DIRECTOR of the Settlement Regularization Department within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Gladwin Charles, has refuted claims by some sections of the media that the ministry intends to demolish the homes of squatters on the sea dam at Herstelling and Farm without first making provision for their relocation.
Speaking with the Government Information Agency (GINA) yesterday, Charles noted that while the ministry remains adamant that the squatters have to remove from the reserves, it continues to work with them to ensure that they receive available house lots in housing schemes.
The Central Planning and Housing Authority served the final notices on March 22 to the East Bank Demerara squatters.
He said that several of these squatters have applied and have received house lots; some are in the process of building, while others are waiting for confirmation from the ministry to start building.
However, he noted that a few, while they have applied, have not checked on the status of their application and these persons seem unwilling to move.
Charles stated that last Tuesday, when officers from his office served the notice on the squatters at these locations, a structure was in the process of being erected on the reserve and this was stopped, adding that wherever possible his office will prevent new structures from being erected.
The Housing Ministry remains ready to provide assistance with relocation of these individuals; however, Charles stated that it is not a case where squatters at these locations are being discriminated against, as this is the situation in several other villages around the country and his office has been serving similar notices and making like provisions for squatters at other locations.
Since notice was first served on these individuals last September by the Public Works Ministry, 15 of the 45 served have relocated, Charles told GINA.
He is further encouraging the remaining squatters to heed the warnings that have been issued both by the Housing Ministry and the Ministry of Public Works’ Sea Defence Department that squatting on the sea dam is dangerous, unhealthy, poses a risk to the livelihood of persons in the vicinity, and prevents works from being carried out on the sea defence structures.
Only recently the Ministry of Public Works again issued the warning to squatters who dwell on sea dams around the country, particularly in Herstelling where the dam was eroded and severe flooding was experienced by the entire village.
The Sea and River Defence Department urged the squatters to remove from the location so that the ministry could carry out works to erect permanent structures to bring relief to the residents.

Guyana hosts UNASUR Council meetings this week

The Government of Guyana, as the Chair of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), will be hosting the II Meeting of the Council on Social Development and the XXIX Meeting of the Council of Delegates, at the Guyana International Conference Centre from today to Thursday.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Reporter made to wait in closet at US Vice President's office

Staffers for US Vice-President Joe Biden told a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel he would need to wait in a special holding area. They then proceeded to place him behind closed doors in a home closet.

Reporter Scott Powers arrived to cover a Democratic fundraising event for Senator Bill Nelson where Biden was to speak. Upon arrival Powers was instructed to wait in the holding area (closet) until Biden arrived to give his speech – he would not be permitted into the rest of the fundraiser.

"I called it a closet, because it was stuffed with shelves, boxes, baskets and other items in storage, and it felt like a closet," Powers explained in a blog post he wrote. "The vice president’s office called it a room used for storage."

Power’s was being stored for later use.

He explained he occasional looked outside the room, opening the door, but was almost immediately instructed to return to the room and close the door. When Biden arrived, Powers was permitted into the area where he was speaking, allowed to take notes, and then escorted back to the “holding area” where he remained until the end of the fundraiser. When the event was over the reporter was escorted from the room to his car by Biden staffers.

After the incident became public, Biden’s office issued an official apology.

However, Power’s experience has reopened a number of past incidents where reporters have cited being mistreated or ignored by the so-called transparent Obama administration.

Hundreds came out in support of the life and works of Dr Cheddi and Janet Jagan

HUNDREDS from all walks of life came together last evening to join in ‘Remembering the Jagans’ at the annual State House Family Fun Day on the lawns of State House, Main Street.

'Group of 18' paid by anti-climate change group REDD-Monitor

The so-called 'civil society' grouping, which ironically consists of opposition members, two of whom are current members of parliament, were paid by anti-climate which group REDD-Monitor to affix their signatures on the much publicized letter to Norway’s Minister of Environment and International Development, Mr. Erik Solheimis.
The letter was submitted a mere days before Solheimis is scheduled to arrive in Guyana and aside from the usual anti-government political rethoric questions to competency of the International Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Development Programme to serve as partner entities for the supervision of the implementation of the projects.
REDD-Monitor is an organization run by Chris Lang which campaigns Globally against Climate Change funding for developing countries. His group is believed to be funded by neo-conservatives in the US.

Donkey Freddie Kissoon v/s Glen Lall, MonkeyAdam Harris & Stella Ramsaroop

Freddie Kissoon wrote today:

  • New Nation Kaieteur News has lost credibility and practices terrible journalism as a result of its exposure of his lie
  • The Canadian currently in Guyana conducting workshops for the reporters of the private opposition media agrees with him that Glen Lall is a dunce, who like Stella Ramsaroop, is unfamiliar with the inner threads of journalism
  • Stella Ramsaroop is intellectually challenged dunce and her overseas residency makes her unable to understand Guyana's complexities.
  • Dale Andrews, Gary Eleazar and others agree that the egomaniac Glen Lall should not have instructed his servant Adam Harris to expose Donkey's Freddie Kissoon lie, since New Nation Kaieteur News is a daily source of lies.
  • Don't believe everything you read in the New Nation Kaieteur News

Solid political groundwork AFC style

In 2006 many disenchanted PNC supporters voted for the AFC thinking that they all were fresh with new ideas and dynamism instead this is what they've gotten so far:

  • Gaumattie Singh doused with acid and chased out the party
  • Frequent walk outs of parliament in support of the PNC
  • A few newspaper ads
  • Peter Ramsaroop forced to leave over a disagreement with its leadership
  • Gerhard Ramsaroop forced out after he supported Trotman as its 2011 candidate
  • Sheila Holder- A RUBBER STAMP
  • Ramjattan's frequent uninformed outbursts-AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THE PARTY
  • Fraudulent polls
  • ROAR has taken over the party's leadership
  • Complaints to the OAS
  • Complaints to U.S State Department
  • And now they writing Norway on the LCDS funds

Is this what they voted for?

Marcelle Joseph’s “nancy story”

T.King: SACKED Office of the President (OP) employee Marcelle Joseph should have started her “nancy story” by stating "once upon a time" I worked at the Office of the President where I had my own agenda. Her claim that Odinga Lumumba was the person who had threatened her immediately after she was dismissed on an allegation that she leaked information on the government’s purchase of laptop computers is total and a complete fabrication in my opinion.
I had to laugh when I read she mentioned the name George Bachhus and his death as the example for the threat.
According to Joseph, when she received the threat it never occurred to her to report the matter to the police.
It did occur to run right into the loving arms of a notorious trouble maker.
She says: “It doesn’t make sense reporting to the police, because what is going to happen is that the government controls the police. I just wanted to get the hell out of Guyana… and the fastest way possible.”What better way of wanting to get out of Guyana did Marcelle Joseph had?
Marcella Joseph must remember that not all American officials are that stupid not to see right through her and send her packing right back to Guyana.
Who ever coached Marcelle Joseph on something so foolish had to be even more foolish than a fool. Most likely it is Mark Benschop.
She is so afraid for her life and is in hiding in the US but still Kaieteur News could make contact with her.
She is so afraid for her life but at the very moment have no fear for the lives of her family members that she left behind in Guyana.
Mr. Editor, I know the likes of the Marcelle Josephs and the Sasenarine Singhs of this world. Once given a bit of power and authority above others they want others to bow and kiss their feet and when they don't get their way they the cry foul to the highest heavens.
Like I always say, the government ought to thoroughly screen those they hire in all government agencies, especially those of the police and army for some of these people come with an agenda.
In Marcelle Joseph’s case, I think she came there with a personal agenda to get the goods on government to feed it to people like Mark Benschop which will soon blow up in their very own faces.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Every election a few candidates pop up who are clearly unqualified for public office because they can’t seem to tell the truth regarding basic facts about themselves. By all reports so far PNCR Presidential Candidate David Granger is such a person.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Benschop misses holding the rails in jail
favours condoms in prison

Caught you Lincoln Lewis,

AFC Presidential Candidate KHEMRAJ RAMJATTAN
at 3 months

Robert, you kept your promise to me, we'll be together forever!

Thank you David
And the palm tree came tumbling down

AFC’s political blunder – Guyanese will never forget what ROAR represented


The AFC continues to commit major political blunders. This party hails itself to be of a multi-racial dimension, but many of its members are former ROAR members. ROAR, as we know, was a heavily Indian-based party which has a history of partisan politics.
From their campaign manager, Salim Nazrudeen, to Amar Panday, the AFC continues to put too many former ROAR members in engaging positions. The Guyanese people must not be fooled.
They must remember what ROAR represented; the Ravi Dev philosophies of securing Indian interests against others. This is not healthy for Guyana.
Of course, the AFC must ultimately decide who joins their party; it is their democratic right to do so. Nevertheless, the implications of projecting such an image of their party may be the loss of desperately needed votes, among other more dire consequences.
I would have supported Raphael Trotman, but I must say that this severe political blunder which the AFC have committed will surely cost them many votes. While they were able to slash the PNC’s votes at the last election, I strongly believe they will not encounter the same fate at this year’s election, if the PNC can somehow, find a way to encourage their supporters to go out to the polls and vote. At the 2006 election, many of them did not vote. Ramjatan will not be able to pull as many votes as Trotman did, especially in light of this new revelation.
What does the AFC hope to accomplish with Ramjatan as presidential canditate, and employing so many former ROAR members in engaging positions? The people of Guyana never respected ROAR and its politics. They have chewed it up and spit it out because it reeks of the one thing that Guyana does need. And because of this, ROAR was never a force to reckon with in Guyanese politics.
Surely, the AFC must know that this will do more bad than good to the party at the next election. Guyanese will never forget what ROAR represented; however well they may disguise themselves.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Liveinguyana responds to Freddie Kissoon Donkey

Freddie Kissoon Donkey

Freddie Kissoon Donkey: As I continue to use this adjective, I will give you more clues. I do not mean it lightly when I say a study of bennettitaceous politics in Guyana will offer many insights into the way certain leaders behave and the type of assistants they have around them.
When the President was in India, this blog posted photos of the visit that GINA was not in possession of.

Liveinguyana obtained the pictures referred to by Freddie Kissoon Donkey at Guyana.org in a thread titled "Bharrat Jagdeo visits Vydehi for talks on specialty hospital"
Freddie Kissoon Donkey could make a comparison of the date and time it was posted on both sites to satisfy his anti-government eago.

Digicel commissions Matthew’s Ridge solar cellular network.

PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo has congratulated Digicel Guyana for reaching out to under-served communities.

He offered the congratulations Tuesday, at the commissioning of the Digicel solar cellular network at Matthew’s Ridge, in the Matarkai triangle of North West District, in Region One (Barima/Waini).The Head of State was on a visit in the community and addressed issues of developmental concerns with residents at Matthew’s Ridge Primary School, following a tour of the school.
Mr. Jagdeo noted that, when Digicel was given the licence to operate in Guyana, it was in an environment where Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Company Limited (GT&T) had a monopoly for international calls, through an agreement that gave it, alone, a very, very long period of almost 40 years service.
He said his Administration was upset that such a deal was signed. Nevertheless it has been pressing the company and is working towards a liberalised environment, in the hope that, in the future, Digicel will not be confined to only bring in services at the domestic level but voice as well as data services and have the ability to take international services to the far-fetched communities.
President Jagdeo assured: “These communities will be directly connected through that company. We are working towards liberalising the environment. Even now, negotiations are ongoing as it concerns Matthew’s Ridge and the surrounding communities".

He said he was very surprised that, given the old GT&T infrastructure there, the telephone company did not see it fit to extend its service there, leaving the community stranded.
President Jagdeo said, today in Guyana, there are over 600,000 cell phones in a population of 750,000 people and, when more and more people are trying to access the Internet and get more information from it, not just for the purpose of entertainment but also for educational purposes, then there should be good services to all the communities.
The President said: “This afternoon (Tuesday), when I go to the next meeting that I have with the community, I will tell you about the plans to bring rural Guyana and hinterland Guyana into the digital age, in which these communities will be interconnected to a wonderful project that we are starting at a national level, which would see, first of all, within a matter of months, a television channel and an educational channel reaching into many communities including, Matthew’s Ridge”

Thursday, March 24, 2011

US based drug dealer sends motorcycle to be used by criminals.

-RR motorbike to be used for executing Gov't officials

Mark Benschop has a 1000 cc RR motorcycle sitting uncleared at the GNSC wharf for over 6 months now. The motorcycle was shipped by US based drug dealer Tookie Van Rossum to be used locally by gunmen. Over the recent past several persons have been executed by persons on motorcycles.

A liard Donkey is still a Jackass Freddie

Freddie Kissoon

Todd Morgan: The Kaieteur News of March 20 reported that Freddie Kissoon told a blatant lie when he claimed that residents living on the railway embankment in the vicinity of the CARICOM building at Turkeyen, were soon to be removed by government.

The publisher of the newspaper apparently sent a reporter to verify if what Kissoon wrote in one of his columns is true. Not surprisingly, the residents were completely unaware of any move being made by the government to remove them from the land they have been occupying for several years. This clearly demonstrates that Kissoon is a stranger to the truth, a sensationalist and a trouble-maker. It is precisely this kind of public incitement that results in tension that leads to unrest, more so in an election year.
Kissoon’s utterances now cannot be taken seriously, since he has been exposed as a liar who fabricates stories to cause public mischief and to lend relevance to his hate-filled and scandalous columns.

Liveinguyana responds to Christopher Watson.

Liveinguyana is absolutely certain that as Mr. Christopher Watson and those in his defense will give us more reasons to stand by our story as they continue to speak on our revelation of his criminal association with Mark Benschop....................... Keep on speaking guys.

Mr. Watson's letter in today's Stabroek News confirms our story about his support to the Mark Benschop's criminal enterprise. At no time did our initial and subsequent writings about Mr. Watson address the question of race. So mentioning the ethnicity of your mother and father will not impress anyone and by extension does not mean you are not connected to a criminal enterprise.

Mr. Watson tries to convey the impression that he stands for decency, objectivity and fair play without any evidence or record of his condemnation of Benschop's website which is vile, vulgar, promotes racial disunity, violence, extremism and defame the good character of our countrymen and women. It is this same 'sunday school boy (Watson)' who admitted he sent money to Mark Benschop for the tortured teen.

Mark Benschop is a rogue element in our society and everyone knows that except Mr Watson. If indeed he wanted to support genuine causes why then didn't he gave the money to Red Cross or Help and Shelter?

Mr. Watson cannot get pass us with his bullshit.

Benschop threatens to murder Kwame Mc Coy.

Information Liaison to the President, Kwame Mc Coy yesterday accused former treason accused, Mark Benschop of threatening his life.
The presidential spokesman said in a statement that around 5:20 PM, he received a death threat via telephone from a voice believed to be Benschop’s and another voice which is unfamiliar to him.
He said the person believed to be Benschop told him that: ‘’Kwame the toxic waste, the war is not over between me, you and your peanut butter crew. I will take your head’’.
Mc Coy said immediately after another person went on the phone and said to him: “You %^&*()$ eye-pass Mark, we gon murder yuh.’’
He said he told the caller, ‘’Come if y’all got belly‘’ and he hung up the phone.
"I have every reason to take this threat serious” said Mc Coy, while mentioning the fact that over the last few weeks Benschop, on his nightly Internet radio programme, regularly announced to his viewers, the directions and descriptions of his(Mc Coy's) house and vehicle as well as those of his staff.
In one instance Benschop told a caller to the programme "these people don't realize that we could reach over their shoulders anytime and touch dem".
Persons have cited these statements as well as the comments on Benschop's www.guyanaobservernews.org site as clearly intended to cause the foolish among his flock to harm Mc Coy and members of his staff.

They have also noted Benschop's association with criminal elements, particularly the 5 prison escapees and also overseas based drug dealer, Tookie Van Rossum, who funds Benschop's, terrorist operations as well as his lavish lifestyle.
Benschop was also fingered in the murder of Joel Fraser, a local actor who was having an affair with his ex-wife Maria. Fraser was found with his throat slashed on the Georgetown Seawall and Benschop subsequently fled the country.

No one should be taken aback by the racist and ethnocentric views of compulsive woman abuser Lincon Lewis

Show me your company and i'll tell who you are.

No one should be taken aback by the racist and ethnocentric views of compulsive woman abuser Lincon Lewis. Lewis masquerades as a trade unionist but is in fact a strong supporter of the PNC and its racist propagation.
Very few person pay attention to his ramblings in the local press and to further highlight his irrelevance, his comments are often relegated to the letter section of Kaieteur News PNCR mouth-piece.
Lewis was also one of the proponents of 'armed struggle' by Afro-Guyanese which led to the formation of the Buxton/Agricola gang, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Indo-Guyanese.

Mc Cormack conjures up another superficial organisation to swindle donor community.

Mike Mc Cormack

'Facing the Future' by Mike Mc Cormack should be dismissed as another political front grouping the main aim of which is to swindle overseas donor organisations of their precious resources.
Mc Cormack is already the president of one man entity, the GHRA, which champions the rights of bandits, including Fineman and his gang.
The GHRA frequently appears when the need arises and then does a disappearing act and we're sure 'Facing the Future' will do the same.
Mc Cormack is often left in shambles when pressed about the members of the GHRA, the time and composition of its meetings etc.

Accused implicates 'Fineman Gang', others in Bartica massacre

-Opposition media very silent after trying to paint a different picture in the aftermath of the incident

Clebert 'Chi Chi' Reece

One of the 5 Bartica massacre accused, Clebert Reece took to the stand after being committed to stand trial in the High Court along with his other co-accused yesterday and in the process revealed that the 'Fineman Gang' had indeed committed the act.
Reece, otherwise known as 'Chi Chi' admitted to being a part of the gang which murdered 12 persons along with the other defendants and the now dead Rondel 'Fineman' Rawlings, Otis Mud up” Fyffee, Cecil Ramcharran “Uncle Willie” and Robin “Chung Boy” Chung.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack several media houses which support the opposition had tried their earnest best to convince members of the public that this attack along with the other ones at Lusignan, Agricola, Lindo Creek and the killing of a Government Ministers and some of his family members could not have been carried out by the 'Fineman Gang'.
It was no surprise that Reece's revelations did not attract the attention of this usually vociferous section of the media.