Tuesday, June 4, 2024




The vigilante killing of Mc Doom resident Kenny France by Kaieteur News owner Glen Lall is once again under the spotlight. 

According to this Stabroek News report on the incident, Lall was traveling in a car on the East Bank Public Road with three of his friends when he spotted France’s stepson Oclive Marshall, whom he accused of attempting to break into his home sometime earlier. It was during his confrontation with Marshall that Lall shot France in the chest. France died on the way to the hospital.

In a statement given to the police, the Kaieteur News owner who operated a stall at Stabroek Market and was involved in back-tracking (illegal immigration) back then, claimed that he was besieged by a mob during his attempt to arrest Marshall. Lall claimed that there was a scuffle between himself, and France, and the gun accidentally went off hitting the man in the process.

However, Lall’s version of the event was debunked by several eyewitnesses who all said that France was murdered in cold blood. They told Stabroek News that France was some two feet away from Lall when he was shot in cold blood.

Lall used his money to bribe witnesses and despite promises to the contrary by the then Police Commissioner Laurie Lewis, the matter was swept under the rug.  


 People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) leader Aubrey Norton has instructed that there be no observers at that party’s Congress scheduled for June 28th to 30th.

This was made public by PNC/R North American Region (NAR) member Egland Gomes in a post on his Facebook page. Gomes said that Norton, whom he referred to as a dictator, ordered General Secretary Dawn Hastings-Williams to exclude observers from the congress.

The inclusion of observers at Congress has been a longstanding practice that sees party members who have not met the membership requirement being allowed to attend as observers.
“He has handpicked several interim management committees in the regions to control the party membership and delegates,” Gomes wrote.
He also chastised Norton over his unilateral appointment of the committee that will manage the election at Congress.
Norton handpicked Vincent Alexander, a close party colleague of his, to oversee the election that will see him go up against Roysdale Forde and Amanza Walton Desir for the party leader position 

Caller on opposition talk-show calls for beheading of President & Ministers

A caller on one of the PNC/WPA live programmes called for the decapitation of the President, Vice-President, Attorney General, and Minister of Finance without any reprimand by the host Kidackie Amsterdam.