Monday, June 27, 2011

Demerara Waves part of the PNC anti-ERC agenda

Demerara Waves in an attempt to fulfill its mandate as part of the Opposition media published a story today in which it falsely claimed that the chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), Bishop Juan Edghill is acting in contravention of a court order obtained by APNU leader, Robert Corbin. The order seeks to stymie the work of the ERC and was condemned as such by the ruling PPP/C and various stake holders.

It is simply dishonest for Demerara Waves to publish a picture that was taken long before the court action whilst seeking to carry out the bidding of their political masters. It also goes to show the distance Corbin and his agents are willing to go in order to maintain a stranglehold on their supporters. Bishop Edghill has flatly denied all of the allegations contained in the Demerara Waves article and we here at Liveinguyana urge him and the other members of the ERC to remain steadfast in the face of yet another onslaught by Opposition elements.

1 comment:

  1. Whats is wrong with the PNC and the others that do their work.The ERC has their work to do not the way that they set out to do their to create confusion and mislead people.
