Harry Gill: Well for once, I’ve found something that I can agree with Mark Archer when he wrote, “You cannot paint a horse and call it a zebra” (Kaieteur News, Sept. 27).
This is exactly what I’ve been trying to convey to the Guyanese people.
Changing its name from PNCR to APNU will not fool the electorate, and neither can David Granger divorce himself from the current PNC regime, “its atrocities, its neglect, its corruption, its thievery and its shame.”
Quite frankly, I think Mark Archer and APNU should pay Kaieteur News for the valuable space they’re now enjoying to shamelessly spew Granger’s talking points in his letters.
He’s beginning to rival Freddie Kissoon for his excessive ornateness of language, filled with anger and hate for the PPP/C Administration.
I advise Mark Archer to first consult with official APNU spokesmen before making reckless, erroneous statements like, “the country is being destroyed by criminals masquerading as leaders.”
For if this is true, why would Dr. Clive Thomas, a APNU Policy Committee member, declare they will embrace the PPP in a national unity government despite that party’s efforts to “wound” the APNU? This doesn’t make sense, does it?
Sources familiar with APNU indicate there are rising problems within that party that may put the final nail in the PNC coffin. The junior members of APNU are very nervous with the active role ex-GDF officers are playing in Granger’s campaign, and fear they may be taking over. David Granger himself seems to be putting some distance between himself and the tarnished image of the PNC in an effort to “paint” a new image for himself. This may account for APNU’s failure to agree on the content of their manifesto, and the composition for its members in the National Assembly in the unlikely event of them winning.
In a press conference held last Monday, APNU/PNC senior member Lance Carberry admitted there has been no major addition to that group in recent weeks, despite an open invitation to accept rejects from other political parties. He believes “there is a groundswell of grassroots support for the grouping which is promising Guyanese a unity government like never seen before on local shores.” He thinks the number of people supporting APNU is growing every day because people are “fed up and angry” with the way the government has dealt with the nation’s business.
You “Think” Mr. Carberry? There is no evidence that I have seen anywhere that would suggest you know what you’re talking about. I’m still anxiously awaiting some feedback on the meeting held last Monday in Brooklyn, New York, on the official launch of APNU’s North American campaign.
Apart from a vague article published online by Demerara Waves, no one would have known this event ever occurred. No photographs; no details on what was said or promised; no mention of the number of attendees, although I was reliably informed that the meeting started late, was disorganized, with no more than one hundred and forty persons present.
Amazingly, none of this appeared in Kaieteur News, Stabroek News, or on APNU’s official website and Facebook wall. Nothing either from their feature speaker Malcolm Harripaul, who has an enormous appetite for writing. Could it be the poor, embarrassing turnout that prevented this?
Surely when one compares the overwhelming reception that President Jagdeo and PPP/C Presidential candidate Donald Ramotar received at a crowded Club Tobago in Queens, New York, a few months ago, APNU’s leadership must now realize how unrealistic and impossible a campaign goal they’ve set themselves.
For if they cannot get 300 supporters to attend a well advertised meeting in a predominantly Black West Indian area of Brooklyn, New York, How do they intend to raise US$6 million to defeat the PPP/C?
In his Kaieteur News article of September 23, Peeping Tom articulates this thought extremely well, “That sum seems beyond APNU, unless of course they plan to pawn Guyana out, which is not something that the Guyanese people are ever going to accept. So it does seem as if APNU does not have an idea of how to set a realistic financial target for its campaign financing.
If APNU cannot do this, then how can it hope to be entrusted with the financial management of an economy which has grown far larger and more complex than when the PNC administered the economy?”
I could not have said it any better. I rest my case!