New Yorkers celebrating the PPPs ‘Diamond Jubilee’ on Saturday October 9th with a dinner and dance in New York. The event included a celebratory cake cutting event. Pictured above are, from left, PPP Comrades Reggie Rawana, Raj Singh (President of the ACG), Kawal P. Totaram, Bhola Ramsundar, Roxanne, President Bharrat Jagdeo and Mr. Donald Ramotar
NEW YORKERS, under the auspices of the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG), celebrated the People’s Progressive Party 60th Anniversary with a gala dinner and dance in New York last Saturday evening. Gracing the Diamond Jubilee event were President Bharrat Jagdeo and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr. Donald Ramotar, both of whom provided keynote addresses.
Ramotar, General Secretary of the PPP since 1997, outlined the brave and successful struggles the party has waged on behalf of all Guyanese.He also highlighted the invaluable and tireless efforts of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, ‘The Father of the Nation’.
Ramotar was quite emotional at times as he spoke of the challenges the PPP has faced since its formation on January 1, 1950.
He forcefully pointed out that the PPP has always successfully addressed those challenges and will continue to do so.
He stirred the audience with a nostalgic reminder that the date was October 9th, the very day the constitution of British Guiana was wrongfully suspended by the British Government in 1953.
President Jagdeo spoke of the Party’s gratitude to all of its supporters across Guyana and overseas who have sacrificed so much over the decades.
He singled out Dr. Jagan for special mention. He went on to outline the rebuilding of Guyana’s economy since the PPP triumphantly returned to office in 1992.
He then addressed some of the challenges affecting the nation. These included international trade, global warming and narcotics trafficking.
Many of these challenges were international in the sense that they were also affecting many other Caribbean countries around the world.
A section of the large, distinguished gathering at the PPP Diamond Jubilee event in New York on Saturday last
Nevertheless, the PPP Government was no stranger to challenges and it will continue to create a better life for all Guyanese.
He then addressed the future of Guyana and noted that Guyana was well positioned to address the aforementioned challenges under the astute leadership of the PPP.
He stressed the need for education and reemphasized his intention to provide 90,000 computers to low income families.
Furthermore, he informed the audience that an education television channel will be launched in the New Year in Guyana.
Well just imagine that the PPP overseas supporters are there for them and they aren't the ones benefiting from the PPP leadership in Guyana so you should imagine the PPP supporters here so that is a clear indications of election come 2011.