- New Nation
Kaieteur Newshas lost credibility and practices terrible journalism as a result of its exposure of his lie - The Canadian currently in Guyana conducting workshops for the reporters of the
privateopposition media agrees with him that Glen Lall is a dunce, who like Stella Ramsaroop, is unfamiliar with the inner threads of journalism - Stella Ramsaroop is intellectually challenged
dunceand her overseas residency makes her unable to understand Guyana's complexities. - Dale Andrews, Gary Eleazar and others agree that the egomaniac Glen Lall should not have instructed his servant Adam Harris to expose Donkey's
Freddie Kissoonlie, since New NationKaieteur Newsis a daily source of lies. - Don't believe everything you read in the New Nation
Kaieteur News
This news paper has no shame nor dignity on how the do journalism.They are looking to have history repeat itself with the start of protesting and cacaos in the country with the lies that they keep peddling to the public.