This was after world governing body, itself administered by politicians, issued a statement in which it reaffirmed its principle of non-interference in the sport by politicians. The statement was published on ESPN's Cricinfo website and attracted comments which were all critical of the ICC.
Here are some of those comments:
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ok this article is leaving out some very critical information.. The Berbise Cricket club filed a motion against the GCB in Guyana court, because the GCB was in breach of its own constitution and was not legally elected. The courts have made a ruling that the GCB is not legally constituted and moved to dissolve the Board of the GCB asking the Minister of Sport to appoint an interim committee (the IMC) to over see the administration of the sport until the GCB has a legally elected and constituted board.... The IMC therefore is the GCB and has the authority to conduct business on behalf of the GCB ... The WICB refuses to deal with the IMC and continues to recognise the Board that is not constitutionally elected. One should also Note the Sarawan plays for the Berbice Cricket Club and has been dropped by the WICB and "former" GCB board from the Guyana Team.. why does this article leave out the facts?
Posted by Haleos on (February 01 2012, 14:06 PM GMT)How about interference of the Govt(directly/indirectly) in BCCI and PCB. Both run by jokers.
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ICC and FIFA. Two of a kind. Cricketers are citizens of a country. The country is expected through their respective Ministries of Sport to provide assistance be it financial, facilities or otherwise in order that the country can put out a competitive team. Yet they must have no say in how the sport is run. It's the whole "You back us and we will keep you in office" set up that has kept FIFA cronies in office for so long.
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the ICC just don't understand the situation that we had ... the GCB wasn't functioning and the IMC was set up to save cricket, GCB is already dissolved so all WICB has to do now is to recognize the IMC as the board of control of cricket in Guyana and we can all can it a day :)
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Well, that's interesting. I mean, you have Clive Lloyd heading the IMC, and the IMC was formed only after the Judiciary ruled, or in layman terms, ordered the Minister to intervene. Firstly, ICC in this case is acting against the will of the Judiciary of Guyana, and someone should censure *them* for threatening Guyanese sovereignty. Secondly, Lloyd's chairmanship makes people wonder whether the Minister was just being a douche or had valid reasons. ICC should have examined the situation before putting a template statement of concern.
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The ICC should first look at itself and it's handling of Zimbabwe.... there goverment not only controls the game there but the have their hand in the cookie Jar with all the monies that comes from the ICC, yet the ICC take a hands off approach. We put Clive Lloyd in charge... someone who know the game better than most if not all within the ICC.
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If the ICC doesn't like the IMC, then the fans of the game should. The interests of the ICC, WICB and all the children cricket boards under the WICB are grossly self serving. Increased control is the only reason the ICC is pushing governments out of cricket. Its a very bad move for fans and for the state of the game. With government oversight, fans and players can have a higher authority to go to, should the need arise. The rest of the Caribbean governments should follow suit and dissolve the WICB and set up new leadership, one that is answerable to the fans.
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Hold on? This article does not state that it is the Berbice Cricket Club that took the GCB to court (not the Guyana Government). The GCB was found by a court to be in breach of its OWN constitution and not properly elected ! The Court ordered the dissolution of the board and asked the Minister of sport to appoint an INTERIM committee to conduct the duties of the GCB until the GCB rectifies its situation. As the GCB is not the duly elected they have no authority and it is a local club that took them to court.... BTW, the GCB has selected a team for the regional 4-day competition and left out Sarawan. Guess which club Sarawan plays for in Guyana!
Posted by Thandiwe on (February 01 2012, 12:32 PM GMT)The ICC must be very careful to set out its principles of non-political involvement in cricket administration. The Guyana case is not a norm. Is the ICC more willing to accept a non-democractic, illegal entity more so than a short-term government intervention under special circumstances? If the GCB is not a legal entity, how is it being recognized by the WICB and the ICC? The ICC needs to research their cases before making such public statements.
Posted by mohamedamin on (February 01 2012, 12:22 PM GMT)How can the ICC condemn the Guyana Government when "At the moment, the President of the ICC is a politician and a Minister of Government in India. Other Boards, for example Sri Lanka and Pakistan, are still government controlled. Hunte, the President of the WICB, is the Chairman of the St Lucia Labour Party. He and Hilaire just recently while President and CEO WICB campaigned very actively for that party"......This is like 'The Donkey talking about long ears'.....And for the records, the 2 year time period is not up...the article was issued on June 30th 2011.....From my count two year has not elapsed yet....Why didnt the ICC condemn the Sri Lanka recently concluded troubled and Government controlled election???????Why Guyana?????
To the ICC board, Gentlemen, ANY story or allegation of any kind has three(3)sides; The Accuser, the Accused and the Truth. A precedent was set by SRI LANKA/Pakistan, so your statement concerning Government's involvement is debatable, On what grounds are you condemning the Government of Guyana,?;What has the WICB done to settle the problems in Guyana's Cricket, which started some 2 years ago.I am certain the Government of Guyana would want to discuss all of the ramifications with a delegation from your Board not the WICB who has accepted from all appearances this Guyana Cricket Board, which, the Government through it's Courts have deemed to be Non Entities;The Government of Guyana is a Sovereign Country with it's own laws and constitution. The Government, has said, it would be investigating a trail of all kinds of allege Corruption that leads to that GCB, which the Courts of Guyana, have looked at and made their decision;MY humble suggestion/recommendation as a cricket enthusiast/stakeholder would be for you to send a delegation which would be Neutral and unbiased in their judgement, to arbitrate on the entire impasse, so that their will be no compromise of the TRUTH, ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY.The findings of that process must and would be final.