Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pensions and Pretensions!

Raphael Trotman

Prime News in its newscast last evening aired an interview of former PNC/R Executive member, Mo Fyah, Slow Fyah proponent and now reformed Alliance 4 Change Co-leader Raphael Trotman, in which they sought his views in relation to Clement Rohee's plea for an apology even in her death by those who played a part in the vilest and wickedest forms of protest, including public recourse to obeah, political manoeuvres and subterfuge which preceded and followed the elections of 1997 and eventually resulted in the reduction of Mrs Jagan's term in office by two years. Trotman spoke at length on what he termed ' her illegal occupation of the Presidency', and termed laws passed by the then parliament to be illegal also.

Esther Perriera's court challenge to the elections of 1997 was upheld for reason/s that are known publicly; the PNC agreed to the usage of a voter identification card that disallowed multiple voting and provided transparency and when they lost the elections challenged it in court on the grounds that the usage of the very voter identification card was unconstitutional.
It is what we call 'Two chance gamble'! Quite contrary to the PNC's claims the court also found the electoral list to be credible.

However, Trotman is amongst those that are vociferously calling for the matters surrounding the issuance of her late husband's pension to Mrs Joyce Hoyte to be resolved swiftly even though he is very much aware that her husband occupied the Presidency illegally via the most massively rigged elections ever in the history of Guyana. In fact Hoyte out-did Burnham.
And while Janet Jagan gave up 2 years of her Presidency in accepting an agreement brokered via the St Lucia Accord out of her interest for nation building and preserving national unity, even though she was given a mandate to rule by 56% of the electorate, Hoyte prolonged his tenure illegally from 1990 to 1992 after it was found that the electoral list compiled for the elections of 1990 could not withstand scrutiny and was severly padded.

Trotman seems to have forgotten his past! And his new-found association with Ramjattan gives further credence to the saying 'Politics produces strange bed-fellows'! In the aftermath of the elections of 1997 whilst Trotman was busy looting and burning, Ramjattan stood in front of the Discount Store urging those that were subjected to the brutality of Trotman and the PNC to retaliate. In one instance he was so incensed by the actions of Trotman and the PNC protesters that he urged persons driving to 'lick dem down! I gon represent ya'll free in court'!

Perhaps it is fitting that Ramjattan be reminded of the parlance 'He who is being carried does not realize how far the Town is'!


  1. Banna when ya power thirst ya would stoop to any level fa get it! And that is what Ramjattan doing!!

  2. Things and time change-so did Ramjattan’s mind change.

    Ramjattan is one ah dem that will turn his left jaw for you to slap after slapping the right side.
