Tacuma Ogunseye
The African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) held a public meeting held over the weekend at Golden Grove Village, East Coast Demerara. And addressing the small gathering at the junction of Golden Grove Public and Main Roads , ACDA executive member, Tacuma Ogunseye called on African Guyanese to prepare themselves for a two-pronged approach to the next general election-- turn out in their numbers to vote for the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and engage in a rebellion for a constitutional struggle if the coalition loses at the polls.
“We have to go there and cast all our votes but if at the end of the day, we fall short, we have to move to stage two and stage two must be a massive rebellion of African people throughout the length and breadth of this country,” he said.
This is the second such call for insurrection by Ogunseye and it comes after his first racist incitement was roundly condemned. His call however, found favour with extremist elements in society such as Kean Gibson, David Hinds and Mark Benschop.
these people have nothing to do