Sunday, July 31, 2011

Freddie Kissoon treading on dangerous waters

The constitutional right of freedom of expression is subject to the caveat that this right cannot be exercised in such a manner which may prejudice or influence the outcome of a pending case, or, bring the administration of justice into disrepute. Indeed, any such expression constitutes a contempt of court.
It is public knowledge that President Bharrat Jagdeo has filed a libel suit against Mr. Freddie Kissoon, Mr. Adam Harris and National Media and Publishing Company Limited, the publishers of the Kaieteur News, in respect of an article written by Mr. Kissoon and published in the Kaieteur News newspaper. This case was filed on the 12th July, 2010, and the trial is scheduled to commence on the 19th August, 2011.
Mr. Kissoon has published two articles in the Kaieteur News on the 28th July, 2011 and 29th July, 2011, about and concerning the case. The gravamen of his two articles, as I understand them, is that his case has been fixed for trial too early and as a result, he is now apprehensive that he may not receive a fair trial.
The general tenor of the two articles leads one to the inescapable conclusion that the author is suggesting that administration of justice has been improperly influenced to bring about an early hearing of his case and such improper influence may extend to the decision of the case. Indeed, these are most grave allegations. They assume even greater magnitude when they are made by a party involved in the litigation.
Maybe Mr. Kissoon is unaware that during the course of the hearing of the injunction proceedings before the Honourable Chief Justice, his lawyers had requested that if the injunction is made interlocutory, then an early date should be fixed for a trial of the action.
At this point in time, the requisite pleadings were already filed by both sides. The Chief Justice granted this request and as a result, I was ordered to file a Request for Hearing within two days after the injunction was made interlocutory. This, I did. Then an appeal was launched against the Chief Justice’s decision which made the injunction interlocutory. Under the relevant Rules of Court, a case cannot go to trial unless all interlocutory matters are concluded. Therefore, this appeal must be determined before the trial of the matter can commence. The appeal in such matters lies to the Full Court of the High Court.
Again, Mr. Kissoon seems unaware that one of his lawyers, again, requested of the Chief Justice to constitute the Full Court to hear and determine the appeal so that the trial of the case can commence.
Again, the Chief Justice granted their request and the appeal was heard and determined, thereby paving the way for the trial to commence. Out of an abundance of caution, I took the opportunity of confirming the aforesaid information with the Chief Justice before I penned this missive. Therefore, Mr. Kissoon’s fears, apprehensions and anxieties are completely misplaced.
Mr. Kissoon is treading on dangerous waters. I take this opportunity to inform him that should he persist with similar publications contempt of court proceedings is an option to which I will be forced to resort.

Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP
Attorney-at-Law for His Excellency,
President Bharrat Jagdeo

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Liveinguyana has been reliably informed that a relative of Stabroek News Editor-in-chief, Anand Persaud was arrested in the US by Federal authorities for being part of Ed Ahmad's mortgage fraud scheme. None of the local media houses have reported this though there was a relentless effort to link Ahmad to the ruling PPP. We hope to hear soon from the Stabroek News


Edmond James, the driver of APNU Presidential candidate David Granger was taken into custody after he was found in possession of an illegal .38 pistol and 6 matching rounds. He had just finished dropping Granger and his wife home when he was stopped and searched at a police roadblock. After the items were found he was cautioned and taken into police custody. It was then that law enforcement officials learnt that James was Granger's driver.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Education Minister Shaik Baksh today secured an injunction against the Kaieteur News....
Stay tuned..........more details to follow

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The GPA's biased response to Neil Marks' arrogant and intimidatory behaviour should be condemned

The speed of the Guyana Press Association's response to Neil Marks' arrogant and intimidatory behaviour at a press conference hosted by Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday came as no surprise to Liveinguyana.
As we have long held the view that this non-functional grouping of media practitioners is an extension of the Opposition.

The GPA's current beef is over what it termed "the intimidating presence of a presidential guard at Dr. Luncheon’s press" which it saw as an attempt to intimidate Marks.
This biased account is the complete opposite of the very antagonistic Neil Marks we saw at the press conference, who was by no means, intimidated by the presence of the security.
In fact Marks displayed little respect for the moderator, his fellow reporters(whom he interrupted) and the two senior government officials present at the press briefing.
Perhaps it was Marks himself who wrote the GPA's press release given that he is an Executive member of the body. The GPA through this release did not even pretend to be objective by trying to investigate the incident, instead it issued a statement minutes after accusing the administration of some perceived wrong doing whilst failing to take into account the erratic behavior of Marks.

Would an AFC government allow CN Sharma and CNS Channel 6 to repeatedly break the law?

In a recent release to the media the Alliance for Change (AFC) is quoted as saying that by putting pressure on CN Sharma to drop the programme “Keeping them Honest", the Government is practicing executive lawlessness.
The appalling level of un-objectivity, bias and reasoning demonstrated by the AFC's response is becoming a real problem as it exists in political parties and uniformly in sections of the media.
The AFC failed to take into account the other side of the story and it appears as though that party gave very little thought to the whole issue.
This isn't the first time CN Sharma and his station has found itself on the other side of our country's laws and every single infringement by this gentlemen is met with the same worn out cry of 'government harassment' when efforts are made to punish him.
Is CN Sharma and CNS Channel 6 above the law?
Further, would an AFC government allow CN Sharma and CNS Channel 6 to repeatedly break the law?

PNC uses flimsy excuse to stage another Parliamentary walk out

In an attempt to make up for their irrelevance the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) today staged another walk out of the National Assembly during the debate on the Broadcast Bill giving as its reason the fact that the bill would not be taken to a parliamentary select committee. The party did not make such a request. And this was confirmed when government back-bencher, Gail Teixiera told the House that government has not received any request by the opposition. Acting House Speaker, Mohabir Nandlall said Parliament also did not receive any request for the matter to be deferred.

Alliance For Change (AFC) parliamentarians remained in the House to participate in the debate.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It was Ramjattan who introduced Ramotar to embattled businessman Ed Ahmad

Ramjattan and Ed Ahmad

PPP Presidential candidate Donald Ramotar in an interview with the media today was asked to respond to AFC Presidential candidate and former PPP executive member, Khemraj Ramjattan's claims that embattled businessman Ed Ahmad funded the PPP's 2011 campaign. Ramotar said that he is sruprised that Ramjattan now finds Ed Ahmad to be a questionable character given that it was he (Ramjattan) who introduced Ahmad to him (Ramotar) whilst a member of the PPP. He said that during the introduction Ramjattan sang high praises for Ahmad and also spoke glowingly of his (Ahmad's) character.

Ramotar also highlighted the fact that Ramjattan's exit from the PPP was precipitated by concerns expressed by himself and late former President Janet Jagan about Ramjattan's association with drug dealers and other criminal elements whilst being a member of parliament and PPP executive committee member.

He said that while he's not denying knowing Ed Ahmad, Ahmad is not a financier of the PPP nor a member of that party.


Christopher Rajendra Ram

Liveinguyana received this email today from the son of Christoper Ram in which he is threatening to hack this Blog as well as the PPP/C's website.

Dear Liveinguyana,

Your website has been slandering the name of myself, my siblings, my mom and my dad.You know who I'm talking about. Does "Christopher Rammed his pocket with Salim money" ring a bell?

I will personally recruit hackers to destroy and obliterate Liveinguyana and The Mirror websites because it seems you are on a crusade against me and my dad owing to his exposures of you corrupt sons of b*tches.

Take this as a warning. The hackers will strike you and you will regret it.

Your biggest fan,

Christopher Rajendra Ram
904 Lascala Drive,

Is Glen Lall using his newpaper and a PNC propagandist to attack Indo Guyanese businessmen?

Fip Motilall

First it was Fip Motiall of Synergy Holdings then Krishendat Sukhu of Digital Technology and now its US based realtor Ed Ahmad. Observers have posited that it seems that all these gentlemen have earned the ire of Kaieteur News owner Glen Lall, either through their success or a friendship that went sour and as such have become targets for relentless criticism, fabrications etc by the Kaieteur News whose Editor-in-chief happens to be former PNC propaganda hack, Adam Harris.

Krishendat Sukhu

Further members of the public are asking how come all of Lall's victims are of Indo Guyanese ancestry and they have tied this to the fact that those who know Lall have attested to his arrogance and the protraction of himself as a 'coolie bully', so to speak.
Such thoughts are given more credence when one examines the fact that Kaieteur News to date, has not devoted the same amount of energy and coverage to shady activities of businessmen belonging to the other ethnic groups.

Ed Ahmad

Does Lall and his news rag expect members of the public to believe that there are no contractors/businessmen belonging to the other ethnic groups whose dealings with the Government warrant such scrutiny?
Liveinguyana is of the belief that this is a case where Lall, a known backtracker with links to the criminal underworld, is using his newspaper as well as his relationship with the opposition to attack Indo Guyanese businessmen that are not of his liking.

The stolen GPL transformer found in a Regent Street
Mall owned by Glen Lall

When Glen Lall's brother kidnapped and subsequently married an underage girl the story got very little coverage in the Kaieteur News.
When gunmen invaded the Kaieteur News' Eccles press room in 2006, killing 5 employees after a backtrack deal went sour the issue got little coverage from Kaieteur News.
A stolen GPL transformer was found installed in a Regent Street Mall believed to be part owned by Glen Lall. Charges were brought against the 'front man' but the case collapsed after several witnesses repeatedly failed to show up in court. It was said that they were bribed. But strange enough Kaieteur News gave little coverage to this incident as well.

Kaieteur News' attack on US businessman personal.

A statement issued by associates of entrepreneur Ed Ahmad has condemned Kaietuer News, Demerara Waves and Stabroek News reports about charges laid against him by United States authorities as teeming with inaccuracies.
Following is the statement issued by Ahmad’s friends and associates:

We, the friends and associates of Queens-based entrepreneur Ed Ahmad would like to clear the air on a number of inaccuracies contained in articles published in the Kaieteur News and Demerara Waves online news, over charges filed against him recently by United States authorities.
We believe that Mr Ahmad, who has been operating a real estate business in the borough of Queens for the last 18 years, would be exonerated of the charges in due course.
However, we would like to point out several inaccuracies contained in a number of published articles in the Kaieteur News, Demerara Waves online news and the Stabroek News. It is totally false for Kaieteur News to publish that Ed was dragged off the plane in an article on July 24, under the headline " FBI drags Guyanese from Delta flight bound for Guyana."
Mr Ahmad was never on the plane and as such, could not have been "dragged off". On Thursday evening, as he was about to check in, he was approached by two Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) officers who asked to speak with him. Mr Ahmad stepped out of the line and spoke with the two officers who, subsequent to his conversation with them, requested that he accompany them to Manhattan, and he did.
For Kaieteur News to report that he was dragged off the plane was a total fabrication, which exposed the lack of journalism skills and journalistic ethics of the owner of the newspaper, Glen Lall.
In recent years for reasons known only to Lall, he (Lall) has embarked on a vendetta against Mr Ahmad and as such has used his publication as a conduit for his vitriolic attacks against him.
We believe that the Guyanese people deserve better for their money when they purchase a newspaper than to be subjected to Lall's vile attacks on Mr Ahmad for four consecutive days. We would like to know what was so important about this story, for Lall to publish several stories about Ed for four days.
Also we would like to set the record straight, contrary to reports in the Kaieteur News, Stabroek News and Demerara Waves online, Mr Ahmad is not being electronically monitored and has been going about his business as usual.
We also take issue with Demerara Waves online article under the headline "PPP associate ensnared in New York straw mortgage deals; being electronically monitored". While, Mr Ahmad is a proud supporter of the PPP, he does not consider himself an "associate".
We also reiterate the PPP's response to the Demerara Waves article, that Mr Ahmad has not contributed to the PPP 2011 campaign, and he is not "financier" or an "operative" of the PPP.
In reference to remarks contained in the articles about his business in Guyana, Mr Ahmad has invested in Guyana, just like any other overseas investor. He has been providing quality building materials at affordable prices to the Guyanese population and has created jobs for several Guyanese as well. We wonder why he is being castigated for being an investor in Guyana and contributing to the development of the country.
We recall with sadness, the days when Guyanese used to support each other in times of distress, now, it seems, some can't wait to kick one when one is down.
However, Mr Ahmad will continue to invest in Guyana and contribute toward the country's development, because the Guyanese people deserve the best.

Hinterland solar electricity moving ahead despite delays.

AMERINDIAN leaders are meeting at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) for another round of meaningful dialogue with President Bharrat Jagdeo and his Cabinet at the 5th National Toshaos Council (NTC).
At the opening ceremony Monday, President Jagdeo assured the Toshaos that the solar panel project government has identified to bring electricity to households in the hinterland will move ahead as planned, despite the impasse in the disbursement of the forest based carbon incentives earned from Norway.
Cabinet approved the procurement of up to 11,000 65W solar home systems under the Hinterland Electrification Programme.
Recently, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs distributed 574 solar panels to 16 Amerindian communities in Regions 1, 2 and 9 through the Office of the Prime Minister, under the Un-served Areas Electrification Programme.
The Amerindian Affairs Ministry was tasked over the last year with distributing 1,000 (15-watt) solar panels to 23 communities, and these 16 areas are the first beneficiaries.

Government rejects CN Sharma's lies

THE government is utterly rejecting media claims by CNS Channel 6 Sharma that, he has been and is being harassed and pressured by government officials to stop airing specific programmes on CNS Channel 6, particularly, Christopher Ram’s “Keeping them Honest”.
A government statement last evening said CNS Channel 6 Sharma’s claims reported in sections of the media since Saturday July 23, made mention of government officials applying pressure on him to stop airing the Christopher Ram hosted programme on his CNS Channel 6. That pressure by government officials, he reported, led him to terminate airing of the television programme.
It must be noted that these claims surfaced in the media at the same time that reports were made of CNS Channel 6 Sharma’s correspondence to the host of “Keeping them Honest” that the station was no longer willing to air the programme.
“The Office of the President reiterates that at no time did any government official approach CNS Channel 6 Sharma on removing any of the weekly broadcast “Keeping them Honest” from his channel,” the statement said.
“The public is aware that CNS Channel 6 Sharma has been again cited by the ACB and his breaches of provisions of broadcast legislation have been drawn to the attention of the Minister of Information, President Bharrat Jagdeo, for subsequent action.
“It is tempting to believe that CNS Channel 6 Sharma made the decision not to air the programme, “Keeping them Honest” any longer, in an attempt to curry-favour with the authorities who are currently examining his many infringements of the law.
“His concurrent public claims of pressure and harassment would then represent an ingenious effort to rationalise and defend his action,” the statement concluded.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Berbice Expo opening attracts thousands.

THE 7th annual Berbice Expo and Trade Fair, organised by the Central Corentyne Chambers of Commerce (CCCC), opened Friday evening to thousands of patrons at the Albion Sports Complex. The event is being celebrated under the theme “Promoting Agribusiness and Tourism. The annual event allows local industries the opportunity to develop as it enhances their image and visibility on the local and international markets.

Giving the feature address at the opening ceremony, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad, called the annual expo a signature event that has developed in stature over the years, as it has been highlighting the accomplishments of Berbicians, putting the county and local investors on the map.
Minister Prashad said that events like the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair represent and demonstrate the creativity, talent and entrepreneurship of Guyanese

Government will be focusing on making more prominent the region’s role in the country’s tourism, and the Minister spoke of a Berbice Tourism Development Plan which will have components such as marketing of Fort Nassau as part of the country’s heritage tourism. The plan also foresees transformation of the Number 63 Beach.

Kaieteur News' unyielding penchant for peddling falsehoods and distortions is disgusting

THE Ministry of Education said it views the relentless distortions, lies, half-truths and fabrications by the Kaieteur News in its reportage on the contracts awarded to Digital Technology as highly unfortunate and stretching the limits of yellow journalism.
Firstly, the ministry wishes to state that contrary to reports in Kaieteur News, it has been informed by Digital Technology’s Chief Executive Officer, Krishendat Sukhu, that the company was registered as a sole trader business at the Deeds Registry in 2003.
Secondly, it said the claim by the newspaper that the ministry paid the company $10M for the replacement of two UPS at the University of Guyana (Turkeyen Campus) that were damaged by floods in 2005 is “a blatant lie.
“The two pieces of equipment were replaced by the manufacturer as both were on a three-year warranty [and] these equipment are working well,” the Ministry of Education said in a statement yesterday.
Thirdly, the Ministry of Legal Affairs Permanent Secretary Mr. Edward Wills has confirmed that the two computers supplied to the ministry are working well and there have been no reports of any defects as reported by the Kaieteur News.
Finance Secretary Nirmal Rekha has also confirmed that all contracts awarded to Digital Technology have followed all applicable tender procedures.
Fourthly, the Ministry of Education has contacted the Head of the University of Guyana Information Technology Department (Turkeyen Campus), Raymond Khan and the Director of the Berbice Campus Professor Daizal Samad and they have confirmed that the computers supplied to the university campuses are of good quality and are working well.
According to the ministry, “these are real and authentic persons who spoke on the matter; not the ghosts who Kaieteur News claimed it spoke with but was too afraid to reveal their identities.
“It is deeply disturbing that the Kaieteur News, which is portraying itself as the police against corruption, is hiding behind questionable and fictitious sources to launch their bitter and vile attacks to cast the ministry in bad light,” the Education Ministry stated.
The Ministry of Education also called on Kaieteur News to disclose the name of the minister who it said is a suspected financier of the said company.
“If the Kaieteur holds itself out as a credible newspaper it should not back down on this challenge as it would be deemed an admission that it is reporting false information to create mischief and make fools of the Guyanese people,” it challenged.
“The intent of the newspaper to distort and misinform readers is clear and was very much evident in its Sunday editorial which stated that the ministry granted the two contracts to Digital Technology,” the ministry stated.
It noted, too, that the Editor-in-Chief of the Newspaper, Mr. Adam Harris and two reporters of the very news outlet were at the NCN briefing where Education Minister Mr. Shaik Baksh went at great lengths to point out that “the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board is the authority responsible for the evaluation and the award of contracts.
“Tenders are opened publicly, evaluated by a committee appointed by the board which makes reports and recommendations, and an award is finally made by the board,” the ministry stressed.
The Ministry of Education also reiterates “for the umpteenth time”, that it does not award or grant contracts as the newspaper wants readers to believe.
“Yet, the Kaieteur News, in its push to obtain cheap publicity and propagate false information proceeded to publish this erroneous claim.”
“The unyielding position by the Kaieteur News to peddle falsehoods and distortions is disgusting, and from all indications, it appears as though some reporters of the newspaper are on the payroll of some bitter competitors,” the ministry posited.

Amerindian development at a rapid pace under PPP/C rule

-Fifth National Toshaos Council meeting opens

OVER 170 Amerindian leaders including toshaos, senior councillors and members of the Indigenous People’s Commission (IPC) will be interfacing with President Bharrat Jagdeo, Government Ministers and officials from the various government agencies, as they deliberate on matters relating to their development for the duration of this week at the fifth National Toshaos Council (NTC) meeting at the Guyana International Conference Center (GICC), Liliendaal.
This year’s NTC meeting is being held under the theme, “Consolidating and Expanding Frontiers for Amerindian Development.”
At the opening ceremony yesterday, Amerindian Affairs Minister Ms. Pauline Sukhai recalled that the inclusion of the once marginalised Amerindian population was the vision of former President, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan and one that the current People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration worked tirelessly to realise.
“Guyana’s Amerindian population has witnessed frontier expansion without dispute in areas such as land ownership and access to social services and inclusion at the decision-making level,” she said.
Recognising that this is the last NTC meeting at which President Jagdeo will engage the toshaos in the capacity as Head of State, the minister said that it is under his tenure that Amerindian leaders have become exposed to open dialogue with government officials.
Some of the major achievements for Amerindians under the Administration include: a development of a four-year land demarcation plan in line with the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), and the passage of various legislation, moreso the Amerindian Act of 2006 and the Protected Areas Act.
With regards to the promotion of a low carbon economy, she said that most Amerindian villages remain supportive of a system of managed and sustainable utilisation of forest resources and added that government is heartened by the alternative economic proposals, presented by the leaders in their community development plans.
The proposals were since reviewed by the Amerindian Affairs Ministry and the implementation strategies for the Community Development Programmes (CDPs) are now ready. Since 2007, $436M has been disbursed to Amerindian villages for investments in income-generating projects as part of the Presidential Grant initiative.
Approximately 160 villages, including their satellites, are beneficiaries of this grant, which has significantly assisted them in developing food security, promoting eco-tourism, and other productive economic ventures.
There has also been marked increased in the funds allocated for the National Hinterland Secure Livelihood Programme (NHSLP), implemented in the Mabaruma sub region, increasing the numbers of beneficiaries to 317 in Region One.
Minister Sukhai noted that despite the achievements, there are constraints which government and the NTC must work together to overcome. Addressing the toshaos, she said that, “you have been our strongest partners in implementing what we have envisaged together.”
Chairperson of the NTC, Toshao Yvonne Pearson said that this forum presents the elected leaders with a great opportunity to voice the concerns of their people with a view to charting the way forward.
She mentioned an article in one of the daily publications, that referred to Amerindian leaders as “faithful subjects” and a mere “tool” of the ruling Administration.
“We are faithful subjects and tools for the development of the people who elected us,” she clarified.
Responding to calls made last week by individuals to boycott this annual meeting, Pearson questioned, “why would we want to stay away from this conference, when it is a platform for us to highlight the issues that are affecting us?”
She also reminded that government has worked effortlessly to address many of the concerns that were raised by leaders at last year’s conference.
She further explained that Amerindian leaders have great vision with regards to the development of their villages, many of which materialise at this forum.
Similar sentiments were echoed by Chairperson of the IPC, Doreen Jacobis who said that it is the government’s support that has led to the realisation of great improvements in areas such as education, health, infrastructure, communication, transportation and growth in village economies.
Jacobis pledged the commitment of the IPC, a newly established constitutional body, to work with all relevant stakeholders to promote and protect the rights of indigenous people and advance their interest in terms of their social, cultural, and economic development.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Making the 'wrong' turn....

It is now beginning to fall into place. Anyone who has seen the Wrong Turn horror series would know what to expect from anyone or any party which is likely to be inspired by such movies..

Up comes the Bar-B-Que party and its Wrong Turn agenda for Guyana. On the day the party was launched the entire stage collapsed with some of the Wrong Turn characters on top. If that was not an indication of what was to come from such an unholy alliance, one man decides it’s his time to lead the party and tosses out the incumbent.

The sad thing depending on which way you look at it is that this individual has such special feature, the filmmakers of wrong turn decided that he possessed all the qualities to be cast as the main villain in the next installment of the movie. The man tells them however that he will wait till the end of elections to begin filming as he does not want an early release of the movie to scare away potential voters. If you think the man is scary, all hell breaks loose when he opens his mouth. Word around is that when the man became leader of the party someone dug a hole in front of the party headquarters and buried an English dictionary and placed a headstone which read RIP English Language.

The man became furious and relocated the party next to his house in Campbellville. As if that is not enough the similarities between this party and the movie gets even creepier. There are three evil inbred relatives who are the main characters in Wrong Turn they being Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One-Eye, need I say more. But fun and games aside, there is a serious aspect to what has been said above. The Bar-B-Key party taking this movie so serious, they decide to organize a few marches to drum up support.

Of course you better believe it that the same people who participate in one march will be shuttled by bus, car or donkey cart to the other march so as to deceive people into thinking they have a few supporters. But that is not bad enough, the Bar-B-Key people warning anyone who turn up for the marches that if they die, suffer any injury or is affected in any way, the party will not be held responsible.

That is the same as saying that you are on your own if anything happens to you because they are only concerned about themselves and their agenda. It is a sad day when a party which harbors’ ambition albeit misplaced to lead a nation cannot be responsible enough to look after the safety and welfare of its small number of supporters on a walkabout. Let’s hope that no one takes a Wrong Turn on the walk.