Monday, November 5, 2012

PPP sees Hughes' withdrawal, attack on integrity of commission as acts of desperation & panic by the opposition

IN a release, the People's Progressive Party (PPP) has said it is not surprised at the unravelling of the opposition’s vilification campaign against the Minister of Home Affairs, the Guyana Police Force, and the PPP/C government in the ongoing Linden Commission of Inquiry (CoI).

“It would be recalled that several opposition leaders who took to the stand were cautioned for misleading the commissioners, and made a plethora of contradictory statements.”
Then the evidence provided by no less than the UK ballistics expert brought in by the AFC contradicted the contentions by the opposition that the police were responsible for the deaths and injuries of several protesters in Linden.
“The opposition had based their attack against the Minister of Home Affairs, alleging that he had issued the order for the police to open fire on the protesters during a telephone conversation with the police commander on the ground prior to the shooting in Linden.
“Telephone records provided confirmed this to be another falsehood, proving that the minister made contact with the commander almost two hours after the incident,” the release said.

The party noted that despite the Commissioners of the Inquiry indicating that there was no evidence presented by the opposition to implicate the Minister of Home Affairs in the Linden incident, the opposition continued to press its demand that the minister take the stand, which was eventually acceded to by the CoI.
“The public was in for another spectacle (in which) A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Attorney-at-Law Basil Williams…accused the minister for failing to provide any instruction to the Guyana Police Force on the Linden incident. While, on the other hand, the other opposition -- AFC Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes -- falsely contends that the minister instructed the Guyana Police Force on the Linden incident,” the party charged.
According to the PPP, during this period, as the opposition case began to unravel and their contentions proved a falsehood, they became noticeably agitated, and particularly, the Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman Nigel Hughes began to vent his frustration on witnesses, and even the commissioners themselves.
“The seeming confusion and a signal of defeat almost led to physical confrontation with a witness through Hughes’s line of questioning. After he was requested by the CoI to retract an injurious and false statement about the witness, he reacted angrily and informed the commissioners that he was refusing to withdraw his statement, and he will no longer be honouring his commitment to the victims of the Linden incident whom he was representing,” the release said.
It added: “The People's Progressive Party sees this as an act of desperation and panic by the opposition, as the truth has prevailed and their wicked falsehoods exposed.
“Guyanese will also remember the ultimatum issued by Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo of the AFC for the resignation of the Home Affairs Minister, and the chaos which prevailed on the Agricola public road after their public statements that they were ‘not calling for peace’.”
The party said it expects that all stakeholders in society, including the many victims of their actions, will come forward publicly and remind the opposition of the grievous harm and disruption inflicted on the nation by the campaign of lies and false accusations.
“The PPP notes, too, efforts in the letter columns by a few opposition activists to derail the work of the CoI. We expect all parties and groups to reject this latest scheme,” the release said.

AFC's Benschop unleashes vicious character assassination campaign against Linden COI Commissioners

Slanderous accusations being made by Benschop against the esteemed jurist

Benschop inviting attacks against Commission Chairman Wolfe

Benschop inviting his fellow extremists to attack Commissioner Knight
Known for his extremism, Alliance for Change(AFC) activist Mark Benschop launched a vicious attack via his Facebook page on the integrity and character of the Commissioners hearing the Linden Commission of Inquiry. Benschop instructed his audience to post abuse to one commissioner's email and Facebook page whilst peddling a host of lies about them.

AFC Region 6 councillor caught demanding bride

The Region Six administration will be launching an investigation into allegations that a councillor on the Regional Works Committee, who is attached to the Alliance For Change (AFC) has attempted to solicit bribes from a contractor.
Rohan Jaggassar is being accused of approaching Hardat Singh for monies on more than one occasion to sign an approval certificate for payment for work done.
In a statement, Singh, who is contracted to clean canals in Black Bush Polder, said he never paid any money to Jaggassar, despite several requests from the councillor.
The issue was brought to the Region Six Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Thursday.
Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) representative Jauvane Stephens congratulated the regional chairman for bringing the issue to the RDC, and urged a speedy investigation into the matter.
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Councillor Philip Rose supported the investigation, pointing out that corruption is plaguing society.
“All must take ownership and operate above board.”
Regional Vice Chairman and Works Committee head Baupaul Jagroo told the council that anyone found guilty of any such act should be expelled, while AFC Councillor Ervin Abullah in support of his colleagues said the investigators must look to see if the contractor’s work was poor, hence, the non-payment.
Jaggassar said the contractor produces the poorest quality work in the region and expects payment for it.
He, however, admitted to signing certificates indicating that the said contractor has produced work to Jaggassar’s satisfaction and should be paid.
The regional chairman said if that is so, then the AFC councillor may be guilty of fraud.
The investigating team is being headed by the regional executive officer and includes a member from each of the three political parties.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Granger involved in accident

PNC/R and Opposition leader, David Granger was involved in a vehicular accident. The incident took place this afternoon on Thomas Street in Kitty. Details are sketchy so far but we understand that Granger was in the wrong and accepted responsibility for the accident. The two parties involved have entered an arrangement to settle the matter privately.

AFC Financier arrested in U.S on corruption charges

Albert J Baldeo, Khemraj Ramjattan & Raphael Trotman

A Queens district leader and two-time candidate for the City Council surrendered to federal authorities Wednesday morning to face corruption charges, including mail fraud conspiracy and obstruction of justice, stemming from what prosecutors said were campaign finance improprieties.
The district leader is also a close friend of Khemraj Ramjattan, Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and one of that party's main overseas financiers. He also hosted several fundraisers in the U.S. in support of the party.

According to a New York Times report, the district leader, Guyanese, Albert J Baldeo, a Democrat, is accused of using phantom donors to funnel illegal campaign contributions to his unsuccessful 2010 campaign for the City Council, to fraudulently increase the amount of matching funds provided by the city, federal prosecutors said. He is being charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud, attempted mail fraud, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and obstruction of justice.
Baldeo, whose district includes Richmond Hill and Ozone Park, surrendered at the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Federal Plaza shortly after 09:00h.
He is  expected to be arraigned Wednesday in Federal District Court in Manhattan. The charges were announced by the United States attorney in Manhattan, Preet Bharara, and Mary Galligan, the acting assistant director of the FBI, who heads the bureau’s New York office. Galligan said in the statement that Baldeo’s fraud, according to the government, was fabricating contributions to his campaign to receive six dollars in matching funds for every dollar he reportedly raised.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Moses Nagamootoo got $10M kick-back from Chinese Contractor

Moses Nagamootoo escorting Vice President of Communications
Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC), Zhou Gang and his team to a briefing at parliament
It was revealed during the corruption debate held last night by the National Communications Network (NCN) that Alliance for Change (AFC) vice-chairman and attorney-at-law, Moses Nagamootoo received a $10M kick-back from the Chinese firm contracted to expand the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. The topic for last night's debate was "Opposition Corruption and Conflict of Interest" and the absence of the two opposition reps is believed to have been deliberate. This led to the organisers then taking a decision to have a discussion forum with Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament Manzoor Nadir and Al Creighton, the moderator instead. It was during this discussion that Nadir brandished the picture posted above in which Moses Nagamootoo is captured leading a delegation of officials from the China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) which won the contract. 
The opposition, including the AFC, had called for the contract to be scrapped and criticized the process which led to its award citing reports of the company being involved in corrupt practices.  This exposure of Nagamootoo's deep involvement with the very company whose practices his party criticized is yet another manifestation of their hypocrisy and yet another case of conflict interest made out against the two. Nagamootoo was also paid millions by NICIL whilst the AFC joined the APNU in waging a often time nasty corruption crusade against it.

I have evidence to support claims of the allegations of corruption made against Moses Nagamootoo

 -reporter stands by story
......Says Nagamootoo never questioned his credibility whilst he was under his employ

Moses Nagamootoo

 A reporter who admitted being hired to work during Moses Nagamootoo's unsuccessful campaign to be presidential candidate for the PPP/C in 2011 has responded to a letter published in the Kaieteur & Stabroek News on Monday October 15th last. In the letter, a distraught Nagamootoo called into question the competence and credibility of his former employee after he reported on a series of allegations made by several Berbicians against the AFC Vice Chairman and Attorney-at-law. Here's the reporter's response:   

OSSIE RODGERS: I WRITE in response to a letter published in yesterday’s (Mon 15th Oct, 2012) Stabroek News and Kaieteur News newspapers by Moses Nagamootoo, Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament for the Alliance For Change (AFC).
This letter made reference to an article written by me, Ossie Rodgers, and published in this newspaper on Sunday, October 7, 2012. I wish to make it categorically clear that I have evidence to support every line that is written in the aforementioned article.
I’ve travelled to Berbice and spoken to persons at Cotton Tree village, West Coast Berbice, who made charges against Mr. Nagamootoo. I have those conversations on tape. I can make same available for public scrutiny if Mr Nagamootoo wants me to do so.
As a Journalist, I make sure I investigate issues carefully before I report them. Mr. Nagamootoo would know this for I have worked with his unsuccessful campaign to be presidential candidate for the PPP/C in 2011.
He trusted my professional ethics as it relates to my work, which is why he secured my service to do work on his behalf in the diaspora during that failed campaign. I am responsible to the public to report what is happening without favour. That is what I did, in this instance, and would continue to do.
Mr. Nagamootoo contends that the moneys paid to him by NICIL is the subject of some privilege; well this is quite interesting. Firstly, Mr. Nagamootoo admits that he works or had worked for NICIL, the very organization which he repeatedly accuses of massive corruption.
If this is the case, one will be tempted to ask the following questions: Was Nagamootoo receiving proceeds of corruption? Is he part of this alleged corruption? Did he as a Lawyer advise NICIL that he sees corrupt practices in their daily transactions?
Secondly, Mr. Nagamootoo and his party have been repeatedly calling for transparency about NICIL and its operations. They have been calling for public disclosures of NICIL’s business and business transactions. Well, NICIL paying Mr. Nagamootoo is part of their business transactions; so how come they are calling for NICIL business to be made public but when its comes to moneys he received from the same entity he now say it is private business.
NICIL is a government entity therefore the moneys paid to Mr. Nagamootoo is government money so that money must be accounted for to the public. It is not subject to any private arrangement or privilege, it is public money and the public must know how public funds are spent.
Mr. Nagamootoo, also, claimed that he negotiated a fair deal for the people. That was not part of his mandate. All he was required to do was to carry out the government’s instructions of an already agreed arrangement with the affected residents. The government formulated a compensatory package that was offered to those residents. Mr Nagamootoo, in his selfish way which is not uncharacteristic of him, took credit for the government’s compensatory package. All he was paid to do was to execute the Government’s agreed policy for affected residents which he failed to do and that is what the residents are accusing him of. But not withstanding the failure, Nagamootoo still collected full payment for unfinished work.
Mr. Nagamootoo also disclosed that he did transports for the Ministry of Housing. Here again we are learning that he was the Lawyer for the Ministry of Housing. This is the same Nagamootoo who is on record accusing that same ministry and the Minister of corruption. One would again ask wether corruption is following him, since wherever he is the lawyer, there seems to be corruption in his party’s view. Why is it he didn’t see this perceived corruption when he was acting on these Agencies behalf? How come only now that he has been relegated to the Opposition benches that he now sees these agencies and their operatives as corrupt?
Mr. Nagamootoo’s letter has disclosed a mouthful for the Guyanese public to digest and leave more questions than answers.

Nothing produced so far that implicates Rohee

 - Commission of Inquiry Chairman

The Commissioners probing the July 18 deaths of three protesters at Linden on Wednesday stated that there has been no evidence produced todate which implicates Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.
Commission Chairman Justice Lensley Wolfe
This was the conclusion from Commission Chairman Justice Lensley Wolfe following an enquiry from attorney for the APNU Basil Williams on the minister’s possible appearance.
“Nothing has been said so far which implicates him,” Wolfe stated.

During the earlier stages of the inquiry AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes had alleged that Rohee was in contact with the commander on the ground, Clifton Hicken, just before the shooting of the protesters and a discussion on the use of lethal force had taken place. But phone records presented to the Commission showed that contact between the two men, occurred 2 hours after the shooting had taken place.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

UK ballistic expert puts a spoke in the AFC & APNU tire.

 -Rounds used by police not the same as those which killed Linden protesters
The independent forensic expert brought in by the AFC, Dr. Mark Robinson today told the Commission of Inquiry probing the J
United Kingdom firearm expert, Dr. Mark Robinson in Linden
uly 18 killing of three protesters at Linden that the men were killed with ammunition dissimilar to those used by the police.

In a report submitted to the Commission on Tuesday the expert said the shotgun shell samples used by the police were of Challenger Number 6 shot and Number 4 shot while the pellets recovered from the bodies were of 00 buckshot.

“All the projectiles from the three deceased are copper-plated lead 00 buckshot pellets. Whilst most buckshot ammunition is commercially manufactured, in the absence of spent cartridge cases and wadding from the scene I am unable to rule out the possibility that home-loaded or modified shotgun cartridges were used.

According to Dr. Robinson, the pellets discharged from the police-issue cartridges are “readily distinguishable” from the copper-plated 00 buckshot retrieved from the bodies.

“I was also provided with a 00 Buck cartridge of the same Challenger brand. I was informed that buckshot ammunition of this type was withdrawn from police issue in 2005. I dismantled the cartridge and found it to contain nine 00 Buck pellets and a plastic wad. The pellets were not copper-plated and were therefore distinguishable from the pellets described above,” his report read.

Young man admits being paid and transported to be part of Agricola violence

Orville Daniels
A 20 year old youth from East Ruimveldt admitted to a Liveinguyana undercover operative that he was paid to be part of the violence which erupted at Agricola on Thursday 11th October. Orville Daniels said that he and a few others where in front his yard around 2:30 PM the said afternoon when Mark Benschop and several other males pulled up alongside them. He said Benschop asked "ya'll not joining di struggle wid ya black brothers against this racist coolie government". Benschop then told them that if they participated they would be each paid GY$50,000. Tempted by the lure of quick cash Daniels said himself and several of his friends joined the bus.

He said they were taken to a house in Agricola around 3:30 after the vehicle they were in made several other stops around the city picking up other young men and women as it proceeded. At the house they were met by a man whom he didn't know but identified as Nigel Hughes after he was shown several photographs. He said "di man at di house(Hughes) tell we something bout rumble. But i din really paying he no mind cah i did jus waan mek a lil bread(get paid) and guh back home".
According to Daniels they were then instructed to block the Agricola public road with tires, debris and several old vehicles and to disrupt the flow of traffic to send a signal to the government that "we mean business". Daniels said that as the protest began several other persons whom he had never seen before began attacking and robbing only persons of Indo-Guyanese descent.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Adam Harris(Kaieteur News) home is located in Guyhoc Park

Mark Benschop's damaged SUV outside his home in Roxanne Burnham Gardens

Mark Benschop's home in Roxanne Burnham Gardens

Khemraj Ramjattan's(AFC) home in Delph Street Campbellville

Khemraj Ramjattan's(AFC) home in Delph Street Campbellville

Publishing photos of the homes of opposition personalities does not constitute a breach of their security(according to Kaieteur news) so there should be no concern about the fact that it exposes them to attacks.

More inflammatory speeches from racist Nigel Hughes

Addressing a handful of activists on Friday October 12 at a rally organized to save face following the Agricola violence,   Alliance for Change(AFC) Chairman and ingrained racist Nigel Hughes made another in his long list of racially driven and inflammatory comments. Funny though is that Hughes' latest racist rant was done even as he critiqued comments made by Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon which were misrepresented and used to incite the violence which erupted in Agricola the previous day.
The handful that attended the AFC's rally

Here are Hughes' exact words:

“I’m not calling for peace ….I’m calling for us to be calm, considerate and calculating. It was Peter Tosh that said everyone cries out for peace but no one cries out for equal rights and justice. All I want is equal rights and justice. I don’t care how we get it but we must get it,” Hughes said.


Ramsaroop & Mark Benschop during a previous surveillance exercise
The People’s Progressive Party on Sunday accused Alliance for Change (AFC) executive Gerhard Ramsaroop of trying to intimidate one of the ruling party’s executive.

The PPP in a statement accused the AFC of an ongoing campaign of “violence and intimidation against innocent citizens of Guyana”.

It said after their “de
vious agenda” was exposed in Agricola on Thursday evening, the party has grown increasingly desperate in its attempts to suppress victims from speaking out about their experiences.

“This dangerous trend reached rock bottom today (Sunday) when Executive Member of the AFC Gerhard Ramsaroop was observed with two unidentified individuals in a vehicle stalking the home of Mr. Majeed Hussein. The AFC Executive Member in a dangerous precedent came out the vehicle he was in to confront Mr. Hussein who was at home with his family at the time” the PPP said.

It added that neighbors in the area have also reported that they observed one of the individuals with Ramsaroop filming Hussein's home and immediate surroundings.

“The party wishes to make it clear that it will hold the AFC directly responsible for any attack on the home or family of Mr. Hussein” the PPP said.

Hussein who is a Central Committee member of the party was among the many persons beaten and robbed during the AFC organized Agricola protest on Thursday last.

“The People’s Progressive Party wishes to state in no uncertain terms that it will not condone this campaign of terror by the AFC and encourages the security forces to take appropriate action to protect our citizens” the party said, adding that it is also encouraging all law abiding citizens and civil society organizations to speak out against “this terror campaign bearing in mind the devastating consequences the last such campaign of destabilization and crime had on our nation.”

The party said a report will be made to the police regarding the matter.

AFC-inspired terror in Agricola linked to expiration of Hughes/Nagamootoo’s ultimatum to Gov’t

 IN a hard-hitting syndicated television interview, Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, and Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira laid the blame for the eruption of terror at Agricola yesterday squarely at the feet of the AFC in general, and that party’s chairman and vice-chairman, Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo in particular. According to both Teixeira and Nandlall, the events that unfolded, from the protest action outside the Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning, to the mayhem on the East Bank four-lane highway, was a carefully orchestrated agenda that synchronizes with the convening of Parliament yesterday; and the ultimatum to the President to relieve Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee of his post within 48 hours was merely a facilitator to precipitate the series of events that they hope would force the Ramotar administration to demit office.
Nagamootoo has publicly expressed his disdain for President Donald Ramotar and it is well-documented that he is convinced that the presidency is his God-given right; thus he has proven that he will stop at nothing to unseat Ramotar.  Hughes has cunningly strategized himself into the leadership role of the AFC, which is trying to outdo the PNC/APNU in all its strongholds, beginning with the recent fiasco at Linden.
Hughes is also trying to restore his credibility after he had proven to be duplicitous in accusing Minister Rohee of giving instructions to Police officers to open fire with live rounds on the Linden protestors, citing phone records that he had subpoenaed that proved Minister Rohee’s culpability.  When produced, however, the phone records instead proved otherwise; and thus proved Hughes to be treacherously deceptive.
APNU’s Tacuma Ogunsye had unwittingly revealed the joint opposition’s plan to unseat the Government though acts of anarchy if it did not win the general elections of 2011; so these acts are not random but, according to the two senior government functionaries, well-orchestrated and engineered means being used to destabilize the country, with the primary targets being the Ramotar administration and the Police Force.
Justice Minister Nandlall posited that it is excruciatingly clear that the inflammatory situations at both Linden and Agricola were well-planned to consequence the desired outcomes of projecting Guyana to be an unstable investment climate, with the clear intention to stymie development and progress under a PPP/C administration, whatever it takes.
AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan had called the victims of their Machiavellian actions, beginning with the budget cuts, “collateral damage” – not worthy of any consideration in the pursuit of their agenda; and Nandlall last evening decried the barbarity of leadership that would make victims of thousands of people, left stranded after a hard day’s work; schoolchildren unable to reach their homes, with nowhere to go in the darkness of night – with no transportation available even if they managed to breach the blockade; innocent citizens being robbed by criminals strategically placed by the political authors of these destructive actions, destruction of public property, people discommoded and left vulnerable to predators, mothers unable to reach home to pick up babies from nursery schools, critically-ill people unable to access life-saving healthcare, commuters in and out of the country being unable to travel to and from their planned destinations, especially with CAL suspending all flights until further notice.
Nigel Hughes seems to be Burnham re-incarnated, with the X-13 Plan being re-enacted to bring down another PPP government; and his overtly racist rhetoric is playing on the sentiments of a community long opposed to the PPP administration, even if their own leaders betray them, which they have done time and again throughout the history of this country.
According to the AG, the AFC is capitalizing on the situation that occurred in Linden, especially on the two later police shooting incidents. He said Hughes is being a political opportunist and that the Police Force is being rendered inactive in a volatile situation because of opposition ploys, with police being pitted against the citizens of various communities; while the political engineers, after having riled up the citizens and engineered inflammable situations that cause eventual destruction, mayhem and even deaths, return to their luxurious homes and their comfortable lifestyles, disregarding the fact that they have dislocated and endangered thousands of innocent people and little children.
The AG pointed out that the opposition apologists are blaming the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon for the conflagration that erupted yesterday because he had stated emphatically at his press conference to the effect that the Government would not be blackmailed into forcing Minister Rohee to resign, but that is merely a smokescreen for their more nefarious intentions, because the protest actions started in the morning at the Magistrate’s Court before being shifted to Agricola; while Dr. Luncheon’s press conference was aired late evening on televised newscasts, so it was improbable that his statements were in the public domain before that. He said that Nigel Hughes and Nagamootoo are trying to absolve themselves of blame for the consequences of their strategies; but that they are fully culpable for all that happened both at Linden and at Agricola, and that they seem to be trying to outdo the APNU/PNC by using the latter’s own strategy to win support in PNC strongholds.
Former President Jagdeo had called that strategy and proclivity of the opposition to absolve themselves from blame for their duplicitous and destructive – even criminal actions, by putting the blame on others “The Corbin Syndrome”; but that syndrome pre-dates Corbin’s leadership and is a thread running through both PNC and AFC leadership.
Nandlall said that the notion being peddled that Dr. Luncheon’s statements precipitated the events at Agricola is a blatant fabrication by those who want to disguise their agenda and actions.

Planning on staying at the Guyana Pegasus? Think again!

 Photos of Pegasus Hotel Guyana, Georgetown
This photo of Pegasus Hotel Guyana is courtesy of TripAdvisor

 Pictures of Pegasus Hotel Guyana, Georgetown
This photo of Pegasus Hotel Guyana is courtesy of TripAdvisor

 Pictures of Pegasus Hotel Guyana, Georgetown
This photo of Pegasus Hotel Guyana is courtesy of TripAdvisor

 Pictures of Pegasus Hotel Guyana, Georgetown
This photo of Pegasus Hotel Guyana is courtesy of TripAdvisor

 Pictures of Pegasus Hotel Guyana, Georgetown
This photo of Pegasus Hotel Guyana is courtesy of TripAdvisor

A travel review auditor for the TripAdvisor website detail her ordeal after checking in at the Guyana Pegasus:

On the 19th April 2009, I checked into the Pegasus Hotel at about 10:30 am. I was assigned to room 607 on the sixth floor, as I hadn’t had much sleep the night before, I decided to get some sleep, I woke up around 6:00pm to my horror, to find myself completely bitten on my arms, neck and face which were exposed from my sleeping clothes.
I immediately took a shower and changed my clothes and went to the front desk in the lobby to show them, what had happened and to request that all the bed linens be changed!
I ensured that when housekeeping came, I was there and I saw them actually changed the bed linens.
I went back to the front desk, to request that something to get relief from the bites which I got, from sleeping in the bed or room 607. The person at the front desk put me unto the Evening manager who was on duty that night, Michael Vansluytman. Mr. Vansluytman took one look at the condition I was in and twisted his face and asked, what was it that bit me, to which I responded that I did not know, but I know was in the bed. His response to that was that, it has never happened at t he Pegasus before and that for all he knew I could have come to the hotel looking like that. Mr. Vansluytman said that if he did give me anything that would be like admitting that the hotel was at fault and liable.
I told Mr. Vansluytman that he could go ahead and inquire from the persons who had been on duty at the front desk to find out if I had really checked into the Pegasus Hotel looking like that. He then responded that he was not a pharmacist and he would not know what to recommend as he does not know what bit me and if he did give me anything it could make whatever the situation was worst. I told him that I needed to get something to relieve the situation; he then said he would see if he could get something.
After I had dinner at the hotel that night Mr. Vansluytman gave me Savlon, which is an antiseptic from minor cuts and bruises, seeing that was my only option, I took it.
The following morning 20th April 2009, my condition got worst and was brought to the attention of the Head Manger of Housekeeping (Unfortunately I cannot recall his name) and the Director of Sales and Marketing, Ms. Susan Isaacs and another woman who was at the front desk who actually saw me the day before when I checked into the Hotel. The woman was able to verify that she did see me check into the Hotel and that I certainly did not look in that condition when I checked into the hotel.
The Head of Housekeeping and Ms. Isaacs told me that they would immediately arrange another room for me to be moved to and to seek medical attention.
I went to DR.Balwant Singh’s (Private) Hospital at #314 East Street, Georgetown and did a ESR blood test and blood count, my total fees spent there was GY$ 8,100/US$ 40.50, the doctor there was able to confirm that from the results of the ESR blood test that it was defiantly not an allergic reaction I was having and he prescribed medication.
I then went to get a second opinion by another doctor, DR. Leslie I. R. Persaud at #38 Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown. Dr. Persaud also confirmed that from the results of the blood test it was definitely not an allergic reaction and in fact that I was bitten by a form of mites/bed bug. He told me these mites actually lay eggs inside of the skin and prescribed Loratadine 10mg and two ointments , Phenergan (promethazine) 2% and Scaboma cream (Treatment of Scabies & Pediculosis). Dr. Persaud explained that I received bites on the areas of my upper body which were exposed by my sleeping clothes to suggest that the mites were in the pillows on the bed. Total fees spent there was GY$ 6,700.00/US$ 33.50.

Back at the Hotel I did change rooms; I got a room on the fourth floor, room 406 and had to wash my clothes as some of the mites go unto my clothes. I told the Head Manger of Housekeeping and the Evening Manager (not the same evening manager as the day before)what the doctor had said, being a type of bed bug. The following morning, 21st April 2009 I also told the Director, Ms. Isaacs the diagnosis that Dr. Persaud had given, being a type of bed bug.
On the night of the 22nd of April 2009, while having dinner at the hotel’s dining area, the evening manager, Mr. Vansluytman saw me dining with a work colleague and came over to enquire how I was doing and to say that I look to be doing better and to enquire if the Savlon ,which he gave was able to give me relief. I informed him, that it did not give me any relief, and I informed him that I had actually seen two doctors and it had been confirmed by the doctor that I was actually bitten by a type of bed-bug. Mr. Vansluytman frowned his face and asked if they really proved it was a bed-bug and if they did a test to prove that. My colleague responded to Mr. Vansluytman that I had actually taken a Blood test which proved that it definitely was not allergies. Mr. Vansluytman then excused himself and left, bumping into our dining table clumsily.
On the 27th April 2009, my colleague and I spoke to the Director, Ms. Isaacs if I had to pay for the night of the 19th April 2009 seeing that I had the horrible incident in room 607, she informed us that she will not charge me for 1 night and that my laundry was free as I had to wash my clothes which mites went unto.
On the night of the 30th April 2009 my colleague and I decided to pay off our bills as we were checking out of the hotel the following morning; however we decided that we would speak to the Evening manager on duty, Mr. Vansluytman about the fact that the hotel did not compensate us for any of the medical bills incurred in having to do the blood test and doctors’ fees. Mr. Vansluytman responded that an incident like this has never happened at the hotel before and in good faith the hotel decided to offer me one night free and not to charge me for the laundry I had on my tab. He said that was all they could offer. My colleague and myself informed him that we would be informing other colleagues, who had plan to stay at the hotel of the incident, to which Mr. Vansluytman and a lady at the front desk with the nametag Donante responded with a shrug and said in a very carefree manner, “okay mam” .
When I got back home after leaving Guyana, I went to doctor, Dr. Alexander and showed her, pictures from the incident as well as the current condition of my skin and the medication I was prescribed by Dr. Persaud in Guyana. Dr. Alexander’s response was that from the medication I was prescribed and the fact that the medication worked to resolve the bites I received, she can infer that I was in fact, treated for having Scabies due to exposure to the mite, Sarcoptes scabiei.

Friday, October 12, 2012


The APNU's Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon
We were reliably informed that Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon(both APNU members of parliament) are part of an AFC fund-raising delegation destined for the US. The question being asked is why are the two APNU members of parliament part of an AFC delegation being led by Nigel Hughes? Have they switched sides?

Prime News, Kaieteur News, Demerara Waves & Stabroek News spinning web of deceit.

The AFC and their propaganda hacks at Prime News, Stabroek News and Demerara Waves are spinning their web of deceit. But were exposed when in seeking to justify the opposition orchestrated violent disturbances at Agricola they claimed it erupted following comments by Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon at his press briefing yesterday. Luncheon had stated that his cabinet is more resolute and steadfast in support of the Home Affairs Minister in the face of the hate campaign being waged against him. How the residents who set fires, blocked roads, attacked lawmen, beat and robbed civilians were made aware of Luncheon's comments which were aired long after the disturbances had begun is now left for the AFC, APNU and their apologists in the anti-government media to explain. Could it be that some of those who participated in the disturbances were media operatives who covered Luncheon's press briefing? This seems unlikely. However, this lie clearly exposes the deceitfulness of the APNU/AFC alliance and their stooges in the media.

IAC to document violence during AFC 'Mo fire, Slow fire' Agricola campaign

The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) is inviting persons who suffered harm, losses and inconvenience resulting from the Agricola protest/unrest to give statements or submit statements. Please send your statement(s) to or submit comments on our Facebook page. You can also call our office on 222-5162/3. Please call or send comments early. The IAC intends to make representation to national and international authorities on these disturbing incidents.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Law enforcement officials foiled a plan to set on fire several private and government properties after they  received information which led to the search of the home of a Agricola man. The search led to the discovery cache of molotov cocktails and information on an elaborate scheme funded by unnamed persons. The man in custody told police that he and several others were paid $100,000 each to set fire to several properties. He said this was to tie in with the opposition instigated protests at Agricola today.   We will bring more details as they emerge.

APNU, AFC responsible for Agricola protest – govt

The Government of Guyana has condemned what it terms as “the seeming proclivity of the leaders of the Opposition parties to instigate, encourage and condone lawless and illegal activities such as the blocking of roadways, and burning of private and public properties.”
An official says: ” Government recognises and supports the rights of Guyanese to peacefully protest. But these protests must not infringe other Guyanese’s rights and endanger the well-being of citizens.
There is no doubt about the legitimacy of concerns about the conduct of a few ranks of the Guyana Police Force which has sadly and regrettably led to deaths. The loss of life is always distressing. Various investigative processes have been activated. Also, persons are before the Courts in relation to these acts. The Administration and the GPF have condemned excesses and irregular conduct. ”
In slamming the opposition conduct, the official said that “the issuing of ultimatum and threats of protest/disruption by the APNU/AFC opposition are incendiary and encourages lawlessness and harm against ordinary Guyanese.
Today’s blockage of roadways, burning on the streets and acts of robberies in the vicinity of Agricola are the latest manifestations of an Opposition interested in creating mayhem and disruption. Thousands of men, women and children were tonight held to ransom by irresponsible Opposition parties’ leaders who on a daily basis (such as the AFC and APNU media interactions of October 10 and 11) spout vitriol and instability. “


A source in Agricola has informed us that AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes bought the gasolene being used to light fires by opposition protesters who are also robbing and attacking innocent civilians on their way home. The source related that Hughes bought a 5 gallon container of fuel which was used by opposition elements to light several fires along the East Bank public road.

Criminals among the group are also beating and robbing passersby in full view of all.


The APNU and AFC promised to unleash a campaign of terror should Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee not resign or be removed by 12AM this morning and they fulfilled it when their terror agents incited residents of Agricola to light fires and attack innocent citizens on the Agricola and Mc Doom public road this afternoon. Liveinguyana was told that Nigel Hughes, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and several prominent opposition persons held a meeting in the village of Agricola where they told the residents to block roads etc  in protest. They told those gathered that the policemen accused of killing the Agricola teen were instructed to do so by Minister Rohee. This lie caused and uproar in the village and several residents begun to set fire to debris, block the roadways and attack civilians. The police responded and riot police in full riot gear along with the crowd control water canon were deployed to the area. We will bring more updates shortly.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


SUPPORTERS of the Alliance For Change (AFC) must be livid at their Chairman, Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes, for the embarrassment he caused them during the last debate organised by NCN.

Clearly the embarrassment was two-fold, since not only did the learned attorney totally misunderstand the topic, but his venomous and vengeful decorum must have instilled a sense of utter disappointment in those, who in and out of the Party, pride themselves with decency and who may have held him in high esteem.
His utterances during the debate in question did much to effect an evaporation of the high regard some may have held him in. Conversely, it effected a further precipitation of journalism devoid of any semblance of adherence to ethics, professionalism and fairness in some sections of the media. Not surprisingly, it provides fodder to the Kaieteur News which has never been indisposed to demonstrate its ability to sensationalise and to gloat about its propensity to disseminate misinformation.
The said medium has also continued to unashamedly display its proclivity to publish material that is disparaging to the government and its officials, especially former President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo. For sometime now, the paper has devotedly embarked on maligning his character in an effort to deliberately discredit him from the immeasurable contributions he would have made to the development and technological advances Guyana experienced under his tenure.
While such discrediting would be an expected function of the opposition, the Kaieteur News seemed to have not only usurped that task, but blatantly persists in expressing itself, in an irrefutable manner, as the opposition; hence, surprise, surprise, the prominence it gave to Mr. Hughes’ rants on its front and centre pages. A better text-book example of biased, unfair and self-serving journalism cannot be cited. Given the anti-government and anti-developmental positions taken by the Kaieteur News, it would not be challenging to conclude that Mr. Hughes knew in advance that he was assured of preferential space in the said newspaper.
One may also undoubtedly conclude that, given the tendency of both Mr. Hughes and the Kaieteur News to engineer misleading information, the assurance of space was never a concern. However, what must be of concern is the collaboration of the two and their cohorts to deceive the public. While space here will be a constraint to address all the falsehoods pedalled by the AFC Chairman and the Kaieteur News regarding Dr. Jagdeo, the allegation that the former president acquired the most wealth than any other Head of State must not be allowed to go unchallenged.
What the ambitious Attorney and the disingenuous Kaieteur News deliberately circumvented was the fact that Dr. Jagdeo’s assets which they questioned, were acquired and paid for by his hard-earned salary when he executed, with distinction, his duties as Executive President and other positions he held prior. What they also skilfully circumvented is the fact that Dr. Jagdeo’s assets were not acquired through the method of confiscation which former President Forbes Burnham, who has now become the idol of the AFC and the Kaieteur News, was repeatedly accused of.
Guyanese must not allow Mr. Hughes and the Kaieteur News to conveniently forget the many properties which were allegedly forcibly taken away from innocent citizens by Mr. Burnham. During that tyrannical reign of the country’s first Executive President, allegations of such confiscations were rife. An estate, a cinema, a luxury vehicle and apartment complexes and other properties were just some of the assets that Mr. Burnham had allegedly commandeered thereby depriving Guyanese of the fruits of their sweat. In addition, it was also believed that Mr. Burnham amassed enormous wealth to the point of being touted as the fifth richest person of African ancestry in the world at that time!
Related allegations of accounts in overseas banks dominated that period; allegations that were vehemently articulated by some who now occupy prominent position within the AFC! To date, Dr. Jagdeo is the longest serving President of the country. Clearly his salary would have accrued and like any other Guyanese, just like Mr. Hughes and Mr. Glenn Lall, free to utilise his disposable income in a manner he sees fit. Just like thousands of other Guyanese, Dr. Jagdeo acquired a house lot though the prescribed process, built a house, sold it for a price that the buyer agreed to pay and utilised his hard-earned financial resources to build the house that clearly has become the envy of the Kaieteur News and the Opposition.
Dr. Jagdeo’s house became the issue of the debate alluded to rather than its intended topic; the former Presidents’ Pension. What’s ironic is that both the Kaieteur News and the opposition (maybe to save space it may be easier to just say the opposition), prior to the debate, alleged corruption in the bill relating to the former Presidents’ Pension, but none was found! As a matter of fact, Mr. Hughes accepted that he and his party, and by extension, APNU, have no objection about the bill. Such pronouncements glaringly beg the question, what’s the issue with Dr. Jagdeo?
Clearly, it wasn’t the pension. Clearly, it cannot be about a Guyanese legally selling and building a house. Barring that, clearly it’s a case of personal vindictiveness as demonstrated in the debate by the AFC and its Chairman, and what was subsequently carried, or continues to be carried, by the Kaieteur News. Clearly, the vendetta continues to unfold under the guise of freedom of expression. Maybe it’s also a vendetta following the non-conferral of the status of SC to someone who seems infatuated with such a title.

Cocaine Lawyer Nigel Hughes admits being a tax cheat.

Cocaine dealing Attorney-at-law and leader of the Alliance for Change, Nigel Hughes' revelation during his appearance at the National Communications Network(NCN) corruption debate that he paid only $5M in income taxes last year has created quite a stir.
Hughes made the comment after a member of the public upbraided him for his conduct and poor contributions during the fourth edition of the corruption debate series aired on  on Sunday evening.
The member of the public had noted that Hughes was attempting to cast aspersions on all and sundry but did not necessarily expose his shortcomings with respect to paying his taxes.
“I paid $5M income tax last year and I challenge the Guyana Revenue Authority...I don’t get the government work”, he disclosed on the programme.
Already, scores of lawyers and other political commentators have said that they marvelled at the disclosure, arguing that this could not be the sum total of his income tax payments given the scope of his operations and the prominence of the cases that he provides defence services for.
“I would call on the Guyana Revenue Authority to launch an investigation into the authenticity of Hughes income tax payments...further I am convinced that something may be amiss here, and could provide insight into his disclosure”, a prominent legal luminary said after viewing the debates.
But the AFC Chairman further stated strongly that he was “not familiar with many lawyers that paid $5M in income taxes for last year or previous years”, after eyebrows first rose on the programme.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nigel Hughes cannot function as a drug dealing lawyer, politician and diplomat.

Hughes' wife Cathy collects cocaine money from Bramma's brother
Bramma's cocaine lawyer, Nigel Hughes cannot hold the position of Chairman of the Alliance for Change and seek to promulgate himself into the post of Honorary Consul of Italy to Guyana.
This is the position of Liveinguyana and it is similar to that of Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall who said that Hughes was making a mountain out of a molehill, even though he too is aware of the basic facts that would support government’s reason for not finding favour with his name as proposed for the position.
Nandlall, speaking during an invited comment on the issue, which has benefited from widespread media attention with the AFC Chairman laying discrimination charges at the feet of the administration, said that Hughes “cannot function” as an ambassador or diplomat.
“There are international norms, rules, practices and conventions which govern the appointment of diplomats. It’s a process that is based on mutuality”, the Attorney General argued.
Hughes is also a close associate of cocaine kingpin Bramanand Nandalall and is also said to be the god-father of one of his children.  


The publication of aerial photographs of former president Bharat Jagdeo’s house and surroundings by the Kaieteur News constitutes a serious breach of security, according to a senior police official who, when contacted yesterday, said that such a move was unprecedented and totally uncalled for.
He noted that despite the freedom of the local press, the offending publication should have been cognisant of the fact that such photographs could serve to embolden those who have ulterior motives. It was noted that as a former Head of State, Bharat Jagdeo should be afforded the respect that comes with the office and the security implications arising from such an esteemed position.
The decision to publish the photographs which indicate the lay of the land of the compound is a security breach, and the motive to take such action must be considered, the official added. Dignitaries and other high officials are protected by the state and such actions can be compromised by those who claim to act in the name of press freedom.
Certain actions should be sacrosanct and should be upheld, particularly by those who see themselves as guardians of press freedom and democracy, the police officer noted.
The decision taken by the medium should be condemned in the strongest terms and the possibility of legal sanctions should also be considered, according to the senior rank. Those who aided and abetted in the action should also be sanctioned if possible, he further added.
Meanwhile, Member of the National Commission on Law and Order (NCLO), Captain Gerry Gouveia, condemned the publication, stating that, “It virtually compromises our former president’s personal security, because what you are actually doing there is exposing the perimeters of his personal residence to all kinds of reconnaissance and scrutiny. I think it was done in very bad faith actually. So while there is nothing illegal about taking photographs from the air, I believe that what is needed more is the whole concept of moral suasion and good sense and decency by a news agency to respect the privacy and security of our former President,” Mr. Gouveia stated.