Tuesday, April 12, 2011

JOKE OF THE DAY: TUC to agitate for removal of the Gov't

The TUC is actually these three jokers in the picture


  1. Well this is a site to behold… I know the Bible says that “where twos and threes are gathered together so shall I be in the midst” but I doubt it that two or three gathering to picket against the government will make any sense. The funny thing about these anti government forces is that they do all that’s in their power to bring down the Government but fail miserably ever so often. Smh!

  2. well they jus appear from the bottom of de barrel...this is so disgraceful...a mean who are they...TUC who?? lolol..they better go back to where they came from an stop making a mockery of politics..

  3. SMH...these three morons just want to talk because they have a mouth.This is like the first time im actually hear about them.Did they came from under a rock?
