Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Known criminal is Granger, Roopnarine bodyguard

The APNU is utilizing the services of a known drug dealer and murder, Godfrey Watson a.k.a Baffa as a bodyguard of its President and Prime Ministerial candidates. Baffa was charged back in 2001 for drug trafficking and was found in possession of guns, ammunition and a bullet proof vest in 2004.

The in past he along with several other criminals broke up PPP meetings on behalf of the PNC.

APNU mobilized supporters to create chaos in Georgetown

The APNU mobilized several of its supporters from villages across Georgetown then transported them in vehicles to various parts of the city. These thugs then proceed to force shop owners on Regent street to close their businesses and attacked several commuters at the busy Stabroek Market area and Bourda Market.

GLL 2767, GKK 1405, GFF 2290, PKK 3217 are some of the vehicle registration numbers which were used to transport mobs of people.

APNU should tell Guyanese people why PPP/C candidates had to be escorted out of some polling places

PPP/C candidate Kwame Mc Coy being threatened
by an APNU activist after visiting a polling station

THE People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) strongly rejected assertions by opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), that it is ‘seeking to disrupt the orderly counting of ballots in Region 4.’

“It is rather unfortunate that the PPP/C, in exercising its right to observe the counting process as are all other political parties, would be singled out in the ongoing misinformation campaign by APNU,” the PPP/C said in a statement released just after midnight last night.

“To the contrary, the general public should know that the APNU has been centrally directing small groups under its control to intimidate and pervert the constitutional rights of our candidates,” the PPP stated.
The party said it has evidence of such blatant acts which it intends to reveal at the opportune time.

According to the PPP/C, there were several instances, which are well documented, when the Guyana Police Force had to respond and quell attempts by groups of orchestrated APNU supporters who tried to disrupt the transparent process of counting at some places of poll.

“APNU should tell the Guyanese people why PPP/C candidates, who, along with others from Opposition parties were merely observing the counting process, had to be escorted out of some polling places,” the PPP/C stated.

Given these indisputable occurrences, it said APNU would be forced to admit that some of its supporters have indeed ‘frustrated’ this process. The PPP/C believes that these attempts were not mere coincidences but part of a sinister plan to derail the democratic process.

“The PPP/C takes this opportunity to once again commend the Guyanese people who have conducted themselves in a very responsible manner, save and except the sporadic attempts by the small, centrally directed groups by APNU,” the party said.

It alluded to the fact that International Observers have made preliminary announcements which confirm that the elections were conducted in a free and fair manner. “This further vindicates the maturity of Guyanese, who have rejected the venomous calls of violence at the urging of the APNU,” the PPP/C stated.
It said this rejection was further demonstrated by the fact that Guyanese continued their normal social activities during and after polling across the country.

PPP/C urges GECOM to release preliminary results

THE People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to make public immediately, or as soon as possible , preliminary results of the 2011 General and Regional Elections.
The PPP/C, in a statement last night, said it feels that such declaration would dissipate the disquiet that has seemingly engulfed Guyanese as they anxiously await the election results.
Further, the PPP/C said it wishes to reiterate that its call for a recount of ballots in some polling areas must not be misconstrued as an attempt to interrupt or delay the ongoing counting process and declaration of results.
The PPP/C had also requested a meeting last night with the Chairman of GECOM, Dr. Steve Surujbally, so that it can encourage the Commission to announce the preliminary results in the interest of all.
“It is the PPP/C’s fervent wish that GECOM will consider the severity of the situation and take appropriate action,” the party stated.
The PPP/C is also calling on all Guyanese to remain calm and exercise patience as they await the results of the elections.
The official preliminary results of the November 28 poll is yet to be declared by GECOM which had indicated that, by last night, it should have been in a position to do so.
Up to midnight last night, only a small fraction of the results were released. Results were trickling in yesterday but the final preliminary results are still to be announced.
However, at separate press conferences on Monday night, and again yesterday morning, Dr. Surujbally stressed that he will not compromise accuracy for expediency, insisting that he wants to ensure that preliminary results are accurate when released.

According to him, GECOM cannot sacrifice exactitude and thoroughness nor can they compromise their efficiency on the altar of expediency to produce the elections results.
“The hard copy of the Statement of Poll is what counts…telephone results coming in from the various polling stations all over Guyana is not something that we can accept, neither will we use that…We have a process where, as the Statements of Poll arrive, it is logged in and verified, the individual Statement of Poll that comes in is scanned then verified…This is being done by Commissioners themselves…this is to ensure a high degree of accuracy,” he told reporters.

CARICOM observer mission says election process fair and peaceful

Caricom’s 19-member Observer Mission has described the entire election process so far as fair and peaceful. In a statement to the media it said “the Mission’s assessment of Election Day is that the people of Guyana were given the opportunity under good conditions to elect a government,”

It further noted that “the officials remained calm and focused and the observation is that the process was transparent and in those circumstances electors were able to give free expressions of their feelings when casting their ballots.”
Led by Hensley Robinson of Barbados, the mission said it observed 15 polling stations in Regions 3,4,5,6 and10 where the well-trained and prepared GECOM staff followed all the procedures, including those associated with counting, were followed. “No issues arose with the counting of the ballots. All the observers took part in that process and were satisfied with the proceeding,” the Caricom mission said.

APNU post election violence campaign in full swing

-persons being warned to be weary of APNU lies

Just as Liveinguyana predicted the APNU, facing defeat, is desperately attempting to stoke fear into the minds of Guyanese as well as to create confusion. Using various propaganda blog sites and several media operatives a whole host of lies are being spread. Persons are being warned to pay no attention to the APNU's rumour mill which is working overtime to deflect from yet another loss by the PNC's confabulation of political rejects.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

AFC officials Sasenarine & Lloyd Singh in rum shop brawl

Sasenarine & Lloyd Singh in brawl at Airport
Grill rum shop

AFC's economic point man, Sasenarine Singh was last night embroiled in a bitter rum shop dispute with fellow party member and businessman, Lloyd Singh at the Airport Grill in Ogle. The dispute became violent as several shots were fired by Lloyd Singh who is also the owner of the facility.

Liveinguyana understands that this watering hole is also frequented by several AFC senior members including Moses Nagamootoo, Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan. Last night's dispute was only brought to an end after several patrons intervened. Both Sasenarine and Lloyd Singh are said to be avoiding the police who have signaled an interest in the matter.

PPP/C warns electorate of Opposition attempts to incite racial division

-says it will be used as pretext for post election disturbances

OVERT and subtle attempts at inciting division, exciting tension and undermining the atmosphere of peace on the basis of race and religion by some political factions, as well as their supporters, have been criticized by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), which called for Guyanese to resist all such attempts so as to prevent a descent into anarchy.

PPP/C campaign spokesman Minister, Robert Persaud, at a press briefing at the party’s Freedom House headquarters yesterday, said certain factions in the political arena have been pandering to the race and religion bases to create disunity among the Guyanese people, calling it a worrying development.
He observed that these attempts may become the pretext for post elections disruptions.
“These parties can incite irreparable divisions, excite racial prejudices and undermine the peace and security that is necessary for the exercise of the will of the people; and more importantly can become the pretext for post elections disruptions,” Persaud said.
He added that the PPP/C welcomes the observer groups, adding that these concerns will be raised during scheduled meetings with them.
“We feel that all Guyanese will reject this, but it is our duty to bring these concerns forward,” Persaud said.


According to him, the party has received reports of business persons being intimidated because they have expressed support for a particular political party.
Calling the attempts nauseating, Persaud said the complaints are being verified.
“We are not reckless...some incidents we have raised, others we have taken note of,” he said. When asked about evidence of such acts, he said, “We are giving the proper authorities an opportunity to do their work.”
Persaud added that in the meantime, the PPP/C will continue to voice its concerns and will not be faulted for not bringing these worrying matters to light.
He stated that coming down to elections, the focus should be on ensuring that the voting process goes smoothly, not on intimidation.
According to him, the PPP/C is a stakeholder in this process and, as such, has put measures in place that will support the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and law enforcement.
On that note, he lauded the move by the Private Sector Commission and other groups that have come forward to support peaceful, free and fair elections.
“All stakeholders have equal obligation…we have put our arrangements in place,” he said.


Persaud observed that the fact that the opposition factions have resorted to these tactics is a clear reflection of desperation, adding that these groups are not addressing issues, but are descending to a worrying path.
“People behind this belong to a past age…the Guyanese people are not up to this,” he said.
He maintained that the PPP/C’s focus has always been on maintaining the momentum of national unity, which has supported Guyana’s advance.
He added that the PPP/C Presidential Candidate has said time and time again that the party is open to every stakeholder with constructive contributions to Guyana’s development drive.
Persaud maintained that elections are not about winning and losing; rather they are about the Guyanese people choosing a party to govern the country – a right that has to be respected.


Also present at the briefing were three prominent religious leaders, who are also listed on the PPP/C List of Candidates.
They called for national unity at a time when Guyana is poised to go forward, an advance that will be impeded by division of the Guyanese people.
Bishop Kwame Gilbert pointed out that Guyana is a multi-ethnic society; and in a complex environment, ethnic and religious tension has the potential to seriously harm development.
He stressed that there must be a respect for citizens’ democratic right to elect a government, without having trouble being stirred up on the basis of historical insecurities.
According to him, the country’s peace and harmony can be destabilised if Guyanese do not renounce ideals promoting division.
Pandit Jagmohan Persaud, adding his bit, noted that Guyana has come a long way and the present day conditions are right for Guyanese to work in a cohesive way.
“People of all races, religions and temperaments can work together to build a better tomorrow,” he said.
Pandit Persaud added that division of any kind is not conducive to nation building, and can cause a relapse into the conditions of the past.
From the Muslim community, Warren Barlow stated that no one relishes a repeat of the past, and he called for Guyanese to remain calm and be sensible.
According to him, the Guyanese people once again have their democratic right to choose their leaders, and at no cost should this be taken away.

Largest Trade Union grouping calls for Polling Day to be Public Holiday

THE majority workers’ grouping, The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) is calling on the administration, in conjunction with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to declare Election Day, Monday, November 28, 2011, a National Holiday. FITUG said this is in order for no voter, including FITUG’s 35,000 working members, to face any type of constraint which could possibly impede his or her right to vote on Monday.
FITUG, in a statement yesterday, also proposes that the day be declared a National Holiday by the Ministry of Home Affairs in good time.
It said the Hinterland residents will therefore have ample time to plan to get to their Polling Places and no employer anywhere will be in a position to impede or influence employees who wish to vote between the stipulated voting hours.
“The declaration in good time will afford government, private sector, commercial and educational facilities - many of them Polling Places to plan and adjust for this Polling Day Holiday,” FITUG said.

Discharge of injunction against ERC foiled Opposition destabilization plot

HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon said, yesterday, that the injunction filed against the officers of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) by Opposition Leader, Robert Corbin was no coincidence but part and parcel of a plot to silence the body.

On Tuesday, Justice Diana Insanally discharged the injunction that was granted last May by Justice James Bovell-Drakes on an application by Corbin, which had restrained Juan Edghill, John Willems and Carvil Duncan from performing their duties as commissioners.
Luncheon remarked on the action at his usual post-Cabinet media briefing at Office of the President, in Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, also in Georgetown.
He described the Tuesday ruling as a “most worthy” one and observed that the “politically inspired” injunction sought to have an impact on the functioning of the commission, as had also been the case of the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) when it was similarly “injuncted.”

Luncheon said, currently, the ACB is without a representative of the Leader of the Opposition, despite repeated requests, since June, when the appointee by former President Desmond Hoyte volunteered to resign.
“We’ve been trying to constitute Guyana National Broadcasting Authority requesting, reminding Corbin of the requirement for him to nominate a member to sit on this body and, again, virtual silence,” the HPS disclosed.
Luncheon said these instances remain part of “a grand strategy to prevent, impair the ability of these bodies, statutory and otherwise, from discharging their responsibilities, particularly in the context of the general and regional elections and from the perspective that these bodies may very well have contributions to make that Mr. Corbin and his ilk would prefer that they did not make and would remain silent.”
The HPS said the decision by Justice Insanally was, therefore, timely and would allow the ERC to discharge its mandate unfettered by Corbin and others.

Following the court decision Tuesday, Edghill told a press conference, at the ERC office, in Queenstown, also in Georgetown, that the intent of the injunction was to stop the ERC from functioning during the elections period.
He said the applicant had delayed the process by asking for time and extensions.
“At the appropriate time, when the written judgement is ready, you will discover that there was no basis for such an action to be filed and injunction granted in the first place.
“The judge said clearly Corbin claimed that the ERC was unconstitutional since 2007. There was no emergency for four years that you waited until May to come and file such an injunction. She also said that the conservatory orders that were granted ought not to have been granted. So that means it has all been discharged,” Edghill said.
He said he knew there was a diabolical plot to ensure that the ERC is not in place and that Corbin became the front person to use the court as a way of seeking to get that end achieved.
“This was a grand plot that was being revealed…the plan of the PNC/R and those in opposition who wanted to perpetuate a racist agenda in this election to ensure that the ERC was not in place and the court was being used as a way of tying up the commission from doing its work,” Edghill charged.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

AFC conjures up another Dick Morris style fictitious poll

The opposition parties are sparing no effort to misrepresent themselves to potential voters. Elections are just 5 days away and they have obviously upped the ante. First it was the APNU and now the AFC has conjured up another bogus poll which projects that party as being in the lead though all visible evidence says otherwise.
It is amazing how a party that has not attracted more than 300 persons at any of its election related activities managed to attain the approval of 37% of those allegedly polled in comparison to the PPP/C's 33% and the APNU 30%. But then again this party is no stranger to fictitious polls as in 2006 a Dick Morris poll commissioned by the AFC predicted that it would win 52% of the votes cast. They got less than 15% in comparison to the PPP's 56% instead.

PPP/C miles ahead in latest NACTA Poll

BASED on NACTA’s ongoing tracking poll exercises conducted over the last couple of weeks, involving over 1300 voters, the findings up until November 21 show the incumbent PPP leading the other parties in five of seven regions. The findings of the other three regions will be released in a subsequent report as they are tabulated and analyzed.
The findings show the electorate is polarized by race with most Africans voting for APNU and a small percentage for AFC. Indians seem to split with the bulk of their votes going to the PPP and the rest to AFC. The PPP has made some gains among African/mixed voters in traditional PNC areas.
According to the projections of the findings, the PPP leads in Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 by huge lopsided majorities over its challengers. APNU leads in Regions 4 and 10, the latter by a huge margin, but still short of a majority. It is noted that the PPP and APNU are almost neck and neck in Region 4, suggesting the outcome could go either way.

The AFC is not leading in any region and is running third in all seven regions, though in Region 10, AFC and PPP are neck and neck.
The margin of error in the poll is 6%. NACTA is continuing to poll until the end of the work week when it will release its final set of findings on percentage and seat projections.

Voters must not allow themselves to be distracted by the APNU's bogus poll

Robert M. Persaud: APNU has clearly seen the writings on the walls – defeat on November 28 - and has taken its act of desperation to another low-level. Now it has one of its own, an affiliate of the losing alliance, to present the findings of a bogus opinion poll.

That Dr. Clive Thomas, a former co-leader of the WPA (a major partner in APNU) has consented to such cheap gimmickry points to the fact that the losing alliance will not spare any political trick.

Reeling from the poor responses to its public meetings and rallies, the APNU had last week sought to make ridiculous claims of elections rigging which were rejected by all stakeholders. Now its PNC-controlled “dirty tricks” department has tried to pull another stunt with the aim of gaining some traction and creating a sense of false expectations among of its supporters.

It comes as no surprise from the little information provided to us and the media by the representatives of that political party that they did not undertake any scientific methods of research and analysis to arrive at their designed results.

Even more appalling are the views and findings expressed by Dr. Thomas. It is evident that the results which Dr. Thomas highlighted to us were arrived at by either of two simple methods: members of the APNU did a random opinion poll of themselves locked in a room and decided that these percentages represented what they ‘feel’ is best for their party or someone sat a desk and contrived what the results of the elections should look like after November 28, 2011.

Moreover, Dr. Thomas declined to answer several questions by the media about the unbiasness, reliability and validity of the opinion poll conducted by the APNU. It is disgraceful that this WPA/APNU activist has allowed himself to be further disgraced for narrow political gains.

The people of Guyana must not be distracted by this bogus poll and must continue to focus on the national goal of free and fair elections on November 28 and continue to work together for another victory of the PPP/C.

PNC's injunction against ERC thrown out

Justice Dianna Insanally on Tuesday threw out an injunction filed against several officials of the Ethnic Relations Commission ( ERC) by People’s National Congress Reform leader Robert Corbin, saying that the case was baseless. The commission’s chairman, Bishop Juan Edghill, one of the persons the injunction had sought to block from performing their duties, resigned from the post, citing his decision to join the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic elections campaign. At a press briefing held at the ERC office, Queenstown on Tuesday, Edghill said: “ Today, I wanted to publicly announce that this afternoon Justice Dianna Insanally discharged the injunction that was brought against myself, Carvil Duncan, John Willems, barring us from performing our functions as chairman and members of the ERC.” Back in June, Corbin secured an injunction against the trio preventing them from taking any decision, making any recommendation, and issuing any direction on behalf of the constitutional body. Corbin was also granted an order to have the current commissioners and chairman of the ERC refund to the state all monies they collected after August 2007 when the life of the commission expired. Edghill said: “ The judge said clearly that Mr Corbin claimed that ERC was unconstitutional since 2007, you can’t wait four years after when an elections is approaching… interlocutory injunctions and ex parte applications are in matters of emergency, there was no emergency that you waited until May to file such an injunction, the conservatory orders that were granted ought not to be granted.” He added that he briefed the staff of the ERC, notifying them of the court’s ruling and his resignation from post as chairman, because of his public endorsement of the PPP/ C. “… we have a dilemma, yours truly is a candidate to the polls, and if I am going to be a candidate to the polls, while there is no rule anywhere that says I ought to resign; as chairman as ERC, I did not allow Dr Frank Anthony to sit and Cheryl Sampson to sit once they became candidates to the polls and MPs. The same rule that I thought it was in the best interest of the people of Guyana, the same rule will apply to Bishop Edghill, because the integrity of the commission must not be destroyed because of any personality.” He assured that he will not be “ interfering or making any decisions on behalf of the ERC during this period of the elections. The fact that we had a hiatus from May till now, you would know that there are administrative things that need to be settled, and there are administrative things that need to be done”. Edghill noted that all incomplete administrative issues will be dealt with be fore he excuses himself permanently from performing the functions of chairman of ERC. When asked the intent of the injunction, the ERC chairman stated that it is clear that the opposition political parties, more specifically the PNCR, did not want the ERC around for this year’s elections. “ The clear case was that the ERC was not to be in place for these elections”, he said, terming the situation “ unfortunate”. He added that the pattern which the opposition took was evident as anonymous letter writ ers, along with several political figures from the opposition, were making it known in one way or another. “ We knew there was a diabolical plot to ensure that the ERC was not in place… Corbin became the front person to get that end achieved.” Edghill said, noting the PNCR was successful in keeping the ERC at a standstill. ERC was still functioning He added that his endorsement does not permit him to continue as chairman though there is no rule preventing him from retaining his post. “ The issue here is that nothing can be changed five days before elections, what can the ERC do now?” he asked. “ This was a grand plot that was being revealed and the intent – you can twist it, turn it – it was the plan of the PNCR and those in opposition that wanted to perpetuate ... [ an] agenda to ensure that the ERC was not in place and the courts were being used as a way of tying it up.”

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sheila Holder passes away

The late AFC Prime Ministerial
candidate, Sheila Holder

Liveinguyana expresses its deepest sympathy to the relatives and friends of Ms. Sheila Holder of the AFC. She will surely be missed from the body politics of Guyana.

However, we wish to state that the AFC bears some responsibility for Holder’s death.
They knew she was unwell and in denying it kept pressing her to continue so as to hoodwink its supporters into believing that all was well when in fact there were serious internal frictions arising out of the Ramjattam/Trotman leadership tussle.
It was the AFC which referred to Guyana Chronicle as a, ‘’liar’ when it reported in May 2011, that Holder was ill and was advised by her doctors to quit the campaign trail.With time this Chronicle report was proven to be true.

With a few more days to go before elections observers are keen to see how this plays out, particularly with Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan who are both ill themselves.
Ramjattan for the past three years has persistently had to battle with complications arising from heart sickness and with the campaign in full-swing his doctors advised him three weeks ago to reduce his workload. This is precisely the reason behind the current dominant role of Trotman and several others at the AFC's campaigns and rallies.
Trotman himself in giving his reasons for not initially accepting the AFC's prime ministerial candidacy earlier this year, admitted that he is unwell. Liveinguyana understands that he too is battling with cancer.

APNU officials evicted after being caught intimidating Army voters

Two APNU executives were evictedfrom the Army's headquarters at camp Ayanganna after they were caught by election officials trying to intimidate soldiers to vote for the APNU. The incident took place a short while ago as members of the joint services cast their ballot one week before the November 28th.

According to a GECOM source solicitation of votes and intimidation of voters are against the law at the place of poll. One person who witnessed the incident told Liveinguyana that GECOM personnel removed the APNU officials after repeated warnings to desist from this practice. A soldier was told 'John, remember you living in West' while others were asked to remember they are of Afro-Guyanese ancestry and that 'this is about black people'. Under the racial hostility act that sort of posturing constitutes an offence.

Some political observers have noted that this behavour is systomatic of a party in desperation and it is also reminiscent of the PNC's actions of the past which proves that the APNU is actually the PNC in disguise. The authorities are considering charges.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ramjattan deliberately quoted from an old World Bank report

He has made several wild and unsubstantiated statements, including one that caused him terrible embarrassment when he had to apologise to the Speaker of the National Assembly, but even this does not seem to change him. Housing Minister Irfaan Ali has revealed that Alliance for Change ( AFC) presidential hopeful Khemraj Ramjattan quoted selectively from the 2007 World Bank Report “ Guyana Investment Climate Assessment” at the recent presidential candidates’ discourse at the University of Guyana ( UG). Ramjattan’s presentation, Ali said painted a skewed picture of Guyana, pointing out that he has been using the report for several years, and has neglected to take into account the developments after 2007. In his 15 minute presentation, Ramjattan claimed that according to the World Bank report, bribes paid out by firms to secure public contracts here are very high, at 15 per cent of contract value. What Ramjattan failed to mention, Ali noted, was that in the same sentence of the aforementioned statement, the World Bank report stated that “ corruption is not perceived as a major problem”. But this is not the end, the same World Bank report states that the administration should continue to “ Deepen ongoing government efforts to increase transparency in public procurement...” It further states that “ E- government and e- procurement have also been found to make public procurement more open, competitive, and subject to public scrutiny.” The e- government project is scheduled to begin in early 2012, and financing has already been secured. Ali said too that in no part of Ramjattan’s 15 minute presentation did he talk about the factors the World Bank report actually considered important to the development of the local economy.

The World Bank report cites the major issues affecting the investment climate in Guyana are expensive telecom services; businesses incur significant costs related to electricity and deep divisions between the two main political parties with years of feuds and disagreements. The AFC presidential candidate also failed to note that the same World Bank report praised the government on many of its efforts to enhance the investment environment in Guyana. “ Over the past year, Guyana has witnessed some remarkable achievements in the economic arena,” the report contended, acknowledging that the government has engaged in “ an ambitious programme embarked upon in earlier years – such as removal of governmental discretion in issuing tax exemptions and holidays, as well as improving public financial management. New investor confidence is found in the construction boom in 2006...” The World Bank report further states that “ In 2003, the government took significant steps to improve the investment climate, that are currently ongoing. These included the passage of a new investment bill, an amended tax law and a Competition and Fair Trading Bill; enactment of Value- Added Tax ( VAT) and excise legislation; establishment of a mediation centre and a commercial court; efforts to tackle crime; improving access to land through institutional reforms within the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission ( GLSC); reforms within the Guyana National Bureau of Standards ( GNBS), as well as efforts to improve public accountability and transparency”. Ali said based on Ramjattan’s biased selection of quotes, it can only be concluded that Ramjattan knows that if these issues are cited, the perspective of his entire argument will change. “ On the issue of the telecommunication in our country, it should be pointed out that, although telecom costs are high, the government has been working on liberalisation of the sector, and has had to fight with the incumbent, a company that has tried several strategies to stymie liberalisation.

The government has begun work on a fiber optic cable that will go through Oi, Brazil’s international system offering redundancy for the telecommunication sector, as well as increased access and therefore lowering of costs,” Ali stressed. He also noted that the setting up of Telecom Agency has paved the way for the sector to be properly regulated, and opened an avenue for smaller organisations to compete on a level playing field. “ The issue of cost of electricity is again easily handled with the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity project as well as the Skeldon factory. The issue of political divisions is no fault of the ruling party, as it has made several efforts to work with the opposition, including but not limited to the various commissions in parliament and the chairmanship of the Public Accounts Commission ( PAC),” the Housing minister explained.

Ramjattan had also argued that there are several indices that the World Bank used that rate Guyana poorly.

“ This is incorrect as the indices were in fact published by the World Economic Forum ( WEF). The World Bank reports quotes from the WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2005- 2006,” Ali noted. He said considering that the WEF releases these reports every year, a comparison of the report used by Ramjattan to the 2011- 2012 Report shows a different picture from the one Ramjattan tried to paint.

On Pervasiveness of Money Laundering in the banks: Ramjattan said “ 117/ 117”, the WEF 2011- 2012 Report does not have this index. Reliability of Police Service: Ramjattan said “ 116/ 117”, the WEF 2011- 2012 Report stated 113/ 142; Irregular payments of Public Contracts: Ramjattan said “ 114/ 117”, the WEF 2011- 2012 Report noted 108/ 142 and Brain Drain: Ramjattan said “ 117/ 117”, the WEF 2011- 2012 Report said 120/ 142. Ali explained that although Ramjattan has been using these indices repeatedly over the past few years, he has not deemed it prudent to update his information, even as the facts have changed, noting that a close examination of the WEF report brings up other issues. Firstly, he said, the index is a perception index and not hard data, and noted that for example, with regards to the Reliability of the Police Service, the question: “ To what extent can police services be relied upon to enforce law and order in your country?” The respondents gave an answer on one which denotes “ cannot be relied upon” to seven which denotes “ can be completely relied upon”. It is then left to the respondents’ judgment to pick a number between one and seven. Even so, “ can the WEF report be taken seriously?” he asked, noting that the answer to his question is “ no”. He pointed out that the WEF 2011- 2012 Report, stated that Guyana has the 84th of 142 countries best railroad system in the world, a ranking that increased by six places. What is more intriguing, Ali revealed is that the WEF report placed Guyana above countries like Serbia, which has 4300 km of railway with about 39 per cent being electrified. Other countries which actually have a railway system ranked below Guyana, including Venezuela, Bosnia and Herzegovina. “ Based on the above, one can only wonder what was Ramjattan’s motive for quoting from an outdated report, and more so, for citing only the negative aspects of the said report and completely ignoring all the strides the government of Guyana has made in the development of this country,” he said..

Cocaine seized at DDL wharf

Officers from the Police Anti Narcotics Unit on Saturday unearthed a quantity of illegal substance suspected to be cocaine, heroin or cannabis onboard a vessel around 09: 30h at the Demerara Distillers Limited ( DDL) Wharf. According to information received, the vessel came from Suriname and was destined for Ecuador, South America. The vessel which carries the name MV Bizzard B reportedly arrived in Guyana on Friday evening, and during routine checks by police, a bag containing the suspected illegal substance was discovered hidden in a secluded area in the vessel. The police were immediately summoned, and a decision was taken to search the entire boat, but they did not find more of the suspected illegal substance. Reports gathered, indicate that the crew members onboard the vessel were detained and are assisting the police with their investigations.

Bramma's cocaine money funding AFC campaign

Shiv Nandlall, brother of Bramanand
Nandlall hands over dontion to AFC

The AFC 's 2011 election campaign is being funded by yet another local cocaine king who was listed by various US DEA Drug reports as being a cocaine shipper. Bramanand Nandlall or Bramma as he's locally called is now a lead figure in the local narcotics industry and is wanted by US authorities. He has contributed $20M towards the AFC campaign funds. Bramma also shared close relations with AFC presidential candidate Khemraj Ramjattan who along with Nigel Hughes are his Lawyers. Nigel's wife Cathy is also the God-Mother of Bramma's 4 year old son.

AFC supplied GECOM with false information

Harry Gill: In his letter, “There is no false copy of the AFC list” (Kaieteur News, November 6), the AFC Executive, in response to my earlier accusation that the AFC Candidates List is padded with the names of a number of Guyanese living permanently abroad, wrote, “Harry Gill would want to have the nation believe that the AFC is somehow trying to hoodwink the Guyanese electorate in some way by having Non-Resident Guyanese (NRG) on our lists of candidates, and to make us feel ashamed in some way for presenting as Candidates, a number of upstanding Guyanese citizens, who incidentally, reside outside of Guyana. What balderdash!” But isn’t this precisely what the AFC did?
He continued, “The World Bank and other International Financial Institutions’ statistics declare that of all the nations of the world most affected by the “brain-drain,” is Guyana, where 89 percent of our skilled labour force now lives and works in a developed nation.
The converse of this is that 11-12 percent of us who are still here, are pretending to manage the country effectively, by trying to provide jobs, infrastructure, education, security, health care and other social services. Who are we fooling in our grand pretense that the nation is being well governed, by so few?”
But just like the AFC Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan, who made a huge blunder at the UG Presidential Debate, citing an old report in the days when Guyana had a railroad system, Trotman, in an effort to score political points and to make the PPP/C look bad, deliberately quoted an old outdated report from the World Bank, citing figures from the year 2000 that put Guyana’s “emigration rate” at 89 percent. Note that unlike Trotman, I’ve included the URL of this report for clarification.
But even if we’re to accept this report as accurate, Trotman is being disingenuous by claiming “89 percent of our skilled labour force now lives and works in a developed nation.”
This figure obviously represents the volume of people leaving Guyana in the year 2000. They would include families with young children and babies, the unskilled and uneducated. In any event, for Trotman to say that there is only 11-12 percent of people with brains left in Guyana, is a gross insult to all Guyanese for which he should apologize.
What the AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate is actually saying, is that the rest of our people living there are all morons. I guess he’s expecting a bunch of retards to vote for the AFC next Monday, but Guyanese are not as stupid as he would want them to believe.
In his letter, Trotman concludes, “I would expect that the question posed to the good patriots who have offered themselves up as Candidates as to whether they are willing to uproot their families, take the children out of school, move away from their friends, and return to Guyana will be answered by them in the days ahead. I already know the answer to the question.”
Again, this was exactly the point I raised in my letter, “Was the AFC list …a false copy?” (KN Nov. 5).
To illustrate just how deceiving and conniving the Alliance For Change is, and why they can’t be trusted to tell the truth; a close look at GECOM Approved Lists of Candidates ( shows Dr. Tarron Khemraj, who lives permanently in Florida, as residing at the home of AFC Executive member, Gerhard Ramsaroop, at 133 Third Street, Alexander Village -a lie.
Dr. Rohan Somar, who also resides in the USA, gives his Guyana address to GECOM as 10 Delph Street, Campbellville, the home of AFC Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan -another lie. Sasenarine Singh who also resides overseas, gives his address as 164 Fourth Street, Alexander Village, the same as his mother’s -I guess he never left his parents home.
In his letter, Trotman wrote, “Legally, there is no bar to citizens who are working and living abroad to be elected to the National Assembly”. I agree,
but there should be laws against lying or giving false and misleading information to officials of the Guyana Elections Commission by persons seeking to govern the country. I wonder how many still travels or owns a Guyana passport, how many are citizens of a foreign country?
I have nothing against Non-Resident Guyanese -NRG returning home to serve, for this in itself is an honor. And I’m aware of the tremendous contributions that Guyanese like Dr. Shamir Ally has make and continues to make to our homeland. My concern, however, is the deceitful way that the AFC has done this, without any guarantees that any of the NRG will ever take up permanent residence in Guyana after November 28th., to serve the few individuals who would have voted for them. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

PPP/C govt had earmarked funds for CJIA upgrade in budget

The headline of yesterday’s Kaieteur News screamed across the width of its front page: “Govt signs secret deal to expand CJIA runway”.
Its lead paragraph suggested insidiously: “An unspecified deal for which a Chinese bank is putting (sic) US$138 million (G$27.6 billion) has been signed to expand the country’s lone international airport, but the Guyana Government has not said a word of the deal.”
The imputation is clear that the government had some surreptitious hidden agenda to keep the deal from the public gaze.
The SN, to its credit on this occasion, dealt with the news less sensationally: “Chinese company to build modern CJIA terminal, extend runway”.
But in the body of the story, it took pains to note: “The government made no announcement of the award prior to the report in the Jamaican newspaper, which said that the agreement was signed last Friday.”
Neither paper evidently thought it fit to suggest that since the agreement was signed less than a week ago, the government may have had procedural reasons (such as Cabinet scrutiny and approval) or others, to hold off on the announcement.
Additionally, in line with its paranoia, the KN claimed that the government “moved to block the (Chinese) company from releasing any further information” when the same article later quoted the Chinese official as saying “… the Guyana government would release… information to the media here.”
On one hand the KN is accusing the government of withholding information and then simultaneously not accepting its right to release such information.
As a point of fact, the extension of the CJIA was mooted in the budget when it was presented to Parliament way back on January 18 of this year. As we reported on February 3, “the state earmarked the sum of G$178 million to start preparatory work on designing an extension to the CJIA airstrip by 3500 feet to accommodate the Boeing 747- 400 aircraft.” The government was determined to make CJIA “a hub for international traffic”.
On April 21, we reported, “The Bharrat Jagdeo administration has begun discussions with the government of India for a possible line of credit to fund massive modifications and upgrade of Guyana’s main port of entry, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA)… Speaking at a recent forum at the International Conference Centre at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara, President Jagdeo told the gathering about plans to triple the size of the CJIA.”
It is obvious that the government has been engaged in negotiations with both India and China for this massive upgrade in our international connectivity.
The government should be given time to inform all parties and not damage relations. We call upon our colleagues in the press to shelve petty personal issues and report for the national good.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dennis Chabrol summoned to Congress Place after publishing PPP/C side of APNU Victoria violence story

-forced to concoct damage control story, threatened as well

Victims at a PPP/C press conference today

Liveinguyana was reliably informed that publisher of online news site Demerara Waves and veteran journalist, Dennis Chabrol was summoned to Congress Place, headquarters of the PNC, where he was threatened by a top official of that party. This was after Chabrol carried the ruling party's version of an incident which took place in the village of Victoria last evening. According to our sources Chabrol was chided for not discrediting the victims' versions and was also accused of being 'bought' by the PPP/C and President Jagdeo.

Chabrol was told that he would be remembered negatively should there be the planned APNU post-election violence. It was after this that Chabrol concocted a subsequent story in which he claimed that a police source denied that there were any beatings and attempts to set anyone on fire.

Victoria APNU violence victims speak out despite opposition media attempts to cover up incident

Victims, Robert Persaud & Steve Ninvalle at a press
conference today at the PPP/C's media center

Persons harassed and assaulted by PNC/APNU supporters transported to disrupt a PPP/C public meeting in the East Coast village of Victoria have dispelled attempts being made by the APNU and the opposition controlled media houses to deny that the incidents never took place.
The victims spoke at a press conference hosted today by the ruling party at its freedom house headquarters.

Trotman will be the head of an AFC government

AFC has proposed that if they become the new government the head of the Government will be the Prime Minister. This paves the way for Raphael Trotman to in effect become the head of an AFC government given that he returned as the party's prime ministerial candidate after initially refusing to play second fiddle to Ramjattan.

APNU takes its campaign of violence & intimidation to PPP/C Victoria public meeting

The PNC might have changed its name but the actions of that party and its supporters remain the same. This was first demonstrated when supporters of that party tore down barriers and stormed City Hall on nomination day then they disrupted a PPP public meeting in Buxton assaulting several persons in the process. Last night PNC/APNU took their campaign of violence and intimidation to a PPP public meeting in the village of Victoria on the East Coast of Demerara. The incident occurred at the Victoria Gas Station Road, East Coast Demerara in front of the Victoria Primary School and saw close to 150 transported APNU activists gathering at the venue of the meeting, armed with APNU posters and placards and hurling derogatory and racist remarks during the meeting.

Police stationed there were forced to intervene to prevent the group from storming the podium and getting their hands on PPPC speakers Joseph Hamilton and Anil Nandlall. After Hamilton and Nandlall were disturbed from making proper presentations over the microphone due to the loud chants of “Granger” and “PNC” and they eventually stopped speaking prematurely.

On several occasions, while Mr Nandlall was speaking the crowd attempted to grab the podium but the police had to physically intervene to create a human barricade between the crowd and Mr Nandlall. As Hamilton left the meeting, missiles were thrown at him and at his vehicle and as Nandlall was delivering his address, the crowd continued with its disorderly and ruckus conduct, on many occasions throwing their placards and posters at him while he was speaking. A man who from all appearances was directing the proceedings was frequently seen on his cell phone, apparently receiving instructions. APNU candidate was also spotted two corners away, quite reminiscent of the Buxton incident.

A member of the crowd set on fire a PPP poster and waved it in front of Mr Nandlall as he was speaking and a glass coke bottle was also pelted and it hit the podium.

When Nandlall was finished speaking, police and PPP supporters escorted him to the Public Road and he left. After Nandlall left, five PPP supporters and activists were beaten and assaulted and one activist was doused with kerosene oil and the crowd attempted to set him afire.

As this was taking place, another PPP activist was pelted with a bottle that hit him in the face and a man armed with a baseball bat then charged another PPP activist who had a licensed firearm. The man discharged two rounds in the air, causing the crowd to back off.

The party of Jumbies!!

Like most people following the build up to Guyana's general elections I'm sure you too are wondering why the Alliance For Change(AFC) only keeps its rallies and public meetings at nights. Well, some folks have suggested that it is a ploy designed to prevent voters from getting a true picture of the public's non-responsiveness to that party's activities. Another possible explanation is that the AFC is a party of Jumbies and we know that sunlight affects Jumbies. Take for instance; the AFC uses many Jumbies to write daily letters in the local newspapers. That party also used Jumbies as signatories to its list of candidates submitted to GECOM. So it proves the point that the AFC is a Jumbie party.