“Both the Sharmas’ pleaded for leniency, Sharma’s wife, Savitree particularly pleaded to four months while Sharma asked for two months I asked for an excuse from the meeting with them went and consulted and came back with the decision to grant their request for the four months.”
The President also stressed the seriousness of the offence and said he will not sit by and allow any group of persons or any programme to create religious or racial descent in Guyana.
He also alluded to the countless prior transgressions by the television outfit and stressed that issue is beyond Sharma and an apology to Bishop Juan Edghill He chided the political opposition for their divisive stance on the issue and hope that they would join forces to condemn such a divisive programme that can spell trouble in a multi – religious and racial society like Guyana.
Dr. Jagdeo also stressed that the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting comprises of a member of the main opposition, a private sector member and a government representative, hence their independence
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