Monday, March 14, 2011

Granger is DANGER


  1. Granger is dangerous to the Guyanese citizen espically the young generation of this country who will bte the future of the country.

  2. Well he is cause he lived in the past and what Guyana went through under the PNC and these people lived by that law all the days of their lives.

  3. Grnager the Joker, he will move Guyana even futher back then the Comrade Leader, thus destroying the hard won freedom and quality of life that we are now accustomed to under the PPP. Only a fool would vote for Granger, so we need to get the message out of don't be fooled by granger, he is not only dnagerous, but dunce and will take this country back to doom and despair like in the days of the Comrade Leader Burnham.
