Saturday, April 30, 2011

AFC/PNC hooligans fail to disrupt PPP New York meeting

A group of around 12 hooligans recruited by the AFC and PNC failed in their bid to disrupt a meeting held in New York by the PPP during which President Jagdeo and the party's 2011 Presidential candidate Donald Ramotar spoke.
Hundreds packed the hall which consisted a wide cross section of mainly overseas based Guyanese who came out to offer their support to the visiting delegation. The success of the event was further underscored by the attendance of NY City Hall officialls and other Political Leaders.
Several of the individuals in attendance some of whom hailed from Queens and others from Brooklyn remarked that they came to the meeting to congratulate President Jagdeo and his visiting delegation for the progress in all sectors across Guyana which they have observed first hand during their visits back home over the past few years. They also encourged their fellow countrymen to not fall prey to those who want to destabalize Guyana's continued growth for their narrow political agenda; pointing to the fact that they were impressed that Guyana was able to withstand the effects of the Global Financial crisis and still find the means to further consolidate its development.

1 comment:

  1. The AFC and PNC need to realize that there every attempt to disrupt or try to get there people of Guyana to turn there back against the PPP has fail or blow of in there faces.
