Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is it Stabroek or AFC News?


  1. The Stabroek news is the only strong supporter that the AFC have currently for now.

  2. Well this newspaper editor is a supporter of the AFC and with this its no surprise that they are carrying all AFC articles to help them in their dieing struggle to gain some political mileage

  3. Since the AFC was launched this newspaper was always pedaling AFC articles which show that they are in support of the AFC.....

  4. The Stabroek news is the only paper that shows strong support for the AFC.There is probably a draw back for the news paper from the party if they get in power.

  5. Don't really know what the ties are between the AFC and Stabroek News but it is a rather close and faithful one giving props despite and in light of the “claptrap” AFC is known for... Stabroek is noted for its twisted headlines and weak stories covering the Government's developmental works throughout Guyana.
