Reports are circulating about the likelihood of AFC Sheila Holder resigning from Parliament over the revelation of her fictitious study about old age pensioners and the AFC attempt to mischievously remove 17, 000 old age pensioners from the national register.
Mrs. Holder is known for making outrageously ridiculous statements that puts the AFC to embarrassment. Last year Khemraj Ramjattan who is AFC's 2011 presidential candidate was forced to apologise to parliament for deliberately misleading the house about information about the contribution of another parliamentarian.
Oh wow! These people are too ridiculous... Sheila should make haste and come off the seen... don't really see the sense of her seated in the Parliament, it's not like if she positively contributes... Then again, this just goes to show the weak heartedness of the AFC members, if given the Presidency of this country, they couldn’t last a day; they might want to decline from pressures of the job...