Monday, October 31, 2011

BEWARE: PNC created website contains malicious software aimed at hacking into computers of its opponents

The PNC website used for hacking into the computers of
its opponents and unsuspecting visitors.

Persons are being urged to refrain from visiting a propaganda website ( created by the PNC which contains Malware, short for malicious software. This programme consists of programming (code, scripts, active content, and other software) designed to disrupt or deny operation, gather information that leads to loss of privacy or exploitation, gain unauthorized access to system resources, and other abusive behavior. It attacks the unsuspecting visitors and a team stationed in the I.T department of Congress Place, headquarters of the PNC, then processes the information gathered from the infected computers.

The site uses sensationalism and outright lies to lure the unsuspecting. IT experts are cautioning persons who have already visited this site to run a virus scan or have their computers checked as soon as possible by a PC technician.

BREAKING NEWS: APNU post election terror plot exposed!

The opposition APNU, already accepting defeat after noting the public's non-responsiveness to its elections activities has activated a post election terror plan aimed at once again making the country ungovernable. Liveinguyana was reliably informed that over the weekend several ex-army officers with close ties to David Granger along with former Police Commissioner Winston Felix and several shady characters met and discussed several aspects of this plan which includes the formation of yet another criminal gang.

Funding for the group is currently being sought overseas and recruitment has already begun with areas such as Buxton, Agricola, Bachelors Adventure, Non Pareil and several other villages being the primary target areas. A camp was recently set up about aback of an East Coast Demerara village and preparations are being made to provide military training. Our source further told us that the recent attempt to steal grenades from an army training facility is linked to this plot as well.
There is a view being held by the plot's intellectual authors, particularly those with close ties to ACDA, that the incumbent will win the upcoming elections by landslide and the only language the PPP and its supporters yield to is fear.
We will keep you up to date as more information pours in.

Freddie Kissoon's hypocrisy is limitless - Harry Gill

- he's a PPP hate-monger that would swallow his pride & convictions to slander the President every opportunity he gets.

Letter written by Kissoon on April 12th 2003

Harry Gill: “Mouth open, story jump out” is an old idiom often heard in Guyana. There is also another popular saying that, “A liar should have a good memory”.
Freddie Kissoon’s memory is obviously very short, or he’s guilty of practicing the art of lying to his readers.
President Jagdeo’s recent attack on the integrity of Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes in Lusignan, provoked yet another blistering article by Freddie on his favorite target, calling the President’s statement a “naked and unbridled assault on the character of attorney, Nigel Hughes.”
He wrote, “The vicious attack on the integrity of Mr. Hughes at the Lusignan PPP rally last Sunday by President Jagdeo will not dent the huge credibility of this brilliant lawyer” (Kaieteur News, Oct. 27).
Two days earlier, Kaieteur News published an article, “Jagdeo attacks Nigel Hughes”.
Commenting on the the 2003 murder of 35-year-old Buxtonian Brian Hamilton who was shot and killed by one or more gunmen as he sat in the office of his Buxton Public Road gas station, the President said, “They had a camera and he (Hughes) took away the tape…the police never got hold of that tape and I am saying it here publicly tonight because it’s the truth and why did he take away the tape of how this guy was killed?”
By his own admission in the same article, Attorney Nigel Hughes admitted that he turned up shortly after the murder, and with the help of the decease’s father, removed the surveillance tape from the crime scene, and returned it a few days later to Police Headquarters at Eve Leary.
But Kissoon’s opinion and his memory of this event differ drastically now from a letter he wrote to Stabroek News which was published on April 12, 2003, in which he called for Nigel Hughes to “resign his leadership role in the Guyana Bar Association”.
In his letter, “Did Mr. Hughes commit an offence?”, Frederick Kissoon wrote, “I believe a lawyer can argue that it has to be proven under the Criminal Act that Mr. Hughes meant to defeat the course of justice.
But the law is no fool. Anyone could be allowed to take away evidence and innocently claim that they were acting in the best interest of the murdered victim. Surely the law cannot be that stupid to assume that persons can take away evidence from a crime scene with good intentions.” He continued, “… The fact that Mr. Hughes kept the tape for three days, he opens himself to diverse types of suspicion. It is reasonable for a curious mind to ask if the tape was tampered with.
Two senior policemen and a well placed journalist told me that the tape was altered.” He then concluded, “Now what is my opinion? I have read the Criminal Law Act (Offences) and it is clear to me that Chap. 8:01 applies to what Mr. Hughes did at the gas station. Here are the relevant passages.
329 – Anyone who conspires with any person to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to imprisonment for two years.
330 – Anyone who willfully attempts in any way, though not otherwise criminal, to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or default the course of justice or the administration of the law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to imprisonment for one year.”
Editor, it would appear that Frederick Kissoon in April of 2003, thought Attorney Nigel Hughes broke the law, and was unfit to be in any leadership role in the Guyana Bar Association. Yet today, he chastises President Jagdeo for saying Hughes will never be appointed Senior Counsel under his watch. Nigel Hughes may be a brilliant lawyer, but how does Kissoon justify calling for Hughes’ resignation then, and referring to him now as a lawyer “who has shown phenomenal ability in jurisprudence”; “a fine Guyanese lawyer”; and using adjectives like “integrity” and “huge credibility” to describe this man he said should resign his leadership position in the Guyana Bar Association? It would appear the hypocrisy of Freddie Kissoon has no limit. This PPP hate-monger would swallow his pride and convictions to slander the President every opportunity he gets.
With reference to Kissoon’s alleged ban on writing about Donald Ramotar in his Kaieteur News column, I fully support the publisher’s decision if true. At this time in our Nation’s history when even the political parties are attempting to unite our people, there is no room for anyone deliberately spreading hate and malice on a daily basis in the media, poisoning the minds of our youth, and creating division among our people. Freddie Kissoon is not an objective columnist, and should never be taken seriously by anyone. But the real danger lies in his lack of respect for our Head of State, and the venomous attacks on a duly elected Government.
And if Glenn Lall ever gets the courage to fire this distortionist, Freddie Kissoon will feel very much at home being a regular on his friend, Mark Benschop’s online ‘Hate Radio’.

APNU should apologise for the hooliganism displayed by its supporters on nomination day

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has shown its true colours by not apologising and justifying the breakdown of order by members of its contingent on Nomination Day, Thursday 27 October 2011.
This statement, issued from the PPP/C headquarters, comes in the wake of a statement issued by APNU, in which the members of the opposition are calling for an apology from Minister of Agriculture and PPP/C elections committee member Robert Persaud, for his condemnation of the storming of City Hall, by APNU supporters.
“If anyone needs to apologise it is Granger and Roopnarine for encouraging and now justifying disruptive behaviour in our society. Can we trust these individuals with governing our society when they encourage lawlessness?” the Freedom House release stated.
Minister Persaud, at a press briefing last Friday, commented upon the storming of City Hall compound and attempts to enter the nomination room by the PNCR-led APNU's supporters, when political parties were presenting their lists of candidates for the elections.
This action, the PPP/C campaign spokesman said, proved that the PNCR led APNU has not changed.
According to Persaud, it is expected that political parties’ supporters would act in a civil manner on Nomination Day, but APNU failed to live up to such expectation.

Black Tacoma with opposition supporters tearing down PPP/C Billboards

ALL political parties are being urged to sign on to GECOM’s code of conduct, in an effort to send a strong message to their supporters and their activists, that all must engage in a healthy, tolerant and civil elections campaign.
Minister of Agriculture and PPP/C Executive member, Robert Persaud made this call yesterday, during a media briefing convened at Freedom House on Robb Street, where he condemned the recent acts of vandalism, in which billboards, posters and scrolls, relating to their election campaign, were destroyed and defaced.
He explained, “Saturday night we suffered terribly at the hands of a gang that was moving around in a black Tacoma, chopping billboards, in some cases throwing paint on them. In some cases persons used a ladder to remove these things. We are asking our teams and activists again not to engage in any confrontation as we suspect these are acts of provocation and also indicate some level of desperation in the opposition camp.”
Minister Persaud noted that these acts point to a “disturbing trend”, which, according to him, will not improve until all political parties sign on to the code of conduct drafted by GECOM.
“Three weeks ago I predicted that things would not get better unless we see the signing of the code of conduct by political parties. The reality is that things have not gotten better in terms of civility, in terms of respect of other people’s right to campaign and to have their election material up,” he said.
He also urged the Guyana Police Force to be tough and to take the necessary action as they view available surveillance tapes of these acts.
Persaud stated, “I have been advised that there are surveillance tapes of these actions, as a result of the CCTV cameras in the areas where the billboard were strategically placed, so there is some level of evidence. We want the police to take the tapes and to make them available to the media so that the wider public can see those who are involved in the disruptive act… we hope that it does not mean a heightened, uncivil and disruptive type of campaign.”
As to the probability that the weather conditions on Saturday night may have contributed to the destruction of the campaign material, the PPP Executive member acknowledged that it may have influenced the acts.
He, however, noted that there was also some degree of “malicious damage”.
“If you look at the scrolls on the East Bank, they were clearly ripped by a cutlass; that was not the weather, the weather would not throw black paint at it,” he emphasised.
On this note, he reiterated that the PPP/C supporters are being urged not to engage in confrontational behaviour, as any one found conducting themselves in a manner not befitting the PPP/C campaign will be dealt with condignly.

Ramjattan’s claim that the President's pension is in excess of $3M is deliberatively inaccurate-OP

THE government, through a statement issued by the Office of The President on Saturday, has shown where Alliance for Change (AFC) Presidential candidate, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan is not only a compulsive liar, but dishonest as well having abused his privilege as a Parliamentarian to make money on the side. The following is the full text of that statement:
“Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan of the Alliance For Change recently contributed
to the misinformation being peddled in the media about President Bharrat Jagdeo’s pension.
Ramjattan's contributions are inaccurate, and purposefully misleading.
An examination of the subject and previous publications would show the following:

*The pension of President Jagdeo is established at seven-eighths of his salary,
and has long been so established and remains unchanged. It has been given to all former Presidents, including all President Jagdeo’s predecessors.

*Ramjattan’s claim that the pension is in excess of $3M is deliberatively inaccurate. Actually, the pension President Jagdeo will start receiving is about one-third of that amount, and is comparable with that received by his immediate predecessor, former President Janet Jagan, with the annual wage increases taken into consideration.

*The computation of his pension is based on a formula established in law. The value is computed at seven-eighths of the current salary. That same formula is applicable to Members of Parliament with designated years of service in Parliament, such as Ramjattan himself.

*Further, the salary of a President is on par with that of the Chancellor of the Judiciary, and the Attorney General, who sits in Cabinet.

*Comparatively, the pension of a President is unlike that of a member of the Judiciary, whose pension is computed based on twice the actual years of service in the Judiciary.

*The privilege that MPs enjoy in accessing duty-free concession has been abused by Mr. Ramjattan. He has not used but sold five vehicles acquired under the duty free concession regime during his tenure as a parliamentarian.

These clarifications being provided accurately reflect the conditions under which President Jagdeo will soon be enjoying his earned pension.

PPP projected to win in latest NACTA Opinion Poll

… Ramotar most likely next president

A tracking opinion poll conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association last week to determine popular support for the political parties on Guyana’s general elections showed the incumbent PPP/C leading the opposition parties and Donald Ramotar is most likely to be elected the next President of Guyana, with the other parties trailing way behind.
The polling exercise was concluded before the parties filed nominations and before several major developments relating to the political moves of former PPP stalwart Moses Nagamootoo, Dr. Joey Jagan, Peter Ramsaroop, C.N Sharma, Valerie Lowe, etc., from one party to another.
NACTA, founded in New York by Caribbean educators, has no affiliation with any political party. It has been conducting opinion surveys regularly in Guyana, the Caribbean, and other regions for 20 years. The latest Guyana poll was conducted to determine how people plan to vote for the November 28 elections, approval rating for outgoing President Bharrat Jagdeo, and how people rate the performance of the ministers and the achievement of the ministries during the term of the administration.
The poll randomly interviewed 500 voters to yield a demographically representative sample (45% Indians, 30% Africans, 16% Mixed, 8% Amerindians, and 1% other races) of the voting population. The survey was done in field interviews and was coordinated by Vishnu Bisram, a pollster, newspaper columnist, and an educator in NY, and who has been conducting polls in Guyana since 1989. The results of last week’s poll were analyzed at a 95% significance level and a statistical sampling error of plus or minus five percentage points was found. Sampling results based on subgroups (such as Indians, Africans, Mixed, Amerindians) have a larger sampling error.
Asked if they approve of Jagdeo’s performance as President, 69% answered in the affirmative, with 24% saying no and 7% not offering a response.
Asked if they approve of incumbent Sam Hinds as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the PPP/C, 56% said yes, with 34% saying no, and 10% offering no response.
Asked which Ministry has made the most progress in terms of performance during the five years term of the government, Agriculture leads with 20% followed by Housing with 18%, Social Welfare 12%, Health 11%, Finance 8%, Culture 7%, Others 5%, Not Sure 19%.
Asked who they would rate as the best performing Minister, Robert Persaud leads with 21% followed by Priya Manikchand (14%), Irfan Ali 13%, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy (12%), Dr. Ashni Singh (10%), Frank Anthony (7%), Others (8%), Not Sure 15%.
In terms of popular support, the PPP is polling 48%, followed by APNU 25%, AFC 8%, JFAP 1%, other parties less than 1%, and 17% undecided or no response. With the election still a month away, opinions could change by then.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Persons paid $1000 to join APNU nomination march

Liveinguyana was reliably informed that the opposition APNU was offered as an incentive GUY$1000 for individuals to join them in their march as it proceeded along several city streets today before the handing over of the grouping's list of candidates to GECOM officials.

Our source told us that this was a last resort which came about after the party's initial plan to coincide their march with the ending of the work day for public servants in order to coerce them into joining the march failed. It was this act that led to the storming of City Hall by hooligans who were no doubt lured by the offer of money. It is being said that some even took the opportunity to relieve two persons of their valuables.

Poor turn out at AFC Parade Ground rally despite Nagamootoo's presence

Former PPP MP Moses Nagamootoo's presence at the much touted AFC Parade Ground rally failed to cause a reverse in the poor response the party has received during its quest to unseat the incumbent PPP/C government. Less than a hundred and fifty persons turned out at the poorly lit venue to listen to several of the party's heavy weights. In fact Liveinguyana spoke to several passersby and they noted a large presence of the party's activists in the audience.

Nagamootoo recently announced his exist from the PPP/C after several decades and a promise of the vice presidency should the AFC win the upcoming elections. His presence was supposed to spell doom for the ruling PPP/C who has described him as having a big ego and presidential ambitions.

AFC bused supporters from as far as Linden, Corentyne & Parika to be part of their nomination day parade

The opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) was today found guilty of engaging in a practice they often accused the ruling PPP/C of, i.e transporting supporters from far flung regions to take part in party activities in Georgetown.

The AFC used around twenty mini-buses bearing Corentyne, Linden, Parika and East Bank logos to transport the almost 200 persons who participated in the party's submission of its list of candidates today at City Hall. Contesting political parties usually have their supporters turn up in large numbers to show their political strength at this event.

APNU supporters break dow City Hall gate

- at least two persons robbed

Several APNU supporters accompanying the party's list of candidates to contest the 2011 elections forced their way into the compound of City Hall and caused chaos as many scampered running to and fro fearing the worst. Liveinguyana also understands that at least two persons were robbed in the ensuing melee and the gate at the entrance to City Hall will have to be repaired. Who will bear this cost remains unknown as the City Council is cash strapped. This isn't the first time this act of hooliganism was perpetrated by the PNC as it was also done in 2006.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Opposition coalition in further disarray as Peter Ramsaroop pulls out

-endorses Ramotar & PPP/C

The opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition was thrown into further disarray today when one of its members, Peter Ramsaroop of the Guyana People's Partnership (GPP) publicly announced his party's decision to support the People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and their presidential candidate, Donald Ramotar. He said that his decision came about after he had a chance to review the PPP/C 2011 and Beyond Manifesto which was found to be very refreshing. He added that many of the key programs such as the Deep Water Harbour,
completion of the Road to Brazil and certain tax reliefs which are all programmes to be undertaken under a Ramator led Government, are plans that he's very supportive of.

Second murder charge for Jamaican DJ Vybz Kartel

Jamaica Observer: DETECTIVES from the Constant Spring Criminal Investigation Branch have charged two persons for the murder of Clive Williams o/c ‘Lizard’ who was murdered on August 16, 2011 in Havendale, St Andrew.

The persons charged are Adijah Palmer o/c ‘Vybz Kartel’ and Kiro Jones o/c ‘Ray Jones’. Palmer and Jones were charged this evening.

Arrangements are being made to have Palmer and Jones brought before the courts shortly.

Kartel is already in jail on murder, conspiracy to murder, and illegal possession of a firearm charges.

He is scheduled to return to court on October 26 on those charges, which are in connection with the July 12 murder of Barrington 'Bossie' Burton, a 27-year-old businessman/promoter of a Gregory Park address in St Catherine. Burton was reportedly killed while standing with friends along Walker's Avenue in Gregory Park.

Kartel, who was arrested on September 30 at a hotel in New Kingston by police from the Flying Squad, is also charged for 4.3 ounces of ganja found at the premises. However, he pleaded not guilty to possession of ganja and is expected to return to court on November 10 on those charges.

The WPA’s descent into depravity

J Gonsalves: Emasculated by the assassination of their charismatic leader in 1980, the WPA has ever since spun erratically out of control in ever decreasing circles which has finally brought them plummeting mindlessly into depravity.
Although they held together somewhat until the early nineties, swept along on the wave of liberation fever sweeping Guyana and the world in the late 1980’s, and even had the gumption, despite their unproven electoral strength and lack of any real constituency, to attempt, with intellectual pomposity, to call the shots in the PCD and in the process insulting the incomparable Cheddi Jagan, alienating his powerful Party, their supporters and the electorate in general (the Roopnarine attributed statement that “the Africans won’t vote for the PCD if Cheddi is presidential candidate” was a most blatant example of pandering to and projecting racism on both fronts). That kind of rhetoric and mindset continues in the WPA to this day and they are deeply engrossed in racially divisive politics.
The break up of the PCD and the subsequent one to one face off between the PPP and the PNC in the 1992 elections presented the PNC with a gift, an opportunity to play the race card that they would not have had had the PCD gone through with ‘whoever’ leadership. Nevertheless, enough citizens rejected the race appeal and the combination with the PPP’s traditional strength carried the day. However, the surprisingly strong showing of the PNC confirmed the continuance of racial voting, the WPA actions to some extent generating a self fulfilling prophecy. They had missed the opportunity to possibly break the mold.
A Trotskyite vanguard party from the start, the WPA’s inflated and illusionary vision of their importance was subsequently rudely dissipated by the electorate’s rejection of them.
As the WPA has fragmented, the remnants, those who would not accept that revolution has passed them by, have increasingly expounded a strongly racial bias, abandoning, it seems, ‘the materialist conception of history’, if their previous claims to Marxist knowledge and acceptance was genuine, for a decadent ‘racialist conception of history.’
In recent years, the pronouncements of the WPA have been dominated by the aggressive and threatening rhetoric of Tacuma Ogunseye and David Hinds expounded from a platform of alleged racial marginalization. Ogunseye, notably’ was very supportive of his so named “African resistance”, the terrorist criminal group operating out of Buxton and probably like Waddle had close links to that outfit. Close links but not control “ or we would have overthrown this government” lamented that erstwhile WPA activist Freddie Kissoon on a “Groundings” programme, tacitly supported by David Hinds and that other paragon of democratic virtue Christopher Ram, who sat alongside. It seems a `Bigger Brother’ was directing operations.
It must be said that, at the time of “the troubles”, Hinds and elder Eusi Kwayana tried to interject a more sober message. ‘Separated from his navel string,’ Kwayana now resides overseas, reduced to penning occasional ‘plasters to put on sores’. As the situation was brought under control by the security forces, Hinds, who was mostly outside and safer, later returned, infuriated that government links with Buxtonians were becoming increasingly cordial and so started his vociferous race based anti-government campaign.
In his pugnacious style, David Hinds makes no bones that he is appealing to racial emotions. He rejects any benefits dispersed to Afro-Guyanese communities by the Government- “ this Indian government “ or any afro-Guyanese, not sanctioned by Hinds and his clique. It appears that to Hinds, no “Indian” could ever represent “Africans”.
It would be instructive to note here that apart from Jagdeo’s enlightened leadership in Caricom, one of the leading lights of the successful “Black Rights Movement” in Britain was Rudy Narayan, a Guyanese lawyer of Indian descent. Increasingly, over the last few years, the WPA has been moving towards political linkage with their nemesis the PNC, who though they sometimes tried to portray a multiethnic image, always quickly descended into “kith and kin” politics to bolster any flagging support.
The divisive ethnic and political foundations of Hinds, Ogunseye, and others were shaken by the cooperative response of afro-Guyanese to government initiatives. A crisis had developed for them. Die-hard vanguardists that they were they still harboured dreams of leading somebody. Having failed with the general electorate, they were going to narrow it down to “their own”; but ownership was already claimed by the PNC. As reality of another failure sunk home, the full picture of what had been happening to the WPA all these years was revealed. They had in fact long been `kidnapped’ by their tormentor (albeit with much help from within- Ogunseye and Hinds, and Thomas who, one feels, always had one foot there) and have finally displayed the classic captive psychological phenomenon of Stockholm Syndrome. They have come to embrace their captor.
The fall out from the indecent love affair with Rodney’s alleged and unrepentant slayers has had Hinds and company falling over each other to implement damage control and attempting to convince a shocked and skeptical public, especially old sympathizers, that it’s not as it really is- a marriage made in hell.
Almost even before the ceremony took place, that spinner of claptrap Freddie Kissoon in an obscene article in Kaieteur News was trying to convince us that if we performed enough mental gymnastics and intellectual dishonesty, we just might be able to conclude that the present PNC hierarchy, although they were in the thick of it, should be totally absolved of any knowledge of or guilt for Rodney’s demise.
The bridegroom was being cleaned up, without having to say “sorry”, and reinvented for the impending wedding. After Kissoon’s whitewash he was now so pure that the bride could happily marry him without any shame. No spin however can disguise the bride’s prostitution and her subservience to the will of her stronger partner.
Among the bride’s entourage is one Rupert Roopnarine, Rodney’s one time trusted lieutenant. Though long recognized as politically impotent, he has refused to go out to pasture and in recent years has walked hand in hand with the PNC in anti-government actions. Never politically ‘attractive’ to the common man, he has often been viewed as a poseur with delusions of intellectual superiority. He has also in recent times shown himself to be not averse to throwing true and trustful friends to the wolves for the sake of political expediency and if it is true that a person’s character hardly ever changes, one wonders who may have been betrayed in the past.
In true ethnic focused fashion, Hinds has suggested that the PPP is attacking Roopnarine, about his denial of Rodney, because they fear that he will pull “ Indian” votes. The same racist nonsense again. The only vote that Roopnarine can be, maybeassured of, is his own.
It is often overlooked, by would be wooers of the “Indian vote,” that “Indians” in Guyana have consistently rejected “ethnocentric Indian politicians and parties”, the latest being Ravi Dev and Roar. Many people of other ethnic groups are turning their backs on the ‘race’ call. “Amerindians” have long since abandoned GAP and “Africans” are turning their backs on such calls in ever increasing numbers. Beware racists, for whom the bell tolls!

Cheddi Jagan Jr to return to PPP

In dramatic moves as the election campaign heats up, longstanding People's Progressive Party member, Moses Nagamootoo has resigned from the party of Cheddi Jagan.

At the same time, the son of the party’s founder, Cheddi Jagan Jr said he is seriously considering returning to the fold. The scenes played out at news conferences held at Nagamootoo’s law chambers and at Freedom House, where Dr Jagan noted that his primary focus is to ensure that his father’s legacy is continued. “ It is my father’s party and it is his legacy is what I am concerned about.” Nagamootoo for his part said that his decision to quit the party he served for 50 years arose due to sharp differences between himself and the current leadership.

Monday, October 24, 2011


JFAP's Geoffrey Sankies and Jaipaul Sharma look set for a funeral at APNU news conference

JFAP joins APNU poppy show.

CN Sharma being escorted to court after
being charged for sexually assaulting
several underage children

Leader of the Justice For All Party (JFAP), CN Sharma has announced his party's decision to join the PNC's grouping of political relics called the APNU.
Sharma has an impeding rape case before the courts which bars him from running for the presidency and this move was expected.
He is also a comedian and the owner of the controversial TV station CNS 6 as well as the leader of the JFAP which received less than 2000 votes at the last elections

APNU officials terrorizing GECOM staff

THE People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has called on the Police to scuttle whatever nefarious plans the fledgling APNU has up its sleeves, after flaying the party for intimidating and harassing Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) staff.
The incumbent Party said in a press statement yesterday that it is well aware that APNU has switched tactics from merely issuing press statements and mounting picketing exercises to now targeting GECOM staffers at their homes as well as their families.
This being the case, the PPP/C says in the statement: “We urge the Guyana Police Force and GECOM to take all necessary steps to thwart this dangerous campaign and urge that APNU desist from these threats against professionals.”
Taking a dig also at the Online publication, Demerarawaves, for carrying a news item on Friday night titled, ‘Returning Officer Mohabir tenders resignation – source’, the PPP/C said it found it passing strange that the first paragraph of that story comes across more as a statement of fact rather than a straight news report.
The paragraph in question, as quoted verbatim by the PPP/C, reads: “Controversial Returning Officer Jaigobin Mohabir has tendered his resignation from the position as the opposition parties looking to contest the November 28 elections up the pressure for his removal.”
Such a statement of fact, based on a source described as “usually reliable,” the PPP/C says, is not surprising, coming from Demerarawaves, and only serves to underscore what the party has maintained all along: That there is a well-orchestrated campaign afoot, and that it involves the political opposition and the opposition media working in cahoots “to intimidate, harass, [and] threaten, and when these fail, [to] spread misinformation to intimidate elections officials.”
Noting in closing that it will not countenance such behaviour, the PPP/C says: “This type of conduct of harassing electoral officers does not bode well for the smooth running of the Elections and must be condemned.”

Friday, October 21, 2011

APNU's announced leadership team confirms the alliance is a mere political makeover of the PNC

Reacting to the announcement of APNU’s leadership team, the governing Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) said it “confirms a widely held view that this so-called alliance is a mere political makeover of the PNC” for general elections slated for November 28. “A cursory glance at the list announced today reveals that that 96% of persons are affiliated with the PNC. Another startling fact is that many were part of the PNC when that party was in Government, showing clearly that many of the young and new faces, who until recently held prominent positions in the PNC, choose not to be part of this electoral scheme,” PPPC campaign spokesman, Robert Persaud said in an initial reaction.

Calling APNU the PNC by another name, Persaud noted that APNU prime ministerial candidate, Rupert Roopnaraine comes from a bygone political era and without any political supporters and cannot take away from the fact that the APNU is unable to present a credible, forward-looking team. “Further, many PNC supporters, especially the younger ones who are joining the ranks of the PPP/C complain that they are yet to either hear or read about the group's vision for Guyana,” he said in apparent reference to APNU’s yet to be unveiled manifesto. “Clearly, the APNU leadership is just more of the old PNC by another name with more of the same, old and failed ideas,” he added.

TUF official dissociates himself from comments posted on Demerara Waves

PETER PERSAUD: ON Tuesday October 18, 2011, the Demerara Waves carried a comment by one “Peter” in relation to the full court’s decision to dismiss the injunction granted by Justice James Bovell-Drakes to Ms. Valerie Garrido-Lowe against Manzoor Nadir and Ishmael Mohamed.
I wish to make it very clear that, while my name is Peter Persaud, I never made such a rude and hostile comment on Demerara Waves. Let this be a disclaimer by me.
Further, I wish to state the following:

1. I always append my full name to any letter I write or comment I make in the local and international press, and I do so both fearlessly and courageously.
2. Mr. Manzoor Nadir is the rightful leader of The United Force (TUF), and his contributions to Guyana’s development are noteworthy and well known.
3. Hon. Manzoor Nadir, the current Minister of Labour in the PPP/C Administration, has performed exceedingly well in his ministerial portfolios. Keep it up, Hon Minister Nadir, and you have my support.
4. Mr. Manzoor Nadir is fully supported by the legitimate executive committee members of the United Force.
5. The PPP/C government will win the Amerindian vote because of its demonstrated commitment to the welfare and needs of Guyana’s indigenous peoples.
6. The PPP/C government will win the upcoming elections by a landslide based on its track record of social and economic development.
7. The opposition parties (APNU and AFC) are a waste of time, having no realistic plans to further the development of Guyana. By the way, what are their plans for Amerindian people? They have none.
8. Come on, whip them, PPP/C. Victory is at hand.

Dr. Rishi Thakur defects from AFC citing disagreements over discourse on race and politics

Dr. Rishi Thakur

Dr. Rishi Thakur, a one-time supporter of the Alliance For Change (AFC), has jumped ship and joined A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), saying he had major disagreements over corruption and the discourse on race and politics. The University of Guyana (UG) political scientist is among APNU’s 26-member leadership.

Asked why he parted company with the AFC, he explained that that party had failed to address concerns about corruption Region Six – East Berbice/ Corentyne. “It’s not a change of heart; it’s the commitment and diligence to which they were going to pursue the questions of corruption, corrupt practices and not just the way in which Georgetown was involved but how communities were being brought on board,” Thakur said
He chided the AFC for having a lackluster approach to addressing the issue of race and crossing historical racial barriers and bridging the racial-political divide. “It didn’t seem to me that they were interested in pursuing it with the kind of diligence and commitment we felt was necessary and which, in fact, is necessary because we are not going to go anywhere until we can begin to speak to each other in an honest and open manner,” he added.

Party insiders revealed that while Thakur had done a lot of work, there were lots of disagreements and personality conflict with some persons in the Upper Corentyne area. Party officials were somewhat surprised by Thakur’s decision, saying that up to Thursday, he had given assurances that he had been still with the AFC.

Though projecting itself to multi-ethnic the party has been found to be delivering different messages when it interacts with the two main ethnic groups. For instance in Linden the AFC preaches to its supporters that the PPP/C government is favouring the Sugar industry and doing very little for Bauxite while on the other hand the party tells the people of Berbice that the PPP/C government is neglecting Sugar and doing more for the Bauxite industry

Over 1000 Lindeners receive house lots

More than 1000 Lindeners were allotted house lots during the Housing and Water Ministry One Stop Shop exercise held in the mining town on Thursday.

Addressing hundreds gathered at the event, Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali stated that not only was the government re sponsive to the needs of the people but it is also very ded icated towards ensuring that their lives are transformed socially and economically through the provision of a wide range of public goods and services.

Minister Ali said the housing sector and develop ment in Guyana have come a long way surviving various hardships, challenges and what he referred to as the “ transformational changes” which were necessary to bringing the country back on the path to sustainable de velopment.

He said the gov ernment had no apologies to offer naysayers and other critics for its decision to ven ture to Linden this year and empowering more citizens with much needed houselots.

“ You deserve them and its normal for citizens to look forward to these entitlements when they abide by the law, meet the requirements and pay their taxes”, Ali said sharply.

He disclosed mind boggling facts which detailed the investment that govern ment has made in the housing sector and to aid the drive at Linden much to the contrary of information being peddled about “ discrimination and neglect” of the residents there. “ Over the last six years, we have in vested a whopping $ 2.1 bil lion in the housing sector at Linden... this translates into a per capita investment of $ 52,500, and over the next five years nearly $ 3 billion would be invested,” Ali an nounced.

He spoke about plans within the next two to three years that would see the construction and commissioning of two new water treatment plants in Linden with one being in Amelia’s Ward and the other in Wisroc.

This investment will be made at the cost of $ 2.5 bil lion while it was noted that the contract was already signed in July 2011. Ali did not even mention the contin ued investments made in the water systems and distribution networks nor the construction of wells and roads specifically.

“ You are on the road to improving your asset val ue and your net economic worth! You are on the road to owning something and improving your asset base”, Ali plugged as called on all new house- lot recipients to follow any of the contractual and stipulated rules and regulations outlined in their agreement of sale and title.

Ali said the ministry has implemented new policies that would see action being taken against house- lot owners who fail to properly maintain the land and its environs, construct within a reasonable time and pollute as well as damage the road infrastructure by storing or dumping builders waste and materials. He urged all those present to learn to exploit the benefits of “ economies of scales”, advising Lindeners to group themselves up and make purchases at some of the hardware stores and out lets that have building ma terials so as to get price discounts and other bargains.

The housing minister said that while he was pleased to have the commer cial banks and lending agencies on board, he had a score to settle or some advice for institutions that were not issuing loans on favourable terms to residents of Linden.

“ I want to say that they have believed a myth. A myth that says that Lindeners do not possess the economic ability to pay their loans,” Ali said, in essence arguing that they were wrong about Lindeners.

He called on the banks and the private sector to change their policy positions towards Linden as he strongly believed that the housing drive was being ac celerated within the Region 10 community.

Addressing the contentious issue of regularising squatter settlements, Minister Ali reported to a well focused audience that some 2100 settlements are still to be made legal or regularised.

He said residents can expect titles to be dis tributed to those who have occupied those lands for more than two and three de cades over the next two to three weeks.